RP Log | Unlucky Alcohol

Feb 13, 2009 12:45

with wheeler_mcs

[Megan Wheeler]: *Wheeler sat on a stool at the cop bar she and others tended to frequent. She'd already ordered a beer, just put in front of her, and she turned around to watch for Eames*
[Alex Eames]: *Alex wasn't too far behind her- she walked into the bar and spotted her almost immediately. She headed over to her and smiled with a nod* Hey. *She hopped onto a stool*

[Megan Wheeler]: *Wheeler grinned* Hey. *She turned back around to the bar, taking a drink of her beer* How's your day been?
[Alex Eames]: Can't complain, really. Yours? *she quickly orders herself a drink*
[Megan Wheeler]: Pretty good. Quiet, for once! *chuckles, turns to the bartender* First one's on my tab. Rest she has to pay for herself.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Thanks. *smirks* You mean you're getting peace and quiet as well? What's the secret?
[Megan Wheeler]: Turning the cell off. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: Ah, *she nodded with a smirk* easier said than done.
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yeah. *pause* Might have been turning mine on every so often to make sure there were no messages from the captain.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* I hope there were no urgent messages from him.
[Megan Wheeler]: Not today at least. *smiles* That's why you didn't see me rushing in today!

[Alex Eames]: Aren't you the lucky one? Just wait, this string of luck you've got going on will end soon. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yes. I just know I'm going to have bad things happen to me to make up for today! *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* At least you can prepare yourself. Let me know when it's gonna be- I'll avoid the squadroom like the plague.
[Megan Wheeler]: Once I figure it out, you'll be the first to know. Well. Maybe the second. Might be best to warn Ross too! The others can just deal with it.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* You gonna let Logan find out the hard way?
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* He deserves it.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles with a nod* *pauses* Yes, yes, he does.
[Megan Wheeler]: Besides, maybe it'd rub off on him and end my streak early!

[Alex Eames]: No, see, that would be lucky. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: Maybe the fates will decide he deserves it more? *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* As long as the fates don't hit me with it, I'm fine with whoever gets it.
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh, your time will come, my friend!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Again? Damn. *shakes her head, sarcastically*
[Alex Eames]: I'm sure it will. I'd just like to keep it a bay for as long as possible.

[Megan Wheeler]: Can't blame you there. *grins* But, hey, might as well enjoy the good luck while it lasts.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* To good luck? *raises her beer*
[Megan Wheeler]: To good luck. *raises her beer, laughing, then drinks*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles, and takes a drink* Mm, haven't had this in a long time.

[Megan Wheeler]: Wonderful, isn't it? *chuckles* The kid been behaving herself lately?
[Alex Eames]: Yes. I'd forgotten how good this tasted. *grins* Well... I don't know about behaving herself but she's doing well. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *smiles* Well, one out of two isn't bad.
[Alex Eames]: *smirks* Yes. *sips her drink* I wouldn't mind having your quiet life, though- even just for a day. *smirks again*
[Megan Wheeler]: *has to grin* Next time my sister wants to sign me up for speed dating, I'll babysit the kid and you can go in my place. How's that sound? *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* On second thoughts, I'll stick with Ellie. You didn't actually -go- to this speed dating, did you?

[Megan Wheeler]: No, no, no. I've been very carefully avoiding that, but she's like any little sister- doesn't give up easily! *shakes head but is laughing* Do Ellie a favor- no little sisters!
[Alex Eames]: Oh, trust me, there'll be no more kids. *laughs* I guess your little sister is another reason to turn your cell off. Next she'll be setting you up on blind dates.
[Megan Wheeler]: I'd much rather get a "Wheeler, get down here" call from Ross than a "Guess what, Megan! I know someone you'll just love meeting!" call from her! *laughs, takes another drink*

[Alex Eames]: So, what happens when she starts getting a bit more creative? *chuckles* Like, having you meet the guy without you knowing what's going on.
[Megan Wheeler]: I'll just have to catch on quickly!
[Alex Eames]: Being a detective, you'll have some advantage.
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* Definitely. Let's just hope I can apply the same skills to figuring out my sister!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Good luck. If she's anything like mine, she'll be tricky
[Megan Wheeler]: *nods solemnly but is grinning* Sisters are much more tricky than perps.

