RP Log | Traffic Jam

Jun 20, 2009 12:07

with polkadotsnplaid as Ross

Capt. Danny Ross: *Danny is in his office, door ajar*
Det. Alex Eames: *Alex is at her desk, finishing off reports by herself since Goren has gone off... somewhere*
Capt. Danny Ross: *gets a phone call, tells them some stuff, then pokes his head out of his office door. Not even really looking, he calls out* Goren! Eames!
Det. Alex Eames: *hears her name and looks up towards Ross' office... slowly glances towards Goren's desk and blinks. Figures 'what the hell' and goes into his office by herself*

Det. Alex Eames: You rang?
Capt. Danny Ross: I did. *usual grim-looking Ross* Congressional aide and his apparent girlfriend killed out on Staten Island. Much as I'd love to send Logan on a jaunt to Staten Island, he and Green are already out on another case.
Det. Alex Eames: *winces* I see. Well--*looks back towards the empty desks and then scratches the back of her ear* Goren isn't here... but I'll try to get hold of him on the way there...
Capt. Danny Ross: *sighs, eyeroll* I'll come with you. The press will be all over this when they get wind of it.
Det. Alex Eames: Oh, great.
Det. Alex Eames: That's just what we need...
Capt. Danny Ross: *smirks, goes to grab his suit jacket, as he's currently in his shirtsleeves, and his other useful things, such as his gun and phone*
Det. Alex Eames: *returns his smirk and then disappears to get her own things and vaguely thinks about killing Goren for missing a crime scene*

Capt. Danny Ross: *comes back out, suit jacket on, gun holstered, phone in hand*
Det. Alex Eames: *waiting for him at the edge of her desk, holding her car keys*
Capt. Danny Ross: Are you driving or am I?
Det. Alex Eames: I am. *starts to lead the way out*
Capt. Danny Ross: ...great. *follows*
Det. Alex Eames: *smirking as she walks to the elevator* You're not afraid I'm a bad driver, are you?
Capt. Danny Ross: Not at all.
Det. Alex Eames: Good. *gets in the elvator*
Capt. Danny Ross: Just not used to having a partner who wants to drive. *gets in as well*
Det. Alex Eames: Oh, well, in that case feel free to take an hour off from being the one who drives.
Capt. Danny Ross: *smirks* Thanks. *checks the time*
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks back*
Capt. Danny Ross: *his phone goes off, looks at the caller ID and with a wear look, answers* Ross. *pause* Yes, Commissioner....
Det. Alex Eames: *raises her brow but keeps quiet whilst he talks on the phone*
Capt. Danny Ross: Yes, we got that call. I'm on my way to the scene now, actually. *pause* I'm seeing to it personally. Myself and Detective Eames. *another longer pause*
Det. Alex Eames: *hates it when her name is mentioned in a conversation where she can only hear one side*

Capt. Danny Ross: ...no, Detective Goren is out in the field regarding another case. *rolls his eyes as he says it, vaguely annoyed - hard to tell whether at Goren for not being there and having to cover for him, or for being grilled by the brass or for both*

Det. Alex Eames: *slight frown at this, fiddles with the keys in her hand*
Capt. Danny Ross: I will let you know once we've gotten there and evaluated the situation. Mmm-hmm. Thank you, Commissioner. *hangs up the phone with the same look of annoyance, clips it to his belt*

Det. Alex Eames: *gets out the elevator since it just arrived*

Capt. Danny Ross: *gets out, also*

Det. Alex Eames: *decides not to ask about the phone call, she got the gist. she leads the way to the car*
Capt. Danny Ross: *follows*
Det. Alex Eames: *gets in the car and then checks her phone to see if Goren has left her a message before starting the engine*
Capt. Danny Ross: *gets in, buckles up*
Det. Alex Eames: *drives*

Capt. Danny Ross: *watches the road....is not looking forward to long drive to Staten Island* ....how's your daughter? *once they hit the first bout of traffic*

Det. Alex Eames: *keeping her eye on the road although it seems useless since it's going so slow* She's good, thank you. Coming along in leaps and bounds at the moment. *smile*
Capt. Danny Ross: Getting nearer to a year, isn't she?
Det. Alex Eames: *tries not to show how shocking that fact is to her* Yes, yes she is.
Capt. Danny Ross: Goes by fast.
Det. Alex Eames: I'm amazed by how fast. *nods*

Capt. Danny Ross: Just wait till she starts to walk...
Det. Alex Eames: She's working on it... at least I won't have to go to the gym any time soon. I'll be chasing after her instead.
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks*

Capt. Danny Ross: *chuckles*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles* How are your boys?
Capt. Danny Ross: The youngest one is all right.
Capt. Danny Ross: The oldest one is a pain in the ass.
Capt. Danny Ross: *said somewhat fondly*

Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles* Sounds like boys.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: Just a typical teenage phase for the older one? *re: him being a pain in the ass*
Capt. Danny Ross: I hope so.
Det. Alex Eames: I'm sure it is.

