RP Log | Burning at IAB

Sep 14, 2009 18:49

Connie Rubirosa: *goes to IAB*
Connie Rubirosa: *is not happy about this*
Connie Rubirosa: *goes in, ready to look for a cop, not Dresden*
David Dresden: *is trying to tear up sheets of paper, is failing, in frustrations he screws it up instead and aims for the trash can, and misses*
Connie Rubirosa: *piece of paper lands by her feet, looks down, raises a brow, then looks up, sees him* Shoulda known.
David Dresden: *looks over* Oh, hey, Rubirosa. Did that hit you?
Connie Rubirosa: Nope, you missed.
David Dresden: Damn.
David Dresden: *headdesk*

Connie Rubirosa: Yeah, make some comment about your aim improving and you'll be sorry.
David Dresden: Improving? You kiddin' me? I missed both you and the trash can. My day couldn't get any worse!
Connie Rubirosa: *eyeroll*

David Dresden: What brings you here? You burn when you visit IAB, you know.
Connie Rubirosa: I burn?
David Dresden: Yeah, it's a metaphor -- you have entered Hell. Alex won't even come here.
David Dresden: And she has thick skin.

Connie Rubirosa: *smirks* I'm sure if her job required it she would.
David Dresden: I'm sure. *smirks back* So what brings you here?
Connie Rubirosa: Looking into the file of a cop. *crosses her arms* Which is always a load of fun.
David Dresden: That's what happens here.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Hence my being here.
David Dresden: Who you looking for?
Connie Rubirosa: *consults her BlackBerry*
Connie Rubirosa: *frowning as she does so, going through messages*
David Dresden: *watches her with amusement*
David Dresden: *crosses his arms*
Connie Rubirosa: *reads it off her screen* Joe Layton, from North Midtown.
Connie Rubirosa: .....*pause, check* The 2-3.

David Dresden: Ahhh. Did you need me to help you or do you want another shrub to help you instead?
Connie Rubirosa: Nah, you're my favorite shrub.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
David Dresden: I feel so honoured. *smirks back*
Connie Rubirosa: You should.
David Dresden: *looks smug*
Connie Rubirosa: *just laughs a little*
David Dresden: What's he done then?
David Dresden: *switching his computer on*
Connie Rubirosa: We're not sure. But we do know he's not being entirely truthful. The boys at the 2-3 are being tight-lipped. Too tight-lipped. *shakes her head* There's a difference between the blue wall and obstructing justice.
David Dresden: *types in his name and waits for the result to pop up* Definitely sounds like they could be hiding something to me. *sighs*
Connie Rubirosa: Michael wanted to indict the whole squad.
David Dresden: *raises his brow* That's slightly extreme, but I completely respect him for it.

Connie Rubirosa: *with a tone of half-admiration, half-exasperation* He can be a bit extreme when he thinks justice isn't being met.
David Dresden: *smirks* Then he's in the right job.
David Dresden: *the cops file appears on his screen*
David Dresden: *glances through it, as he goes down, his eyebrows get higher and higher*
Connie Rubirosa: *brows raise at his brows raising*
David Dresden: Well, he's been investigated before for improper conduct a couple of times. Something here about how he was investigated for tampering with evidence, but he was cleared. *shows her the screen*

Connie Rubirosa: *frowning, taking this in*
David Dresden: Just 'cause he was cleared doesn't mean anything. Could just mean there wasn't much evidence... *is cynical*
Connie Rubirosa: No kidding.
David Dresden: Since he tampered with it.
David Dresden: So, your instincts were dead on with him hiding something from ya.

Connie Rubirosa: Probably. We just have to find a way to prove it....or, find some leverage.
Connie Rubirosa: ...like someone who knows something and might be willing to talk to us.
Connie Rubirosa: ...fat chance of that.
David Dresden: Not if they're all being hush-hush about it all.
David Dresden: But I could print off the reports of these investigations, there'd be names, etc, for you.
Connie Rubirosa: That would be a start.
David Dresden: Don't say I never do anything for you. *smirks, gets to doing that*
Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head*
David Dresden: *chuckles* So, how's your soon-to-be husband loverboy?
David Dresden: *taking time to print it all*
Connie Rubirosa: *blushes at that* Aside from being annoyed at the cops, he's fine.