[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* It's because they have years to learn everything.
[Megan Wheeler]: And because they've known you! They know how you think.
[Alex Eames]: *amused* That works both ways, of course. You should know her.
[Megan Wheeler]: Yes, we're very evenly matched in that area. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: Should be a good battle. Enjoy it. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: As long as she doesn't enlist you. Then it's war. *smirks*
[Alex Eames]: Me? I'm going nowhere near this. I like to keep out of sisterly battles. *chuckles*

[Megan Wheeler]: Good. Because she's talked about getting help from my friends. *takes another drink* Keeping her faaar away from Logan.
[Alex Eames]: She really does mean war. Definitly keep her away from Logan, that could become messy.
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: Bad things might happen to Logan if he gets involved in this. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* No kidding. He'd enjoy it as well.
[Megan Wheeler]: I know he would! *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: Would your sister try to enlist Captain Ross?
[Megan Wheeler]: *pauses* ...He'd find a way to politely get out of it, wouldn't he?
[Alex Eames]: ...maybe? *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: Yeeeah. Going to make sure she doesn't talk to anyone.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Probably for the best. Better safe than sorry.
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* Definitely. Besides, then she'd start using all of you to check up on me.
[Alex Eames]: Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't take part. *amused*

[Megan Wheeler]: Suure you wouldn't. *grinning though*
[Alex Eames]: *innocent smirk*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles, taking another drink*
[Alex Eames]: Of course I wouldn't. Unless...
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: There's always an "unless." *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: Of course, the world would be boring without them
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: It really would. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles, sips her drink* Good luck.
[Megan Wheeler]: *takes another drink as well* Thanks. And you too!
[Alex Eames]: *amused* Thanks.

[Alex Eames]: I take it you're all settled back since you went to Europe?
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yes. Got settled in here much more quickly than I did there. Good to be home definitely. *smiles*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* That bad there?
[Megan Wheeler]: Not bad, just... not home. You know? *leans against the bar, taking another drink*
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, I know. I don't think I could go.
[Alex Eames]: *sips her drink*
[Megan Wheeler]: It'd be great with company for a vacation! But alone for work? Not so much.

[Alex Eames]: Oh, I could use a vacation. Extra work just sounds like torture to me. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: Especially when that work is standing in front of a class and lecturing! *grins* That is torture.
[Alex Eames]: *curls up her nose, and winces* How did you survive? I hate listening to lectures, let alone giving them.
[Megan Wheeler]: Partly? *grins* Because I wasn't the youngest person in the room!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs, very amused* Ah, well then it all makes sense. *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs a little* Doesn't it, though? ...Granted, one of them asked me if I was in the class the first day.
[Alex Eames]: Now that's too far. *shakes her head* You don't look -that- young... Okay, that was meant to be a compliment...
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Thank you. I really think it was one of those "You don't look old enough to be teaching a class" kind of things. At least I like to think so.

[Alex Eames]: Yeah, probably best to think of it that way. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: Always best, I've found!
[Alex Eames]: *smirks* Anything that you need to make yourself feel better is always best.
[Megan Wheeler]: *playful glare* I will push you off that barstool and tell everyone you fell.
[Alex Eames]: Oh, really? *amused* And what about these witnesses? *gestures to the other cops around them*
[Megan Wheeler]: Who says they'll see anything? *grins* Proper kick to the stool, they won't see it.
[Alex Eames]: You do know I'd kick back, right? This could get nasty. *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* You'd be too busy falling. That would draw everyone's attention, so they'd all see you kick my stool. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* Wouldn't matter by that point, I'd still punch you back. That and I'm not that big, it's not too far to the ground...
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Two female cops in a bar-room brawl. I just imagine the reaction!
[Alex Eames]: Hmm, cheers and wolf-whistles, I think. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: And cellphone pictures. And internet video. *shakes head, still laughing*
[Alex Eames]: *amused head shake* At least we'd be famous... not sure that's how I wanted my 15 minutes to be though.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*

