[Alex Eames] (02:10:54): *Alex is laying on her back, on her couch, staring at the ceiling*
[David Dresden] (02:11:36): *David knocks on her door- he has come to return her key*
[Alex Eames] (02:13:31): *hears the knock and drags herself off the couch to go to the door* Yes?
[David Dresden] (02:14:59): It's me.
[Alex Eames] (02:15:38): *opens the door, pleased to hear his voice* Hi. *smiles*
[David Dresden] (02:15:57): Hey. *holds up key* Key?
[Alex Eames] (02:16:17): *steps aside to let him come in*
[David Dresden] (02:16:46): *walks in* Just thought I'd give this back to you while I was thinking about it.
[Alex Eames] (02:17:08): Thanks for feeding him... I trust he didn't bite your fingers off?
[Alex Eames] (02:17:24): *closes the door, looks tired*
[David Dresden] (02:17:32): All ten are still here and accounted for.
[Alex Eames] (02:17:40): *smiles* That's a relief.
[Alex Eames] (02:18:14): I'd hate to have to toss him out for eating your fingers.
[David Dresden] (02:18:30): You'd do that for me? I'm touched.
[Alex Eames] (02:18:43): *smiles with a small nod*
[Alex Eames] (02:18:47): Would you like a... drink?
[David Dresden] (02:19:11): *shrugs* Sure.
[David Dresden] (02:19:30): *sets the key down on a table and follows her*
[Alex Eames] (02:19:47): Uh....beer?
[Alex Eames] (02:19:53): *looking for some*
[Alex Eames] (02:22:06): *finds one and holds it out for him*
[David Dresden] (02:22:34): *takes it quite happily* Thanks.
[David Dresden] (02:22:45): So... how did things go?
[Alex Eames] (02:22:59): With the trial?
[David Dresden] (02:23:20): *nods* I've been in my own world.
[Alex Eames] (02:23:33): ...I envy you on that.
[Alex Eames] (02:24:02): Uh... I guess it went well. *shrugs, searching for her own beer* I'm glad to be back.
[Alex Eames] (02:25:46): *finds one*
[David Dresden] (02:26:43): *raises an eyebrow as he cracks open his beer* How so?
[Alex Eames] (02:27:27): *takes a deep, steadying breath and stands up straight* It's not been the finest week of my life...
[David Dresden] (02:29:36): Care to share?
[Alex Eames] (02:29:41): Everything just kind of... blew up. *cracks open her beer and looks down into it*
[Alex Eames] (02:30:28): Even things that I didn't even know about.
[David Dresden] (02:31:25): I know the feeling. How did it happen? *wanders back out to her living room, walks over to Polly's cage*
[Alex Eames] (02:32:05): *goes to her living room and drops onto her couch* It started with Megan actually....
[David Dresden] (02:32:15): Really?
[Alex Eames] (02:32:16): And some dispute she had with Logan.
[Alex Eames] (02:32:32): Yes, really. *nods, sad face*
[Polly] (02:32:52): *chirps in recognition of David*
[David Dresden] (02:33:20): *chuckles at the bird and then sighs, looking over at Alex* Sucky.
[Alex Eames] (02:34:42): *sad smile* I shouldn't really tell you because I know she's your friend.
[David Dresden] (02:35:20): So? You're my girlfriend. You kinda trump her.
[Alex Eames] (02:36:06): *sighs* Did you know she was dating Brian Peluso?
[Alex Eames] (02:36:15): *trusting David to keep his mouth zipped up*
[David Dresden] (02:36:59): *blinks* No. I was more of the opinion that she should be taking up with Nick Falco.
[Alex Eames] (02:37:18): Yeah... she was doing both at one point...
[Alex Eames] (02:37:26): *shakes her head a little*
[Alex Eames] (02:39:01): Anyway--Peluso is the MCS Proscutor and he, obviously, is upstate for the trial.... turns out, during the first week, she decided to risk the entire case by sneaking up there to spend the night with him. *sad look*
[David Dresden] (02:39:11): I see. *knows it isn't his place to pass judgment but can't help but feel like his hackles are up at the idea of being kept in the dark on that by Wheeler and by apparent lack of loyalty that he honors so much*
[Alex Eames] (02:39:47): Yeah, so, I was pissed
[Alex Eames] (02:40:13): I probably -shouldn't- have confronted her the way I did but...
[David Dresden] (02:41:06): *glances over at her* And how did you confront her?