David Dresden: You embarrassed?
Connie Rubirosa: Loverboy? Really? I'm going to have to think of some sort of name to call you when I ask Alex how you're doing....
David Dresden: Just ask her. She has lots of names for me.
David Dresden: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: I'll bet.
David Dresden: Uh huh. Shouldn't say here. *chuckles*
Connie Rubirosa: I don't wanna know.

David Dresden: Probably wise. If loverboy made you blush... *joking*
Connie Rubirosa: It doesn't, in itself. I'm just not used to hearing anyone refer to him as anything but....him.
Connie Rubirosa: We're not very.....*pause* We tend to be a bit low-key in public displays of affection.
David Dresden: Ahh. Oops?
David Dresden: *smirks*
David Dresden: You know, from what I remember, wedding's tend to be very lovey-dovey with the public displays of affection.
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, please. You don't have to make out when the priest says 'you may now kiss the bride' to show your affection.
David Dresden: You don't? Damn. I change my mind, then... *shakes his head* Anyway, there's more than that. There's that first dance stupidity.
David Dresden: Where everyone watches you...

Connie Rubirosa: *sighs* Our wedding day will obviously be a bit different than every other day. But normally--I mean, we work together. We have to separate public and private a little more than the average couple. *pause*..why am I talking to you about this? *puzzled look*

David Dresden: I don't know. But I do seem to be finding myself talking about wedding's a lot. This can't be good.
Connie Rubirosa: *curious brow raise* Oh really?
David Dresden: Yeah. *looks uncomfortable, clears his throat and looks to the printer*
Connie Rubirosa: *debates saying anything*

David Dresden: *doesn't say anything*

Connie Rubirosa: *thinks*...if it happens...the timing will be right and you'll be comfortable with it.
David Dresden: *not looking at her, clears his throat* ...yeah, thanks.
David Dresden: *not admitting they're talking about it so he doesn't look at her*

Connie Rubirosa: *small smile* How's Ellie doing?
David Dresden: *smiles* She's doing alright, thanks. Growing like a weed.
Connie Rubirosa: I'll bet.
David Dresden: Oh - *clicks his fingers* - you'll be pleased to hear, she can almost go in a straight line with the walker.
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, she can?
David Dresden: Yeah, she chased me. Well, followed me and hit me with it.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* That's good.
David Dresden: *feigns insult* It Hurt.
Connie Rubirosa: Isn't that what dads are for?
Connie Rubirosa: Beating on?
Connie Rubirosa: *grin*
David Dresden: Damn. That's what Alex said. *pouts*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* See? She knows.
David Dresden: I didn't see that in the job description.
Connie Rubirosa: I thought that was a big part of it, right there with banning boyfriends and makeup.

David Dresden: *laughs* I tried to ban boyfriends for Sam. It doesn't work.
Connie Rubirosa: She dating already?
David Dresden: Yeah, she's 15 and she has a boyfriend. I don't approve. *sighs*
Connie Rubirosa: Poor guy. *leans over to get first part of sheaf of printing papers*
David Dresden: You know this is taking up a whole forest.
David Dresden: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Well, it's not exactly something that can just be sent to the Blackberry.

Connie Rubirosa: Much to Michael's chagrin.
David Dresden: A Blackberry? You use a Blackberry? *cringes*
David Dresden: *like, he doesn't like them*
Connie Rubirosa: The entire DA's office and some of the cops do....why?
David Dresden: Not a fan.
David Dresden: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Why not?
David Dresden: I just don't see the point. *shrugs*
Connie Rubirosa: You can access your email and the internet and keep track of all your appointments. Maybe it's more necessary for lawyers.
David Dresden: Yeah, i don't have a lot of appointments, and my email only really gets any traffic when people send me spam. Besides, I have a laptop, and that does it just as well.

