So, about a month ago I procured a
Madell BT850 hot air penis pencil. I didn't fire it up for a couple of weeks, but when I did I had the darnedest surprise. With the heat at about 50%, the nozzle got hotter, and hotter, and hotter until the plastic housing started to melt and the metal nozzle and shroud were glowing orange. So, I flicked the machine off and rang up Madell for support. They offered me a new unit in return for the old one, which I gladly accepted. The down side is that I didn't receive it until this past Wednesday. Now I can solder down those accelerometers I've been waiting on.
I figured if something failed like this, it's no big deal because it's a $130 station. What I was surprised about was the wonderful support I got from Madell's folks in CA. While it could've been quicker, I didn't expect nearly the level of service I got.
Now, back to baking that birthday cake...