[Alex Eames] (02:41:43): *winces* Pulled her aside into a room and questioned her ability to do her job... and ranted about how Cops don't do that.
[Alex Eames] (02:43:10): It got very... loud... and she got very defensive.
[David Dresden] (02:44:13): She put everything at risk for something she may not even be that committed to. I don't blame you.
[David Dresden] (02:44:30): *can't honestly think he would have reacted much differently*
[David Dresden] (02:44:51): If it ever gets out it's going to compromise everything in that trial.
[Alex Eames] (02:45:10): That's what I said!
[David Dresden] (02:45:23): Investigators can't be screwing around with the DAs who are prosecuting the cases that they have been investigating.
[David Dresden] (02:45:31): It may be harmless but it looks bad
[David Dresden] (02:45:39): *suddenly realizes something*
[David Dresden] (02:45:47): Don't... tell me anything else.
[Alex Eames] (02:45:52): Why?
[Alex Eames] (02:45:55): *frowns*
[David Dresden] (02:45:58): IAB.
[David Dresden] (02:46:03): I work for them.
[Alex Eames] (02:46:06): Oh....Ohhhhhhhh
[David Dresden] (02:46:11): If I hear it I have to report it.
[David Dresden] (02:46:16): Or I loss MY job.
[Alex Eames] (02:46:30): Right... Sorry.
[David Dresden] (02:46:37): Not your fault.
[David Dresden] (02:46:54): I forget sometimes who I work for because all I seem to do is paperwork.
[David Dresden] (02:47:23): Here I was talking to my lady and then I realize that this could put my own job at risk.
[Alex Eames] (02:48:32): *winces* I could change the subject slightly...
[Alex Eames] (02:50:28): ...I don't want you to put your job at risk, David, I never quite realised that.
[David Dresden] (02:53:45): It's not your fault. I should have realized it sooner. I just was standing here, listening to you because you needed to vent and not thinking about my job and then it just dawned on me... and... yeah.
[Alex Eames] (02:55:34): *sad look and nods* Uhm, anyway that all happened before I appeared in court. *trying desperately to move them on so David doesn't have a chance of hearing anything else that could get him into trouble*
[David Dresden] (02:56:28): You knew about all of this before taking the stand?
[David Dresden] (02:56:34): Stop. Seriously.
[David Dresden] (02:56:50): *puts his hands over his ears*
[Alex Eames] (02:57:26): *frowns and sighs* That has nothing to do with what happened on the stand.
[David Dresden] (02:57:48): Who did your questioning?
[Alex Eames] (02:57:58): Riley Toth and Connie Rubirosa
[David Dresden] (02:59:11): *sigh of relief* Okay good. It wasn't Peluso. If it were him... then I don't know what I would do...
[Alex Eames] (02:59:41): *small nervous laugh* Uh, if it had been him, I'd have done the ear covering thing too.
[Alex Eames] (03:00:31): *buries her face in her hands*
[David Dresden] (03:06:41): *is silent for awhile, watching the bird* I won't do it. I won't report her. *pauses* And it's not just for her. If I did report her I'd have to tell how I found out about it. I'd have to report you, too, for not notifying anyone yourself. I'm not going to do that. But... if she ever does something that stupid again getting fired will be the least of her worries compared to what I will do to her.
[Alex Eames] (03:07:46): *slowly lifts her head up and looks at him, walking over to him slowly* Aren't you taking a risk by doing that? *unsteady voice*
[Alex Eames] (03:09:03): *refuses at this point to mention that Ross knows, and that Logan knows as well*
[David Dresden] (03:10:04): Not like I haven't bent the rules a few times...
[Alex Eames] (03:12:03): *nods, thinking with a very serious look on her face*
[David Dresden] (03:13:32): *looks over at her and then leans in and just randomly kisses her*
[Alex Eames] (03:14:17): *surprised, kisses him back, holding him with her good arm*
[Alex Eames] (03:15:37): *then rests her head on his shoulder*
[David Dresden] (03:19:28): *sighs* I'd say let's go play 'find the sausage' but I'm not too sure about how your arm would fair.
[Alex Eames] (03:21:59): *sighs too* I don't know how my mind would fair either. *doesn't lift her head from his shoulder* Can we play that game later?
[David Dresden] (03:22:28): Sure.
[David Dresden] (03:22:54): Besides... I have some business to attend to before I could keep my mind on the task at hand.
[Alex Eames] (03:23:07): *looks back up at him* Business?
[David Dresden] (03:24:07): My apologies to you in advance but red-head needs to be told where the line in the sand is.