Capt. Danny Ross: *small smile* Is it bad when I start to get grateful he's at his mom's a good portion of the time?
Det. Alex Eames: It's only bad if it's all the time and you never want him around.
Capt. Danny Ross: Which it's not. You know, there was a time he thought that my being a cop was "cool." ...back when he was little. Now he thinks taking a parental order from me is in direct violation of his civil rights and says he won't give in 'to the man'. I tried to explain to him that he has no idea what 'fighting the man' really means.
Det. Alex Eames: *little chuckle at that* I guess they all grow up eventually. How old is he?

Capt. Danny Ross: Nearly 16.
Det. Alex Eames: Ah. Hopefully this "sticking it to the man" business won't last too much longer.
Capt. Danny Ross: It better not.
Det. Alex Eames: Didn't you go through a similar phase as a teen?
Capt. Danny Ross: *thinks* Probably...except that was different. It was 1970. There actually was a revolution going on.
Det. Alex Eames: *laughs* I actually meant the going-against-your-parents phase, but yes, that, too. *pause* Wait... you were a hippy?
Det. Alex Eames: *is glad she's stuck in traffic, she might have slammed her break on*

Capt. Danny Ross: *shrugs*
Det. Alex Eames: All that time you spent sticking it to the man... and now you -are- the man. *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: ....yeahhh.

Det. Alex Eames: *containing the urge to burst out laughing, simply smiles instead*
Capt. Danny Ross: *scratches his head, shrugs*
Capt. Danny Ross: Not all of us were born into cop families. Hell, I'm still not quite sure how a guy like John Munch became a cop...
Det. Alex Eames: Hey there's nothing wrong with a cop family *smirks* Munch? I have no idea. He still is a hippy.
Capt. Danny Ross: He's...something. I didn't say there was - I just meant - it's a stereotype -- obviously, the entire NYPD doesn't fall into that stereotype.
Det. Alex Eames: I never said it did either.

Capt. Danny Ross: *nods, hand resting on chin, looks out the window* ...have we moved in the last ten minutes?
Det. Alex Eames: *grumbles* ...no. *annoyed!face*
Capt. Danny Ross: *as if on cue, his phone rings*
Capt. Danny Ross: *answers it without checking the number after unclipping it from his belt* Ross. *pause*...yes, Chief. I did tell the Commissioner that..
Det. Alex Eames: *glances over at him, frowning*

Capt. Danny Ross: ...well, it would help if we weren't stuck in rush-hour traffic. Yes, Detective Eames and myself. We're getting there as fast as we can.
Det. Alex Eames: *lots of car horns going off, Alex resists the urge to honk back at the driver behind her who is getting impatient*
Capt. Danny Ross: Sir, I think the media are stuck in the same traffic we are. *pause* Yes, we do have sirens, sir, and as soon as it's actually safe and feasible to use ours, we will. *his voice is barely tactful and his face is a lot more annoyed than that*

Det. Alex Eames: *finds herself looking out the window and wondering why the hell the chief would believe they'd still be able to squeeze their car through a traffic jam, sirens or not. rolls her eyes*
Capt. Danny Ross: No, no, thank you. *hangs up*
Capt. Danny Ross: Jesus.
Det. Alex Eames: Do I want to know? *raises her brow*
Capt. Danny Ross: Just the Chief of Ds wanting to know why we hadn't arrived on scene yet.
Det. Alex Eames: Oh, well if he knows of a way to get this traffic moving, I'm all ears. *eyeroll*

Det. Alex Eames: *looooots of sarcasm*
Capt. Danny Ross: He didn't, of course.

Det. Alex Eames: Typical.
Det. Alex Eames: *driver behind her keeps beeping his horn, Alex takes a deep breath and taps the steering wheel*
Capt. Danny Ross: *rubs his head*
Det. Alex Eames: *finally gets to move the car forward a few spaces*
Capt. Danny Ross: Lovely.
Det. Alex Eames: This is ridiculous. *grumbles*
Capt. Danny Ross: No kidding. *traffic lets up enough to get them at least headed toward the Narrows bridge, which will get them to Staten Island*
Det. Alex Eames: *relieved to be moving some*
Capt. Danny Ross: *ruffles his hair idly, glancing out the window again*
Det. Alex Eames: *winds down the window*
Capt. Danny Ross: *yawns*

Det. Alex Eames: Uh... tired or bored?
Capt. Danny Ross: Both?
Det. Alex Eames: Ah, sorry to bore you.
Det. Alex Eames: *watching the road*
Capt. Danny Ross: You're better company than I usually get. *smirk*
Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles* Who is that usually?
Capt. Danny Ross: The brass?
Det. Alex Eames: I thought maybe you were referring to a specific person. *shrugs*
Capt. Danny Ross: Not really.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* Fair enough.

