RP Moment | A Bit of Confusion

Dec 14, 2009 01:46

(OOC: So I wrote this a while ago but it didn't fit at the time I wrote it. This is something that's been hinted at IC for months and months now, slowly sort of building up... because I DO THAT A LOT. I like subtle. I'm weird like that.)

Friday 11th December

The atmosphere in the house was still tense from the past few weeks; Mulrooney still hung in the air and David wished he could remove him altogether. At least this evening was more relaxing than most as of late, for which he was both grateful and frustrated. Grateful because it gave them the opportunity to rest, but frustrated because it meant he had time to think. No one liked to think on things too much, least of all him. Especially when his thoughts were too confusing and filled with subjects that he didn't care for -- like marriage. He wasn't so stupid that he didn't think it wise to think about the future, but he wasn't sure he liked where his thoughts were going or how a certain someone else would react if she found out.

It was then that he decided to go for broke.

"I've been thinking," David started, poised on the edge of the couch. Alex, sitting at the opposite side of the room and reading a book, looked up at him with a raised brow.

"Uh-oh," she smirked, teasing him, good-naturedly.

He returned her smirk and sat further back, settling into the cushions. "Yeah, maybe that's a realistic reaction to this one..." he trailed off, noticing the way her brows had started their journey toward her hairline.

Alex shook her head, "What's wrong?" She put her book down, intending to give this one her full attention. There was something in his voice that told her that he was being deadly serious. It was rare for him to go that way, he preferred to act as if he were the happiest person in the world even when she knew it wasn't true at all.

He let out a small laugh, not in amusement but from feeling nervous. Except he'd already taken that step forward by bringing it up, and it would be stupid to go back now. "You remember," he paused. "You remember when you were pregnant, and things got a little... weird?"

She knew exactly what he meant by weird -- he was referring to when he had told her he had doubts about marriage, and it had left them both being strange around one another for a while. It was only because Alex had agreed to the wisdom of not doing that, that they had stayed together at all. It would have been relationship suicide, given how little time they had been together.

"Uhm, yes," she studied him for a moment, not sure she could believe he was really bringing that up or that they were about to start this kind of conversation. It was evident from the look he was aiming back at her, that he was having the same thought. They didn't do talks like this, this is what lead to the 'weird' two years ago.

"You remember how you said that decision was final?" He asked, waiting for her to nod, ploughing on when he saw she had. "Is that still true?"

She froze, not sure where he was going with this and unsure how to respond. "I--I guess that would depend on things, David," she finally replied, pleasantly surprised to find that her voice still worked.

He nodded.

Alex frowned when he didn't say anything else. "Is that it? That's what you wanted to ask me?" She tried not to sound annoyed by the way he stopped speaking, but she was fairly certain some of that had escaped in the tone of her voice. She was one hundred percent certain when he shot a slight glare at her, and she winced. "Tell me what you're thinking," she said, not buckling under the glare he had thrown at her.

He sighed, shaking his head.

"If I have to, I'll have a one-sided conversation with you," she told him, giving him a slight smirk to show she was being light and humorous. "But I shouldn't have to, you brought it up."

"Do you think if I hadn't chickened out that we'd be happily married by now?" He blurted out, tossing in a new strange question that was met with a frown from her.

It was her turn to shake her head, "I don't know. I suppose it could've gone either way, and it doesn't really matter now." She watched him a moment as he appeared the let that sink in. "What difference does it make anyway? The only way we're not married is that we didn't actually do the official part," she told him.

"I--well, I suppose it doesn't," he seemed disappointed and she frowned again. He was confusing her, and she sighed.

Standing up, she crossed the room. "Look," she started, "I'll throw you a bone." Sitting down next to him, she continued, "You were right, it would've been stupid to get married then, and to be honest, neither of us had the time to deal with it."

"What, with a baby on the way and all- such time eaters," he smirked, appreciating the fact that she had managed to figure out what he had been trying to ask her.

She smirked back. "Right, we didn't have time to plan a wedding," she nodded, revealing to him what he had suspected -- he was still an idiot for calling it off completely instead of just saying 'let's do it later when we have time'.

"Sorry," he offered, quietly.

"David," she started, "Are you trying to tell me that you're thinking about proposing to me again?"

"Would it be bad if I did?" He asked, answering her question at the same time.

After a couple of seconds, she shook her head, "But when and if you do, please do it like a man, and don't do it unless you're sure, because I don't think I could take you changing your mind twice."

"This is different," he told her. "We've been living together for two years, it's not like I just knocked you up and backing myself into a corner." He truly believed that things were good between them because they had allowed each other time rather than rushing into a wedding that he (neither of them) were ready for.

"Right," she nodded. "Don't do that either, the backing yourself into a corner part."

He smirked, "I'm afraid you'd hit me if I did." He was pleased when that earned him a laugh from her.

"So, yeah, should I be prepared for some kind of proposal here?" She asked, hiding the way that made her nervous.

He shrugged, and then nodded.

"Hah," she chuckled, "Just let me know when."

He smirked as he put his arm around her shoulder and switched the television on. This was nice, just sitting here together and not thinking. No more thinking was allowed, not if he had anything to do with it.

He probably didn't, though.

alex eames, rp moment

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