Connie Rubirosa: It helps when you can't carry around a laptop. *smirks* Michael's BlackBerry has come to the rescue in front of more than one judge--both in court and in chambers.
David Dresden: I don't need that. *smirks back* And the laptop does the job faster. The only problem for me is that Ellie broke the B key.
Connie Rubirosa: Uh-oh.
David Dresden: Yeah, she's a fan of YouTube. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* I'll bet. Those dancing cat videos?
David Dresden: *laughs* Yup. And she watches Seasame Street videos on there, too.
Connie Rubirosa: That's cute.
David Dresden: It is. But I'm never letting her write email again. *dramatic sigh*

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs harder at that* What'd she say, and to who?
David Dresden: She ended up sending a reply to a colleague here at IAB, and it was just gibberish. I'm not even sure how she did it. But that's how she broke the keys.
Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head* You're going to have to start babyproofing more stuff.
David Dresden: Things that can hurt her have been babyproofed. But she feels left out when one of us is at the computer.

Connie Rubirosa: I see.
David Dresden: I don't mind, as long as she doesn't break any other key
David Dresden: I don't need the B anyway.
David Dresden: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: You might have a hard time composing emails.
David Dresden: I've found ways around it so far. *laughs*
David Dresden: Besides I'm not popular enough for the problem to come up that much.
Connie Rubirosa: Sad.
David Dresden: Not really. I survive. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: I don't doubt it.
David Dresden: Thank you.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
Connie Rubirosa: *glances through papers*
David Dresden: *smirks back*

Connie Rubirosa: *sighs at immense amounts of papers*
David Dresden: Yeah, there's a lot to go through...
Connie Rubirosa: Lucky me.
David Dresden: Have you got no lower shrubs at the DA's office to help you?
Connie Rubirosa: We're a bit under-staffed at the moment. Michael and I will probably make a whole night of it. Paperwork and takeout at the office.
David Dresden: How romantic. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, very.

Connie Rubirosa: *sarcastic*
David Dresden: That's what I figured.
David Dresden: *amused*
Connie Rubirosa: *putting the papers together in an orderly fashion*

David Dresden: Here. *grabs a file and hands it to her* That's easier.
Connie Rubirosa: Thanks. *still arranging things*
David Dresden: *watches this*
Connie Rubirosa: *all orderly and chronological*
David Dresden: I'm gonna go grab a drink while you do that... *pushes himself away from the desk*
Connie Rubirosa: Sure...*organizing, with a little sigh*
David Dresden: *comes back with his coffee* Oh, crap. Did you want one?
Connie Rubirosa: *hand up, like dismissing the idea, not looking up from a file she's now reading* No, it's fine.

David Dresden: Good, I wasn't gonna get you one. *smirks, teasing, he's getting the impression she isn't paying attention*
Connie Rubirosa: *glances up, smirks back* I'll just have to report those bad manners to Alex.
David Dresden: *rubbing his eye, stops and looks at her* You're gonna tell on me?!
Connie Rubirosa: Maybe I will and maybe I won't.
David Dresden: I'm gonna tell her that you're threatening me.
Connie Rubirosa: *shrugs* Go ahead.
Connie Rubirosa: I'll tell her you gave me reason to.
David Dresden: Hey, I think she'll take my side over yours.
David Dresden: *smirks*

Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head, looks back at papers*
David Dresden: *whispers* A-ha, I won. *sips his coffee*
Connie Rubirosa: *eyeroll*
David Dresden: *does a little dance in his seat*
Connie Rubirosa: *looking through stuff, frowning*
David Dresden: What's up?
David Dresden: *stops dancing, and becomes all serious*
Connie Rubirosa: *slight headshake* This guy.....is going to be difficult to take on...that's all.
David Dresden: Well, that's what you do, right? I'm sure you'll manage to make heads or tails of it all.
Connie Rubirosa: Hope so.
David Dresden: *nods*

David Dresden: *checking his emails*
Connie Rubirosa: *her BlackBerry goes off, she looks at the number, hits 'ignore' and goes back to what she was doing*
David Dresden: No one important then?
Connie Rubirosa: My sister. Calling me about wedding stuff, probably.
David Dresden: Hmmm. *appears to ponder this*
Connie Rubirosa: *headtilt* Yes?
David Dresden: Nothing. Just a-thinking.
Connie Rubirosa: About?
David Dresden: Your sister could've had another reason to call?
Connie Rubirosa: I doubt it. She'll leave a message. And send a text. And an email.
David Dresden: Wow.

