(Kill Me) Kill Me

Mar 11, 2006 07:59

(I know I haven't RPed this week but between illness and impending finals, I haven't been online hardly at all this week. When I was, all I saw were away messages. Kinda like now. lol So no quickies or anything. Good news is that if I don't die from this cold, the quarter is ending in like a week. Next quarter my schedule is much better and so I will be on a lot more often. *toasts with Dayquil* Here's to not dying. Now, about Fin...)

I feel like I haven't stopped movin for days. You never realize how much crap you have until somebody burns your fuckin' building down and you have to replace everything. I've been to my insurance company 3 times this week and I get the feeling that I'm still not finished. I had to apply for a new copy of my birth certificate, life insurance, bank information, and car insurance. Unfortunately, the parking garage for my building was under it so I lost my car and I had to rent a car too. (I get the feelin John didn't appreciate the fine tuning I did to his Munch mobile) I rented a fly ass Bently GT and I NEED a car like this. It has everything. Heh. I keep makin up reasons to go back to the car. In fact, my keyboard is almost out of ink. I should go pick up more. Later.
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