RP Log | A Drunken Visit

Sep 22, 2007 00:50

[Alex Eames] (03:22:50): *knocks on his door*
[David Dresden] (03:27:05): *groggy on the couch- blinks awake enough to realize someone is at the door and stumbles over* *looks out the window by the door and sees it is Eames* *opens the door*
[Alex Eames] (03:27:20): *grins the moment she sees his face--very drunk* Hiiii.
[Alex Eames] (03:27:37): *plunges toward him and wraps her arms around his neck*
[David Dresden] (03:28:43): *doesn't even get a reply out* *stumbles backwards as he is caught off-guard, trying to make sure he doesn't fall over*
[Alex Eames] (03:28:42): *and her legs around his waist*
[Alex Eames] (03:29:04): *kisses him--it's obvious from the smell of alcohol she's been drinking*
[David Dresden] (03:30:15): *blinks rapidly at her kissing him* Pretty sure we could get an octane rating off your breath

[Alex Eames] (03:30:36): *leans back, still holding onto him and grinning* Probably. Wanna do the honors?
[Alex Eames] (03:30:42): *suggestive tone*
[David Dresden] (03:31:25): Honors of what? Taking a rating off your breath? Sorry I don't have the at home kit for breathlizers.
[Alex Eames] (03:31:33): *grins* We could improvise.
[David Dresden] (03:33:19): *sets her down on the couch and sits across from her* Really? How do you suggest that?
[Alex Eames] (03:33:55): *shuffles back up to him* You got a straw?
[David Dresden] (03:34:26): *blinks* No. Why?
[Alex Eames] (03:34:38): *serious look flickers across her face*... I dunno.
[Alex Eames] (03:34:58): ... I -may- have been drinking... and singing.
[David Dresden] (03:35:07): Well, if you don't know and I don't know then obviously we don't know.
[David Dresden] (03:35:11): Singing?
[Alex Eames] (03:35:12): So it's a big not-knowing mess, huh.
[Alex Eames] (03:35:18): Yes, singing!
[Alex Eames] (03:35:22): *grins*
[David Dresden] (03:35:50): Fantastic. Hey, Alex- you want some asprin and maybe some coffee or water?
[Alex Eames] (03:36:14): *thinks, drunken serious* Suuuuuuuuure
[Alex Eames] (03:36:24): Do you have something stronger?
[David Dresden] (03:36:39): Like...?
[Alex Eames] (03:36:51): *frowns* No, coffee will do.
[David Dresden] (03:37:15): *stands and heads for the kitchen*
[Alex Eames] (03:37:20): *watches him go, definitely checking him out as he does*
[David Dresden] (03:38:14): *glances back at her and catches her checking out*
[Alex Eames] (03:38:18): *smiles*
[Alex Eames] (03:38:40): *trying to hide that she was doing that*
[Alex Eames] (03:40:12): *leans on her bad arm, winces and then leans on the other*
[Alex Eames] (03:40:24): *still smiling*
[David Dresden] (03:40:45): *brings her coffee after a bit along with two asprins*
[David Dresden] (03:40:47): Here.
[Alex Eames] (03:40:47): Thanks. *grins*
[Alex Eames] (03:41:17): *swallows the asprin and drinks some coffee*
[Alex Eames] (03:41:36): *after a moment or two she smiles at him* Sorry, I just wanted to see you.
[David Dresden] (03:42:09): *chuckles* Seems like you wanted something a little more.
[David Dresden] (03:42:19): *nudges her playfully*
[Alex Eames] (03:42:26): *nudges back with a grin* Better here than going with someone else.
[David Dresden] (03:45:45): *coughs* Yes. Much better.
[Alex Eames] (03:45:50): I thought so. *smiles*
[Alex Eames] (03:46:01): *drinks more coffee*
[Alex Eames] (03:46:43): Anyway, I ended up with these girls at a karaoke bar.
[Alex Eames] (03:46:55): *grins, still drunken* And there was singing.
[David Dresden] (03:48:25): Fuuuuuun.
[Alex Eames] (03:49:04): I sang a duet with Millie Logan.
[Alex Eames] (03:49:10): *grins* We rocked!
[Alex Eames] (03:49:26): *shakes her head as she realises what she just said* I hope I forget all this in the morning.