[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Yeah... I think that might be more trouble than it'd be worth!
[Alex Eames]: Yeah... So, outside in an hour? *she prodded her thumb towards the door, joking and unable to keep the grin from her face*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs and takes another drink* Sure. Might as well get a few more beers in the system first, make it even more interesting!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Definitely. I wasn't gonna fight you sober.

[Megan Wheeler]: Bar brawls don't work sober, so we have to have more drinks! *chuckles*

[Alex Eames]: *drinks* I agree!
[Megan Wheeler]: *drinks again* Sounds like a plan! After all, who needs a job? *grins*
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, yeah, what's one of them again? *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: Knowing Ross, he wouldn't fire us. He's just stick us with permanent desk duty! Which is worse.
[Alex Eames]: *rolls her eyes* I've had my share of that for the time being. *chuckles* Are you sure he's not evil?

[Megan Wheeler]: *pauses, drinks, grins a bit* Not sure. Might be, now that I think about it!
[Alex Eames]: I knew it, I knew it. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* *grins* The brawl might be a bad idea. I mean, do we really want to give Logan something to bookmark? *laughs again*
[Alex Eames]: Yeah.. *chuckles* We may have to put the brawl on hold. That's a shame, eh?

[Megan Wheeler]: Definitely. *takes a drink* Besides, I'd win anyway.
[Alex Eames]: *glances at her sideways* I don't think so.
[Megan Wheeler]: *innocently* You're just in denial.
[Alex Eames]: What, you think you got something on me? *amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins, she walked into that one* You're old.
[Alex Eames]: I'm not -that- old. Besides, I'll just beat you with experience.
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* That's what you think.
[Alex Eames]: That's what I know. It's a fact. *smirks, amused*
[Alex Eames]: *takes a swig of beer*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs again, taking another drink*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*

[Megan Wheeler]: I think this is proof neither one of us gets out enough.
[Alex Eames]: No kidding. This is probably the first time I've been to a bar in almost a year. *shakes her head* I need a new job.
[Megan Wheeler]: *smiles* Doing what?
[Alex Eames]: *pauses* ...Ah, I got nothing.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs, raises glass* Same thing here. There are times I think I need a new job, and then I realize... I couldn't think of anything else to do if I tried.

[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* We're doomed to be cops, that's all there is to it.
[Megan Wheeler]: Seems so. Guess we'll just have to accept the inevitable!
[Alex Eames]: *feigned sad sigh* I guess so. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: After all, we've survived this long. Must be doing something right. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* This is true. Might as well see it through to the end.
[Megan Wheeler]: All we can do, I'm afraid.
[Alex Eames]: Well, we'll live. *laughs, finishes her drink, and orders another*
[Alex Eames]: Another?

[Megan Wheeler]: Definitely. *grins and orders another too*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs and sips her drink when it arrives*
[Alex Eames]: Of course, we'll look great tomorrow- hung over
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* Of course!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* So... I'll be avoiding Ross, because whenever I'm hungover or ill, he gives me more work.
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Well, we'll try not to let you have too much then!
[Alex Eames]: Probably a good idea, since I'm now a lightweight. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Tragic.

[Alex Eames]: Yeah, but I'll work my way back up! *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *raises glass* I'm happy to help with that! *takes a drink*
[Alex Eames]: *raises her glass, too* I appreciate that. *amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* What are friends for?
[Alex Eames]: *laughs with a nod* Can't think of anything other than this.
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* We'll get that old alcohol tolerance built up again. After I enjoy a time or two of drinking you under the table!
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, enjoy it while you can. When I'm back on my game, it'll be you under the table. *grin*

[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Once you're back on your game, we can team up against the guys!
[Alex Eames]: -That- sounds like a plan. *chuckles* I'm up for that.
[Megan Wheeler]: Much better to compete against them than against each other, I think. *sage nod, grinning*
[Alex Eames]: You're onto something there. *smirks* Much more fun.
[Megan Wheeler]: Much more productive too.
[Alex Eames]: And definitely more worthy of our time. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: Of course. We have to remind them that we are superior, after all.

