RP Log | Trial Prep

Jun 22, 2009 11:59

with ada_rubirosa

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *ringringringringDresdenphone...not from her cell phone, but from the DA's office, so it might not come up as a recognizable number*

Det. David Dresden: *answers* Dresden
ADA Connie Rubirosa: David, this is Connie Rubirosa.
Det. David Dresden: *surprised* Oh, hey. What's up? *sort of like, you don't ever call me so something must be wrong*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: You -should- have gotten the subpoena by now, *knows that cops have more than one case going on at a time/get multiple subpoenas/etc* but you're on the People's witness list for the Greer trial coming up in a couple of weeks.
Det. David Dresden: *sounds of papers ruffling and a curse word or two being muttered, then after a moment* Right. I got that.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: The EADA would like me to do some trial prep with you, whenever you can - the sooner the better, obviously.
Det. David Dresden: Obviously. *smirk in his voice* Uh, fine. Today would be better, actually.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Okay...*sound of tapping on a keyboard*...let me rearrange a couple of things...and I think after lunch should work.
Det. David Dresden: Oh, good, that means I still get to eat. I guess you want me to come to your office?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Yes...*pauses* Unless you want to do it during lunch, in which case I can arrange for food to be charged to the DA's office.
Det. David Dresden: Free food? I'm in. *sounds a bit happy about free food*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Great. There's a Greek restaurant a couple of blocks from Hogan Place. *gives him the name and address*
Det. David Dresden: Sounds good.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: All right - how's 12:30?
Det. David Dresden: *looks at his watch... although she can't see that* Sounds fine. See you then.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Okay, great. See you. *hangs up*
Det. David Dresden: *does, too*
Det. David Dresden: *goes about his business*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *arrives at the restaurant at 12:15, gets their table, is sipping from a glass of iced tea*
Det. David Dresden: *arrives a few minutes late, pulls off his sunglasses and glances around the room*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *sees him, motions*

Det. David Dresden: *goes over and drops down into the seat* Yo.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smirks* Yo. Or as Ellie says, 'yo-yo-yo-yo.'
Det. David Dresden: *smirks back* She hasn't quite grasped that you only need to say it once. *dramatic sigh*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*

Det. David Dresden: *smirks and then looks at the menu*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *looking at the menu as well*
Det. David Dresden: *stomach goes all grumbly*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: So IAB cleared Stedman--we've read the reports. Was there any doubt at all any time along the way?

Det. David Dresden: *looks up from the menu* Not on my end there wasn't. Stedman is one of those shiny cops who have never stepped a foot out of line.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *taps her glass absently with a finger* And Greer is---*shakes her head*--should've pleaded insanity, but instead is pleading not guilty due to police misconduct....
Det. David Dresden: Which is just more proof of his insanity really.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: And if he gets convicted, he'll probably change his tune and say his lawyer should've stopped him, and try to appeal.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head in annoyance*
Det. David Dresden: *smirks* I wouldn't be surprised.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: ...choosing the jury for this trial is going to be a mess.
Det. David Dresden: Another reason why I'm glad I'm not a lawyer. I'm sooo relieved to not be in your shoes.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head* I don't know anyone in this city who has mild opinions about the police, one way or another.
Det. David Dresden: *nods* Good luck with that. Sounds like you'll need a miracle.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: Michael's more adept at jury-selection than I am, so that'll help. *puts down her menu*
Det. David Dresden: *amused by the change from EADA to Michael* *smirks at her* Here's hoping.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *slight frown, in thought, consults the list of questions she has saved on her BlackBerry*
Det. David Dresden: *goes back to the menu, then waits for the waitress to come so they can order the food*

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *waitress comes to take their orders, and does *
Det. David Dresden: *yay*
Det. David Dresden: *waits for Connie to finish looking at her blackberry*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: The defense is going to grill you on your own background and experiences with IAB. They're going to try to spin it as going to your character as an expert.

Det. David Dresden: That's... nice. Good to know. Have I told you I hate trial, even being a witness?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'd imagine you're used to it.
Det. David Dresden: Doesn't mean I like it.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Just giving you warning in advance.
Det. David Dresden: Thanks for that.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I try to be considerate like that.
Det. David Dresden: *amused look, then hides a yawn behind the back of his hand* You try?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I do.
Det. David Dresden: What else do I need to know then?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'd imagine the defense is going to ask you a bunch of irrelevant questions -- how can you say for sure this or that, that kind of thing. We'll try to object where we can, but you'll probably get stuck answering some of it.
Det. David Dresden: Of course. Sounds simple enough.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: We have a list of counter-claims they're going to try and make - or that we think they will. *digs through her briefcase*
Det. David Dresden: *watches her do that*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *takes out a neatly-stapled-together packet* Here we go. *slides it across the table* You can keep that copy. *smirk*
Det. David Dresden: Oh, well merry christmas to me. *smirks back*
Det. David Dresden: *picks it up and flicks through it*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I'm sure it's just what you wanted.
Det. David Dresden: Yes, it was on the top of my list to send to Santa.
Det. David Dresden: Don't need to bother now.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*

Det. David Dresden: *smirks back*
Det. David Dresden: *food turns up*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *gets her food, starts to eat*
Det. David Dresden: *does too, quite hungry so he starts gobbling it up*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *eats all prim and proper*

Det. David Dresden: *decides he should ask* Besides from this trial, how are you? *still eating though*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Busy. But doing pretty well. *smiles*
Det. David Dresden: Good. *nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Det. David Dresden: *carries on eating his lunch*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *so does she*
Det. David Dresden: *sips his water and then yawns again*
Det. David Dresden: *reading the booklet she'd given him as well*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *drinks, eats*
Det. David Dresden: So, there's nothing else?

Det. David Dresden: *finished*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: I don't think so, no. Just what's in the packet.
Det. David Dresden: Oh, great. Well, I'll try and find some time to read it properly.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: We'd appreciate it.
Det. David Dresden: *nods* No problem.
Det. David Dresden: *takes a gulp of water*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *finishing up her food as well*
Det. David Dresden: *is being a good boy and waiting for her to finish*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *finishes*
Det. David Dresden: Thanks for the food. Well, thanks to the people who paid for it.

ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I'll be sure to let Jack McCoy know. *smirk*
Det. David Dresden: *laughs* I'll send him a 'thank you' card.
Det. David Dresden: *smirks*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*

connie rubirosa, aim log, trial, iab

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