Jul 23, 2008 00:57
Wow, I have some big news.
I have an OCS class date; I will be reporting to OCS on August 24. This means that I will be sent home SOON- as soon as they can! This is awesome, but it gets better.
My OCS class graduates on November 13, AFTER the November 1 deadline to apply to FLEP. However, my company commander talked to the FLEP point of contact, and she told him we could try a letter of exception, asking for an exception to policy. I would send this in while still in OCS, along with his and the battalion commander's letters of recommendation. If the exception is granted, I'd be considered right alongside the other FLEP applicants. With my LSAT score (165) and enlisted experience (2 combat tours in Iraq as an infantryman), I like my chances.
I owe a lot of gratitude to everyone in my chain of command who has helped and supported me in this, along with my wife and family for their help, support, and prayers. And most of all, I owe God, to whom I've been praying about this all along, and who makes things happen on HIS timetable, and not ours. :)
I must admit, I'm in a bit of shock still. This is actually HAPPENING!!