[Alex Eames]: *nods with a grin* Which is just a sign of their inferiority really- the need to be reminded.
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Of course. As is, naturally, their arrogance!
[Alex Eames]: That comes with being a man. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: Of course. And being a woman carries the obligation to knock their arrogance down a peg or two every so often.

[Alex Eames]: Oh yes. It's our burden. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* It isn't bad to enjoy it.
[Alex Eames]: True, true. And for the most part, I do. *grin*
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins, laughing a bit, taking another drink*
[Alex Eames]: *takes a drink as well*
[Alex Eames]: So, how did you get a day off?
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins, she can't help saying it to Eames too* Ross likes me best.

[Alex Eames]: I wouldn't go around admitting that one. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Had the time worked up, and I knew someone else might want Valentine's if nothing major happened, so I thought I'd take today.
[Alex Eames]: Not into Valentines Day, I take it? *amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: "I'm working" means my sister won't drag me anywhere. *laughs again*

[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Doesn't she have a husband or boyfriend of her own?
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh, she has a husband, and they have dinner plans. *grins* But that leaves the whole afternoon open for "let's bug Megan" time.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* You need to get him to keep her away from you

[Megan Wheeler]: I've told him it's his fault she bugs me. If she weren't married, she'd be too busy trying to get herself a boyfriend to worry about me!
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* ...that's true. She needs a kid, she won't have time to bug you then.
[Megan Wheeler]: Has a teenager. *grins*
[Megan Wheeler]: I think she needs another kid.
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, tell her husband to get her pregnant- they'll leave you alone then. *laughs*

[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* I should!
[Alex Eames]: Might make a pretty interesting dinner conversation mind. It will bring the room to a grinding halt.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: Especially if I say it during a dinner where the kid's there. *grins wide*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Yeah, good times. *grin*
[Megan Wheeler]: That, I will record.
[Alex Eames]: Oh excellent. *grins*

[Megan Wheeler]: Couldn't have a conversation like that without it being recorded!
[Alex Eames]: Definitely not. You need to be able to run it back and get a good chuckle out of it. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: Also a wonderful story for the little one. "Why Mommy and Daddy decided to have you." Might as well make sure the kid's scarred. Give them more to deal with!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* The recording could be attached to his/her baby book.
[Megan Wheeler]: Yes! *laughs* And shown when it's old enough to understand!
[Alex Eames]: Poor kid. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: The kid will then go around saying it was all "Auntie Megan's" fault.

[Megan Wheeler]: *smirks* Nicole can afford the therapy bills!
[Alex Eames]: She rich?
[Alex Eames]: *amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: Techie husband. *sage nod*
[Alex Eames]: Ahh, I see. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: He's not bad. A little boring in my opinion, but.. I'm a cop. My definition of "boring" isn't Nicole's. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* I know what you mean. We do have a different standard

[Megan Wheeler]: We really do!*grins* Course, he makes her happy, so I don't have to arrange for him to disappear.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* I guess you're gonna have to deal with him being around.
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh, I like him, and Pat's a great kid. *smiles*
[Alex Eames]: That's good then. You hear too much about familoes who'd rather kill each other.
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh, every once and awhile, I get a "Aunt Megan! My parents are ruining my life!" call from Pat. Then I tell him that's what parents do.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* Hey... oh who am I kidding. It's true
[Megan Wheeler]: It's at least true to a teenager. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* It is. I tend to forget how hard it was, really. *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Everything's the end of the world to teenagers. I've laughed a couple of times after I've talked to Pat. ...Then I remember that when I was that age? It was the end of the world.
[Alex Eames]: It really was always a case of "we're doomed". We survived though
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: I'm just waiting for him and his girlfriend to break up. Won't that be fun? *smiles*
[Alex Eames]: *smirks* It will definitely be the end of the world for him.
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yes. And, of course, he'll never love again.
[Alex Eames]: As long as he doesn't go all Romeo and Juliet on you, things will be fine.

