(no subject)

Sep 18, 2009 01:47

Psssssh. I wasn't gonna do this but... man I think my descriptors are gonna be... wildly different from others. Omega is a cool letter. For now I'll just do the ones that Adachi's properly spoken to but do feel free to spam with "PUT ME ON D:". Strictly speaking, Adachi is trolling you all. There's just a few he REALLY enjoys doing it to.

Ω - He cares deeply for you. A.K.A: the one that won't get used. Unless something happens.
Ω - Close friends, whether he's being really open with you or not.
Ω - The ones he'll keep close so he can keep an eye on 'em.
Ω - People he likes to troll or wind up.
Ω - Good acquaintance that he enjoys chatting with.
Ω - Spoken with you but doesn't know you well, or how much he could ever tell you. (This'll be a sort of weaker version of the blue one.)
Ω - Strong distaste.
Ω - Stay out of reach of TVs.

Canon Relationships
Ryotaro Dojima: [Ω]
Dojima's the first person in Inaba Adachi has really gotten to know at all. He often calls himself Dojima's gopher and sometimes resents being made to do things like always fetching the coffee, and he doesn't exactly enjoy the smacks round the head. On the other hand, Dojima's accepted him as his partner despite all the drama with the transfer which Adachi is sort of grateful for.

Naoto Shirogane: [Ω]
Adachi met him on the community, though he'd already heard about the famed Shirogane detective. He was pretty surprised by his youth the first time he actually saw Naoto. The two get on well and to some degree they each know what the other's had to go through to get where they are today, though Adachi definitely feels he's been dealt the worse hand - he doesn't have an estate to retreat to. But of course, Adachi finds it hilarious how he has managed to befriend the boy detective so determined to catch the murderer. You gotta have some excitement, and fooling Naoto right under his nose does that pretty well for Adachi. He'll be keeping Naoto close to make sure he doesn't somehow make a break in the case.

Kanji Tatsumi: [Ω, Ω]
Adachi knows Kanji from seeing him at the station often, and has far too much fun winding him up on the comm, though he would of course never admit that. Under that, Adachi (as the symbol says) has a strong distaste for Kanji, seeing him as a dumb punk who doesn't know how lucky he is.

Comm Relationships

William Birkin: [Ω, Ω]
...I don't even know with this one. These two always get a kick out of winding the other one up, though Adachi's quick to get in there with 'lol your daughter, lol Wesker'. As yet, Birkin is the only person who knows Adachi is the real killer. Despite their really dumb arguments, Adachi likes the fact that he doesn't have to put on a show when talking to Birkin. They've sort of agreed to actually be nicer to each other, but Adachi wouldn't hesitate to try and come after Birkin if he ever reveals the ~*truth*~.

Maraich: [Ω]
Adachi's not entirely sure how but these two seem to be dating by some. Crazy random happenstance. He's not complaining though because he gets free food out of it and it does make a nice change from the idiots at the station. By the same token, Adachi wants to see how long he can string this out before something goes kaboom.

Fuu Houoji: [Ω]
Cake. Lots of it. Adachi likes talking with her, since she's so uncomplicatedly nice. That, and she's so easy to fool.

Issei Ryudo: [Ω]
Firstly, they should talk more. That, and Adachi enjoys how the two of them seem to have agreeing viewpoints on quite a few things, although Adachi's still more of a goof.

Suguru Kinniku: [Ω]
Okay, first off, I just love these two talking to each other because Adachi at his goofiest perfectly matches Suguru. Adachi's pretty fascinated by the fact that one of Japan's heroes is on the comm, and actually feels ever so slightly bad about that 500 yen.

Tidus: [Ω]
Adachi is so jealous of Tidus and his world it isn't even funny. He has gotten a free trip to a Blitzball game out of the boy though, so Adachi tolerates him for that.

Saguru Hakuba: [Ω]
Another fellow detective and one that Adachi is slightly in awe of, considering how young he is and how much he's already done. Of course, this means that Adachi also resents the younger man's luck, and gets a particularly nice kick out of fooling this one. This is true for any detectives, really.

Tendou Kasumi: [Ω]
She's also ridiculously incredibly nice and someone that Adachi does like because of how she seems generally worried about other people. But then, you know, that doesn't stop him taking advantage of it.

Ys: [Ω, Ω]
Adachi's only spoken to him once but there's something about the kid that interests him, he'd like to have another chat with him and another chance to wind him up.

As I said, seriously, spam me, I know I've forgotten a ton but I always suck at remembering who's spoken to who. And I'll give you explanations tomorrow.

ooc, gdit why am i bothering, cr meme

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