Capt. Danny Ross: *his phone rings again, looks down, debating whether to answer* Gee, it's the Commissioner. Maybe I should let *you* answer it.
Det. Alex Eames: Is -that- wise?
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: ....you have a point.
Det. Alex Eames: You could always say you went through a tunnel...
Capt. Danny Ross: *smirks, hits 'ignore' button*
Det. Alex Eames: *huge smirk*
Capt. Danny Ross: I'm sure I'll get an angry voicemail. Oh, well.
Det. Alex Eames: Just remind him that technology isn't always that reliable. It works with Goren. *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: Oh does it?
Det. Alex Eames: That's only because I got used to figuring out when he was ringing for no reason.

Det. Alex Eames: ...and then sometimes, I honestly didn't hear the phone. *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: ...he rings you for no reason?
Det. Alex Eames: Well, he gets caught up in theories that he'll ring me about something he could just as easily discuss with me in the morning. *shrugs*
Capt. Danny Ross: Lucky you.
Capt. Danny Ross: *smirk*
Det. Alex Eames: That might be why having Ellie wake up every couple of hours didn't seem to affect me as much *smirks back*

Capt. Danny Ross: *laughs*

Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles*

Capt. Danny Ross: *traffic clears a bit more, allowing for them to at least get on the bridge*

Det. Alex Eames: *goes, and then the traffic stops again and she leans back and rests her head*
Det. Alex Eames: *out of quiet frustration*
Capt. Danny Ross: *absentmindedly humming to himself under his breath*
Det. Alex Eames: *her own phone goes off and she checks the message, knowing the traffic won't move whilst she does that*
Capt. Danny Ross: *glances over*

Det. Alex Eames: *she frowns a little at the message, then with a sigh she puts the phone back down*
Capt. Danny Ross: *raises a brow but doesn't ask*
Det. Alex Eames: *thinking!face, the traffic moves forward a bit*
Det. Alex Eames: *notices he's no longer humming and she glances over at him*
Det. Alex Eames: *raising her own brow at his raised brow*
Capt. Danny Ross: Everything all right?
Det. Alex Eames: *hesitates* Uh-- yes. It wasn't work related.
Capt. Danny Ross: --all right. *slight nod, not wanting to press her*
Det. Alex Eames: *looking ahead, wanting to explain because it seems awkward otherwise* My mom started therapy today due to her stroke. *traffic stops again*
Capt. Danny Ross: Ah. Did it go well?
Det. Alex Eames: Apparently not.
Capt. Danny Ross: I'm sorry to hear that.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* Thanks.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods again*
Det. Alex Eames: *clears her throat*

Capt. Danny Ross: *glances back out the window, tapping a finger on the side of the door that he's resting his arm on*
Det. Alex Eames: *after a long moment, she grumbles* This is taking forever. *that annoyed that she'll state the obvious*
Capt. Danny Ross: Yes, it is.
Capt. Danny Ross: *Captain Obvious*

Det. Alex Eames: I'm surprised they haven't tried to ring you again...

Capt. Danny Ross: Oh, my...phone is on silent now...hunh. How did that happen...
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks* I see...
Capt. Danny Ross: *innocent!face*
Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles, seeing right through that*
Capt. Danny Ross: Oops.
Det. Alex Eames: Is that what you'll tell the chief later? "Oops"?
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: *shrugs* Something like that.
Det. Alex Eames: *little laugh*
Capt. Danny Ross: *smirk*

Det. Alex Eames: Probably for the best.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *yawns*
Capt. Danny Ross: *twiddles his thumbs*
Capt. Danny Ross: *for real*
Det. Alex Eames: *yawns again, behind the back of her hand*
Capt. Danny Ross: Don't fall asleep.

Det. Alex Eames: *realises she's yawning* Sorry... it's been a long few weeks.
Capt. Danny Ross: It's all right.
Det. Alex Eames: I'm sure I'll wake up when the traffic moves.
Capt. Danny Ross: I hope so.
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks* There's no need to worry.
Capt. Danny Ross: *traffic starts to move*

aim log, danny ross, crime scene, mcs

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