[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Don't think I have to worry about that.
[Alex Eames]: That's a relieve
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *smirks* He'd have to actually read the play.
[Alex Eames]: Wouldn't have to read it to start acting like it, but you make a point. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: Too happy a kid to go to extremes. Oh, there'll be "I wish I could die" and all probably, but not meant.

[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* How old is he?
[Megan Wheeler]: *smiles* Fourteen.
[Alex Eames]: Good age... more or less.
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yeah. I wouldn't mind being fourteen again. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: But I thought you weren't that far from it? *teasing*
[Megan Wheeler]: *pause, smirks* Well, I'm certainly closer to it than I am to your age. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: yeah, how old are you? *amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: *takes a drink* A lady never tells her age.
[Alex Eames]: Ah, well then, don't make remarks unless you can back it up. *smirks, amused*

[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs, takes a drink*
[Alex Eames]: *smirks, sips her own drink*
[Megan Wheeler]: *sweetly, chuckling* I pity Ellie's first boyfriend.
[Alex Eames]: So do I, but not for the same reason. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* I wonder how many boys will be too scared to date her. *smirks*
[Alex Eames]: *amused chuckle* Look at who her parents are? Many is the answer.
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins, takes another drink* Oh, imagine prom night... Poor, poor date.

[Alex Eames]: *amused* This is funny, but scary all at the same time. She's six-months- prom night is... a long way from now. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *smiles* But it'll feel like it's only been a day when it actually comes. At least that's what Nicole says.
[Alex Eames]: Yeah probably. *smiles back* I like to think of it as not happening any time soon. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: Still have quite awhile, and you'll raise her to be smart. *smiles*
[Alex Eames]: Here's hoping. *smiles, and raises her glass*
[Megan Wheeler]: *raises her glass as well, chuckling*

[Alex Eames]: *takes a drink*

[Megan Wheeler]: *drinks too, grinning*
[Alex Eames]: Now that you've scared me into remembering my baby is gonna be a teenager one day, I need another drink. *finishes hers and orders another* *smirks, amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* That's another thing I'm good for!
[Alex Eames]: Giving me doses of reality? Damn. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: At least she's still little right now. *drinks again, finishing hers... and orders another*

[Alex Eames]: That's true. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: And, like you said, teenager is a long ways off!
[Alex Eames]: You see, this? This is what I like to hear. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Hey, whatever helps!

[Alex Eames]: Good. *grins with a chuckle* It does, it helps. *takes a sip*
[Megan Wheeler]: *drinks again* I can't imagine trying to keep up with a kid.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* It's not always easy. She's on the move, as well. Only have one if you're sure you want the mess and hassle.
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* I think that's a long way off, if it ever happens!

[Alex Eames]: Probably wise. It can get out of hand at times, and sleep is a thing of the past.

[Megan Wheeler]: *smiles* Definitely not against kids or people who have them, but I don't think I could do it. At least not right now.
[Alex Eames]: Oh good, because we might've had a problem there if you did. *smiles back* It's the 21st Century, you're not expected to have a baby... at least, not supposed to be.
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* I keep telling Pat that if I never have kids, I expect him to have enough money to take care of me in my old age too.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* What does he think?

[Megan Wheeler]: Considering the dirt I've got on him? He has to agree!
[Alex Eames]: *raised brow* You have dirt on your nephew?
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yes. *grins* Like the little scuffle at school he told his principal to call me about because his dad was "in a meeting" and his mom was "at a seminar."
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Lucky you.
[Megan Wheeler]: Other guy had a black eye, he had a couple bruises, so I just told him I'd stick with his story that it was a soccer injury. *smiles* Probably shouldn't have, but, hey.

