(no subject)

Aug 17, 2006 12:52

Last night was, for lack of a better word, interesting.

After work, I get a call from Millie. She and Mike had something they needed to get done, and asked if I could babysit. Of course, I said sure. Then, I remembered where we live. To put it mildly, Alan Shore's sense of style is not baby-friendly. I threw a sheet over the couch and kept Isa there. Thankfully, I had some assistance in the form of Bastard. I never would have imagined a cat to be such a good babysitter, but he was.

When Mike and Millie came back, she was on the couch playing with the cat, and the sheet looked like it had spent the day in a MASH unit. I don't even know what some of those stains -are-. But, it wasn't bad. Not that I want to have a kid anyytime soon, mind you. I'm quite happy with 'give the baby back' privileges.

I don't think I've ever seen Alan that pissed. This is going to be ugly. Eloise Ross and Trevor Langan are going down for good, and don't even know it yet. Alan Shore is on a vendetta. It's good that he's so loyal to his friends, but I worry about him. It can't be easy to hold that much anger in. All I can do to help is just stand by him, hoping it is enough. I don't doubt that he'll win...it's what happens in the meantime that concerns me.

jamie, millie, mike, alan, isa, private

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