David Dresden: I'm confused. Which one of you is getting married?
Connie Rubirosa: I am. But since I helped her so much during her wedding, she feels that she has to repay me. And she has a job with flexible hours and a lot of money.
David Dresden: Ah... *mutters* I'll never understand you women.
Connie Rubirosa: She's trying to be nice...and helpful. BUt she's being a bit too helpful.
David Dresden: Sounds like it to me.
David Dresden: Just tell her to zip it for a while
Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles* Easier said than done.
David Dresden: That's a shame.
David Dresden: *chuckles*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*

David Dresden: Good luck with that
David Dresden: *his own phone beeps and he checks it, it's a text message*
Connie Rubirosa: *glances up curiously*
David Dresden: *typing a reply, all engrossed in what he's doing. finally sends it and looks up* What?
Connie Rubirosa: *shrugs, goes back to her papers*
David Dresden: *frowns, confused by that*
David Dresden: *shrugs and replies to the next message that quickly appears in his phone*
Connie Rubirosa: Everything okay?
David Dresden: Yeah, sure. I may get to go home early... something about Ellie having to leave daycare earlier, it doesn't make much sense in a text message...
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, no. Is she all right?
David Dresden: Hang on. *grumbles over typing the message, gives up and phones Alex instead*
Connie Rubirosa: *concerned, but goes back to the files*
David Dresden: *to Alex, after saying all the hello's* ...okay, well, I guess it's better for her to be at home then.... *pause* ...I'll come and take her off you... See you later. *hangs up*

Connie Rubirosa: *looks back over*
David Dresden: She's apparently got a cold, at least that's what they think, and seems she's not taking too nicely to being at daycare when she's sick.
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, poor baby.
David Dresden: *sad face, you know, because his baby is sick* Yeah. Alex is picking her up, since she's closer.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods, sympathetic face*
David Dresden: *then pulls like an 'oooh' face that's crossed with a shocked face* Unless she's pulled a sicky. I will be so proud of her.
David Dresden: *joking*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Nice.

Connie Rubirosa: Is she old enough to know how to do that?
David Dresden: I don't know. But she's smart enough.
David Dresden: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: I don't doubt that.
David Dresden: Yeah, well, she doesn't get that off me. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
David Dresden: See, and you don't even argue. *amused*
Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head*
David Dresden: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: Is Alex taking her home?

David Dresden: No, she's bringing her here. Well, not -here- but outside here.
Connie Rubirosa: And then you're taking her home?
David Dresden: Yes.

David Dresden: Probably should tell the boss...
David Dresden: *looks over at the office*
Connie Rubirosa: *snort* Probably. *packign up her files to go*

David Dresden: You want me to drop you off on the way back home?
David Dresden: Unless you're scared of catching baby-germs
Connie Rubirosa: I wouldn't mind that, if you don't mind going to Hogan Place. *smirk*
David Dresden: I don't mind. It doesn't singe the clothes like it does being here.
David Dresden: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* All right. *putting files in her briefcase*
David Dresden: Be back in a minute. *goes to knock of the office door, having a brief chat with the boss*

Connie Rubirosa: *finishes putting her stuff away, calls Michael and lets him know she got stuff and that they're going to be up to their ears in it, and that she's about to come back*
Connie Rubirosa: *at the end of her phone call* Remember what Jack said about ham sandwiches. *teasing* See you in a bit. *hangs up*

David Dresden: *comes back* ...he doesn't care, as long as I do some work at home. *shrugs* *pause* Ham sandwiches?
Connie Rubirosa: ...it's a saying Jack has. One time a couple of cops brought him some thin evidence on a case. He told them, for that matter, he could indict a ham sandwich. "It would have more meat on it."
David Dresden: Does he say that a lot?
David Dresden: *grabbing his things*
David Dresden: Sooo you were talking to loverboy just now, huh?
David Dresden: *teasing!*

Connie Rubirosa: He says the same thing to us, sometimes. *pause* I was talking to Michael, yes. *eyeroll*
David Dresden: *snickers* Okay. Let's go. *starts out of Hell/IAB*
Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head with amusement, follows him, wonders how she ended up as David Dresden's sidekick for the moment*

*it's a weird, crazy world*
David Dresden: *leads the way out the building*

Connie Rubirosa: *follows*

*they get outside to where Alex is actually waiting, holding Ellie who actually looks half-asleep and fussy*

Connie Rubirosa: *little wave to Alex*
Alex Eames: *looks confused*
Alex Eames: *little wave back with her free hand as David reached her and greeted her* Hey... guys. *looks at them both*
Connie Rubirosa: I came for some files and David offered to drop me back at Hogan Place.