[Alex Eames]: Well, it'll only bite you in the ass should his parents ever find out.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: I think it's the sort of thing Nicole would just expect of me. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, like we said earlier, she knows you.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* She does. Besides, a kid needs someone to bail them out sometimes!
[Alex Eames]: Yes, and who better than his favourite Aunt? *grin*
[Megan Wheeler]: Long as he doesn't do anything illegal. I think he knows not to call me then.
[Alex Eames]: Well, I'm sure he wouldn't call a cop at a time like that.
[Alex Eames]: *shakes her head*

[Megan Wheeler]: Precisely. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: He deserve trouble if he did. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: He knows I'll bail him out of the little stuff. Anything major? His parents get to deal with!
[Alex Eames]: As it should be. That's why they're the parents!
[Megan Wheeler]: Of course! *grins* But I do understand not wanting to go to your parents about certain things. *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: I never had a choice. Somehow my Dad always found out. *chuckles*

[Megan Wheeler]: Mom was the same way. *smiles*
[Alex Eames]: Parents, huh? They foil every plan. *smiles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *nods* They really do. Always know when you've gotten progress reports you have to have signed too. *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* I used to try my hardest to hide those.
[Megan Wheeler]: So did I! But Mom always seemed to know when we'd been given them. I think I got away with forging her signature twice.
[Alex Eames]: I tried the signature forging- I got punished so much that I didn't dare do it again. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: Mom didn't punish me, but she found out. Made me feel so guilty I never tried it again. *chuckles* I'm still sure Nicole ratted me out.
[Alex Eames]: Probably. Siblings do that. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: They do! *laughs*

[Alex Eames]: I never used to rat them out, so much as hold it against them. *grin*
[Megan Wheeler]: *smirks, takes a drink* Blackmail's much more effective. Of course, Nicole was more "the good one," so she didn't give me much material.
[Alex Eames]: No? *chuckles* Not so fun when they're goody-two-shoes
[Megan Wheeler]: Oh so good. *smiles* Homecoming queen and pep squad captain. Not that she didn't get involved in the occasional wild party, and I never let her forget those!

[Alex Eames]: *laughs* She sounds a little bit like my sister- she always tried to be perfect and always good. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* How'd she turn out?
[Alex Eames]: Relatively normal, but she still likes to make sure everything is still perfect. *eyeroll*

[Megan Wheeler]: Know that feeling! They never change, do they?
[Alex Eames]: No, never. It's to torment us. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: Of course, we probably torment them just as much. *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* Yeah, probably, but I like to think she's worse.
[Megan Wheeler]: I know Nicole worries about me and the job and all that. *smirks*
[Alex Eames]: That comes with the territory. *smirks back* She'll probably worry till you retire.

[Megan Wheeler]: Oh yeah. I think that's part of her whole matchmaking scheme. *grins* Which she hasn't realized isn't going to work.
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* She may never realise it. *shakes her head*
[Alex Eames]: You're doomed.
[Megan Wheeler]: *sighs, but is still grinning* I know. It's very sad.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs, amused, and more so by the fact she's getting tipsy*
[Alex Eames]: Well, whatever you do, don't just date someone to shut her up.
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs as well, taking another drink, well aware it's probably almost time to say they've had enough*
[Alex Eames]: *she knows this, too, making a pact to herself not to order another drink*

[Alex Eames]: *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *and she's not going to keep drinking without Alex, so it'll be her last too* We definitely need to do this more often. *grins*
[Alex Eames]: We do. I need to get out more. See the world. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: *claps her shoulder* I will remedy that, certainly! If you consider a bar the world. *laughs*

[Alex Eames]: *laughs* More of a world than either my desk or my home.
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Well, that, I can do. Maybe *smirks* I'll even reintroduce you to clubs.
[Alex Eames]: *clutches her hand to her chest in fake shock* Those still exist?!
[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* They do! And you can still get free drinks!
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Well, you know I don't turn -those- down.
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Of course, what usually gets sent over is some sort of fruity drink... *laughs*

[Alex Eames]: Damn... well the brightside is that it's still a drink. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: Very true! Can't turn down a free drink. *smirks* Even if it is something a lawyer would drink.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* True. But I won't let anyone know if you don't. Last thing we need is being put in the same group as lawyers.
[Megan Wheeler]: *shudders, but is still smiling* That would be awful. No... it would be our little secret.