[David Dresden] (03:51:27): I might be able to help with that.
[Alex Eames] (03:51:39): *brow raise* Oh? What you gonna do?
[David Dresden] (03:52:06): Some people sex can't be used as a cure all. I disagree.
[David Dresden] (03:52:23): *no sign of joke on his face*
[Alex Eames] (03:52:22): *grins* I happen to disagree with them too.
[David Dresden] (03:53:00): Good. Let's test the theory. *offers a hand*
[Alex Eames] (03:53:03): *smiles* *takes his hand*

*DOINK DOINK**After woohoo

[David Dresden] (03:56:15): *is snoring*
[David Dresden] (03:56:30): *loudly*
[Alex Eames] (03:56:45): *is twisted in her sleep, tangled up with her left arm gingerly held to her side*
[Alex Eames] (03:57:13): *wincing because she can hear snoring coming from -somewhere-*
[David Dresden] (03:57:42): *abruptly stops*

[Alex Eames] (03:57:59): *wincing stops and she relaxes again*

[Alex Eames] (03:59:07): *turns a little in her sleep*
[David Dresden] (03:59:45): *grunts a little in his sleep and then wakes up*

[David Dresden] (04:14:07): *stares at the ceiling*
[Alex Eames] (04:14:16): *sleeps, groaning slightly in her sleep*
[David Dresden] (04:14:28): *glances over at the sleeping form next to him and smiles*
[Alex Eames] (04:14:57): *is under the covers except for her arm and her neck is twisted so she is facing him*

[David Dresden] (04:17:23): *smile fades and goes back to staring at the ceiling*
[Alex Eames] (04:18:39): *twists a little and turns so she's on her side, completely facing him*
[Alex Eames] (04:21:17): *that movement causes her to jolt her arm and she wakes up instantly*
[David Dresden] (04:21:41): *glances over* You okay?
[Alex Eames] (04:22:08): Uhm... *blinks and starts rubbing her arm*... Yeah... I guess so.

[David Dresden] (04:22:34): *doesn't believe her* What's with your arm?
[Alex Eames] (04:23:05): *rubs her face sleepily with her good arm and then goes back to holding her bad one* Uh, you remember when there was that collision on the dance floor?
[David Dresden] (04:23:20): Yeah?
[Alex Eames] (04:23:44): Well... I kinda landed on my arm
[Alex Eames] (04:23:49): And now it hurts.
[Alex Eames] (04:23:52): *shrugs*
[David Dresden] (04:25:02): *blinks* You should see a doctor.
[Alex Eames] (04:25:38): Oh not you too. Everybody says that. It's still attached.
[Alex Eames] (04:25:58): *sighs-starting to realise everybody is right*
[David Dresden] (04:26:43): Maybe because they're right?
[Alex Eames] (04:26:53): You do realise you're actually agreeing with my partner, right now?

[Alex Eames] (04:27:15): *slight smirk*
[David Dresden] (04:28:45): Doesn't surprise me.
[Alex Eames] (04:28:51): Really?
[Alex Eames] (04:30:42): Good. So, Bobby and I made a deal. I'll go to the doctors -if- it still hurts when I get back from my trip upstate.
[David Dresden] (04:32:20): I think you should have it looked at sooner.
[Alex Eames] (04:33:03): *shows him her arm* It's not broken or anything... I mean, I can still move my arm.
[David Dresden] (04:33:54): It could be a hairline fracture
[David Dresden] (04:34:10): You would still be able to move it but it would be broken none the less.

[Alex Eames] (04:34:16): *seriously considers that*
[Alex Eames] (04:34:26): Dammit.
[Alex Eames] (04:34:38): I'll kill Larry if it's broken.
[Alex Eames] (04:34:57): *joking about killing him*
[David Dresden] (04:35:20): *sighs* Get it checked out.
[Alex Eames] (04:35:55): *sighs* Fine.
[Alex Eames] (04:36:06): *reluctantly agrees, which is a miracle*
[David Dresden] (04:37:04): Good.
[Alex Eames] (04:36:59): I'll go. But only because you're insisting
[David Dresden] (04:37:12): *slight smirk*
[Alex Eames] (04:37:10): *smirks back*
[David Dresden] (04:37:19): Because I am such a horrible person.
[Alex Eames] (04:37:28): *shakes her head* A horrible person would grab my arm and snap it off.
[David Dresden] (04:37:47): Ouch.,
[Alex Eames] (04:37:56): Well, it's true, that would be horrible. *smirks*

[David Dresden] (04:39:30): Yes. Yes it would be.

aim log, david dresden

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