Jun 04, 2008 20:19
I was so happy at the start of the day. I was left out of this stupid patrol taking around some old-ass agriculture professors from Texas A&M so I could study for the LSAT. When the people who WERE going got up at 6:30am, they made so much noise that I ended up waking up too, and I could not get back to sleep. This turned out to be a good thing.
I spent the whole morning studying, and it went very well. But BAM! From 1pm on, it was non-stop crap. We had to go try to get our vehicle dispatched as well as try to get the mine-roller reattached, and in the middle of that, a few of us got called away for a mission. That mission got canceled in the middle of our prepping, so we went back to the motorpool. So the mine-roller still can't be attached yet, but we tried to get the truck dispatched anyway. But one of the places we had to go to get someone to sign off on something was closed! bsagjkdbsagjbdajkgbdabjldagbnbjldabg, so yeah, we'll have to pick up tomorrow.
As soon as we got back to the tent area, we spent about an hour cleaning a bunch of useless crap out of the trunk. About 30 minutes after we finally finished that, I had to go to TOC guard. Ugh. At least I got to study a bit up there.
On the plus side of all this, I got 100% right on all the logic games I did today. Things are looking good; I just want to do at least 2 more full-length tests for practice.