David Dresden: Yeah, so don't believe her when she says I have no manners --*points to Connie*

Alex Eames: ...ohhhh-kay. I won't. And good for you. *smirks*
Ellie: *rubs her eyes and buries her face in Alex's shoulder, letting out a little sneeze*
Connie Rubirosa: *smirking*
Connie Rubirosa: He was a good boy.
Connie Rubirosa: *then snickers*
Connie Rubirosa: You have him trained right.
Alex Eames: *bursts out laughing at the shocked look on David's face* Uh huh. Yeah, I do. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles, then glances over at Ellie and says, softly* Hi, Miss Ellie.
Ellie: *rubs her head and lets out a cry*
Ellie: *and sneezes*
Alex Eames: *wipes Ellie's nose*
David Dresden: Yeah, she's not happy.
David Dresden: *strokes Ellie's head*
Connie Rubirosa: Poor baby.

Alex Eames: When I went to pick her up, I could hear her crying all the way from reception.

Connie Rubirosa: Aww.
David Dresden: *takes Ellie off Alex and she buries herself in his coat*
Connie Rubirosa: *looks sad for Ellie*
Alex Eames: *sad face, gives Ellie a quick kiss* Right, I have to go back to work before Ross panics.
Connie Rubirosa: Panics? Ross?
Alex Eames: He's with Goren... Anything is possible.

Connie Rubirosa: ....good point.
David Dresden: *snickers*
Alex Eames: See you later. Well--*looks at Connie*--maybe see you later?
Connie Rubirosa: It's possible. If I'm not buried in papers.
David Dresden: No, no, she's gotta stay up all night with loverboy. Something about working.
Connie Rubirosa: *blushes again* It is working.
Alex Eames: *sympathetic look to Connie* Ignore him.
Connie Rubirosa: I try.
David Dresden: Hmph.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
Alex Eames: Be nice. *smirks* Both of you. *to David, with a smile* I'll see you later. *gives Ellie a little kiss on her head, even though Ellie is still fussing in David's coat*
Connie Rubirosa: I always am.
Alex Eames: I meant both of you... *amused*
Alex Eames: *turning to leave*
David Dresden: *touches her arm as a form of saying goodbye*
Connie Rubirosa: *waits, as she is still following David*
David Dresden: *leads the way to his car*

Ellie: *looks over at Connie and sneezes*
Connie Rubirosa: *small smile* Poor girl.
David Dresden: *attempts to clean her nose whilst walking* Yeah. Being outside probably isn't helping.
Connie Rubirosa: Probably not.
David Dresden: *walks faster*

Connie Rubirosa: *keeps up, since you know, she's tall and all*

David Dresden: *reaches his car and unlocks it*
Connie Rubirosa: *gets in on the passenger's side*
David Dresden: *opens the back door and places Ellie in her carseat*
Ellie: *bursts out into loud crying the instant he does that*
Connie Rubirosa: *feels bad*
David Dresden: *trying to mentally close his ears as he grabs a blanket and wraps her up, and tries to find a pacifier*
Connie Rubirosa: *turns around to face the backseat, holds out a hand to Ellie* It's okay, Ellie. You get to go home soon. *trying to sound all soothing* And you can have your bunny and boss your dad around....
David Dresden: Well, you can have your bunny...