[Alex Eames]: Yeah, too awful to think about. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: *finishes off her drink*
[Megan Wheeler]: *finshes hers a moment later and resists ordering another*
[Alex Eames]: *definitely doesn't order another as this has gone straight to her head*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* Well, I should probably get home-and make sure everything's still in one piece.
[Megan Wheeler]: *teasing* Lightweight. We have to get you back in shape.
[Alex Eames]: Hey, I went a whole year without touching alcohol- it ain't easy. *smirks*

[Megan Wheeler]: *smirks* Another reason not to have kids.
[Alex Eames]: Yes, it really is a good reason. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* Oh well. We'll have you back to the top of your game before long!
[Alex Eames]: Good, *chuckles* That's what I'm hoping. *slides off the stool and pays for her drinks*

[Alex Eames]: *doesn't fall on her face, she's still steady*
[Megan Wheeler]: *pays for hers, grinning a bit as she gets off her stool* That's why we'll have to do this again.
[Alex Eames]: Definitely. And I'll be holding you to it!
[Alex Eames]: *grins*
[Megan Wheeler]: Sounds perfect to me.

[Alex Eames]: Let me know when you get more time to go out- I'll let David look after the baby. *grin*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* I definitely will. It's good having someone not my sister to go out with.
[Alex Eames]: Isn't it? It's more fun. *smirks with a chuckle*
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Hopefully you won't be too hung over tomorrow.
[Alex Eames]: *pauses* Hopefully. *shakes her head at her own lightweight tendencies*

[Megan Wheeler]: *pats her shoulder again* I'll hide you from Ross if you are. *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* I would definitely appreciate that.
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Hey, it'd be my fault anyway.
[Alex Eames]: That's... true. *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: So, I have to cover for you! Rules, you know.
[Alex Eames]: It really is. *serious nod*

[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* Sounds good to me.
[Alex Eames]: Excellent. *gestures to the exit* Let's go.
[Megan Wheeler]: *nods, heads for the door, grins* Can't keep you out too late.
[Alex Eames]: *smirks* You joke but it's true.
[Alex Eames]: *shakes her head*
[Megan Wheeler]: *smirks* That's what makes it so funny.
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, yeah *chuckles* Laugh it up. It won't last too long.
[Megan Wheeler]: *trying to keep a straight face, unable to help it* Now, will you be able to make it home okay?

[Alex Eames]: *gives her a look* I'm a big girl, I'll be okay. Will you? *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* I'm not the lightweight.
[Alex Eames]: I've made it home in worse conditions. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: *chuckles* Then I'll see you tomorrow. It was great doing this.
[Alex Eames]: Back at you. And yes, it was. I'm not the only one who needs to get out more. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: You're really not. I think we could all use it.
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, one of these days the others will get to go out. *laughs*

[Megan Wheeler]: *laughs* Of course, some of them probably shouldn't be let out.
[Alex Eames]: Probably not but they'll get their chance. *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: Yes. We'll just make sure to be far, far away!
[Alex Eames]: *nods* Yes. I agree!

[Megan Wheeler]: *grins* I should let you get home. I'll see you tomorrow.
[Alex Eames]: *nods with a smile* And you. Thanks for the fun time.
[Megan Wheeler]: Glad to do it. We'll have to go out again. *chuckles*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles in agreement* We will.
[Megan Wheeler]: *waves* Have a good night.
[Alex Eames]: *waves back* YOu, too. *starts heading towards home*

aim log, megan wheeler

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