[David Dresden] (03:24:35): I don't risk my fucking job for just anyone and I'm sure as shit not going to do it again.
[Alex Eames] (03:24:59): *nods* Alright. I understand that. Will you be back after you've done informing her?
[Alex Eames] (03:25:11): *slowly wondering if she'll be dead tomorrow*
[David Dresden] (03:25:44): *kisses her again* Yeah. I'll be back.
[Alex Eames] (03:26:04): *small sorry smile and kisses him back* I'll be here, waiting.
[David Dresden] (03:27:17): Good. *pulls away and starts toward the door* I, um, left your key on the table there. Don't forget about it
[Alex Eames] (03:27:47): *looks to the table* Uh, you can take it if you want.
[David Dresden] (03:28:16): *looks at her, surprise registering on his face* You sure?
[Alex Eames] (03:28:27): *nods with a smile* I'm sure.
[David Dresden] (03:29:06): *picks it up* Thanks. *heads out, fussing a bit as he goes to add her key to his key ring*
[Alex Eames] (03:29:51): *watches him go and once he's gone she plops herself back down on the sofa and tries not to think of the many ways in which she just screwed things up*
[Alex Eames] (03:30:02): *but happy he has her key*
[David Dresden] (04:45:24): *returns some time later, slightly drunk but feeling better* *unlocks her front door without another thought*
[Alex Eames] (04:46:01): *is curled up on her couch, having drifted off into a very uncomfortable sleep but hears the door unlocking*
[David Dresden] (04:46:26): *stumbles in* Hi-de Ho.
[Alex Eames] (04:46:43): *opens her eyes and looks over toward the door* *sits up* Hi.
[David Dresden] (04:47:50): *makes his way to her* *sits down* Can I just say that I am grateful that I can come over and see you without worrying about IAB getting in my way?
[Alex Eames] (04:49:25): *smiles at him and nods* Me, too. That's a very good thing.
[Alex Eames] (04:50:19): ...Is she okay?
[David Dresden] (04:51:04): *sighs* I dunno. I tried but I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a horrible human being incapable of having a life outside of work that she doesn't fuck up.
[David Dresden] (04:51:09): I know the feeling well.
[Alex Eames] (04:51:41): *winces, feels guilty for some reason*
[Alex Eames] (04:52:11): Yeah... it isn't a pleasant feeling.
[David Dresden] (04:52:43): Nope.
[Alex Eames] (04:54:05): *nods* She'll, uh, be okay eventually though. I mean she ISN'T a screw up or some criminal so...
[David Dresden] (04:56:09): Everyone makes mistakes.
[Alex Eames] (04:56:48): Yes, they do. Human nature and all that.
[Alex Eames] (05:14:14): *shakes it off* Anyway, what you did was a good thing.
[Alex Eames] (05:14:38): And that's all I'm gonna say about it.
[David Dresden] (05:18:21): *looks at her and gives a slight smile*
[David Dresden] (05:18:31): It felt good.
[Alex Eames] (05:18:31): *smiles back*
[Alex Eames] (05:18:37): Yeah?
[David Dresden] (05:18:42): Yeah.
[Alex Eames] (05:18:49): *smiles brighter*
[David Dresden] (05:18:57): To help someone for once instead of narcing on them
[Alex Eames] (05:20:19): *nods* I can understand that. IAB isn't a really a job I'd imagine having alot of satisfaction to it.
[David Dresden] (05:22:43): Not unless you get your rocks off to destroying the lives of cops.
[Alex Eames] (05:24:18): *snorts* I'd imagine someone like that is hard to find *thinks about that for a moment*
[David Dresden] (05:27:23): They are... in more ways than one. *thinks about them being hard to find being in the same thought as getting one's rocks off*
[Alex Eames] (05:28:49): *chuckles a little, not entirely sure why she found that funny*
[Alex Eames] (05:29:23): *without thinking, rests her head on his shoulder*
[David Dresden] (05:30:13): *glances down at her and then settles back on the couch, his eyelids heavy at last*
[Alex Eames] (05:31:08): *settles back with him and closes her eyes, wrapping one arm around him*
[Alex Eames] (05:32:20): *opening them, she gives him a quick kiss before closing them again*
[David Dresden] (05:32:50): *doesn't bother opening his eyes but just smiles*
[Alex Eames] (05:33:15): *starts to drift off back to sleep*
[David Dresden] (05:34:01): *drifts off as well with thoughts of Alex's dancing through his head*