David Dresden: *decides against the pacifer, and gently strokes her face instead* Look, I'm gonna have to close the door, and you're bringing down the house. Buuuut, apparently you have Auntie Connie to entertain you. *gives Ellie a smile and then closes the door*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles at Ellie, taking her by the hand if Ellie lets her* I bet he'll even give you jello or ice cream or whatever makes you feel better.
David Dresden: Chocolate Pudding!!! *punches the air as he gets the drivers seat* Yeah, Momma is at work, we can eat whatever we want!
Ellie: *holds Connie's hand, and puts her other hand in her mouth, still crying, tears rolling down her face*

Connie Rubirosa: Wow, chocolate pudding, Ellie. I remember you like that a lot. *smiling at her*
Connie Rubirosa: I bet he'll let you watch cartoons, too.
David Dresden: She doesn't have it much. It's new, since her party anyway. *smirks, starts the car* I'll be watching cartoons, it's true.
Ellie: *just crying, listening to them, but crying*
Connie Rubirosa: *to Ellie* Shhhh. *soft, rubbing her hand*
David Dresden: *starts driving in the hopes the motion will soothe her*
Ellie: *red faced, kicking her legs about*

David Dresden: No wonder the daycare folks sent you home...

Connie Rubirosa: *grabs one of the toys, holds it out to her*
Ellie: *tears still rolling down her face, she looks at the toy*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles, shakes it at her a bit*
Ellie: *frustratingly rubs her face and then holds out her hand for the toy*
Connie Rubirosa: *gives it to her* There you go.
Ellie: *sits it inbetween her legs*

Connie Rubirosa: *smiles, pats her arm, trying to be all reassuring*
David Dresden: *looks up into the mirror to see if Ellie is okay*

Ellie: *crying, although it's not as loud as before* Mama.

Connie Rubirosa: Your mama will be back from work before you know it.
Ellie: *sniffles* Dada. *she just wants one of them to hug her*
David Dresden: I'm still here. *concentrating as much as he can on driving though*
Connie Rubirosa: *pats at Ellie's arm, thinking she should've sat in the back seat*

Ellie: *randomly kicking her legs out, and then lets out a little sneeze*
Connie Rubirosa: Bless you. *keeps patting her arm*
Ellie: *looks up at the way she says 'bless you' and stares at her, still very red in the face*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles back* It's all right, Ellie-girl. You'll be okay...
Ellie: *sniffling, quietly* Leelee. *all sad faced, definitely not feeling well*
Connie Rubirosa: That's right--little Miss Ellie.

David Dresden: Yeah, or smelly-Ellie, Ellie-bean....
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Smelly-Ellie? You're not smelly, are you Ellie?
David Dresden: Sure she does. Especially in the morning when she's filled her diaper. *curls up his nose, aiming this at Ellie, too* Smellllly. Ick.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* I'msure your dad was a smelly baby once, Ellie. He probably still smells sometimes, too.
David Dresden: *pretends to sniff himself* Heh, probably. But momma makes me shower when I do.
Ellie: Dada.

David Dresden: And I was -never- a baby, smelly or otherwise.
Connie Rubirosa: Uh-huh.
Ellie: *rubs her face*

David Dresden: *shakes his head*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiling at Ellie*
David Dresden: You gonna go to sleep, Ellie?
Connie Rubirosa: Bet you'll feel a little better when you wake up...
Ellie: *looking drowsy*
Connie Rubirosa: *pats her*
David Dresden: Is that not uncomfortable? *since she's still sitting awkwardly*
Connie Rubirosa: It's all right. Better than her not being distracted for a bit.

David Dresden: Okay, just checking. Alex does that but she's shorter.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirks*
David Dresden: *smirks, too*
Connie Rubirosa: *takes a moment to turn back to the road to see how far they are from Hogan Place*
*not far*
Ellie: *whinges and closes her eyes, her cheeks flushed*
Ellie: *holding the toy Connie gave her*
Connie Rubirosa: *continues trying to console Ellie till they arrive at Hogan Place*
David Dresden: *pulls up at Hogan Place*
Ellie: *half-asleep*

Connie Rubirosa: *to David* Thanks for the ride. *getting her briefcase*
David Dresden: No problem. Thanks for helping with the crying toddler.
Connie Rubirosa: No problem. *glances back* Bye, Ellie. I hope you feel better. *soft, since Ellie's almost asleep*
David Dresden: She'll be okay once she gets some decent sleep. *looks back*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* See you later.
David Dresden: Laters. *little wave*
Connie Rubirosa: *waves as she goes*
David Dresden: *carefully drives off*

connie rubirosa, alex eames, aim log, ellie dresden eames, iab

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