Well, to be honest, I spent most of the morning sleeping. Actually, all of the morning. It was pushing 1PM before I finally rolled out of bed and decided to get up on some cleaning. Pretty dull day. I cleaned, did some laundry, and in between tasks, I watched episodes of How I Met Your Mother. I had bought the first three seasons about a month ago, and I'm finally 2/3 of the way through the first disc of season two. Okay, I woke up superlate this morning because I was up all night with
sou_raider on Skype finishing up the first season. ♥ You know it's going to work when we're a trillion miles from each other and we can still have TV time together. Loves it~
Okay, so air traffic fell through AGAIN. However, after my DEP call today, I'm actually not as butthurt about it because I would have been leaving for basic training on Tuesday and I'm still not where I need to be, neither physically nor mentally. Sgt. Greene decided it'd be a good idea to give us a little taste of getting our asses chewed mid-workout, so he was barking at mainly "the ladies" who were sucking at pushups. Not gonna lie, I was doing knee pushups myself. "Okay little girls, your mothers and grandmothers burned their bras for you to be out here, so you'd better exercise those equal rights of yours! Get your sorry asses up and give me some fucking push ups! DOWN! UP!" ; ; What a meanie. My arms feel like jello. I know, shut up. It's going to be a million times worse when I'm actually out there. It sucks that I'm going to be waiting a little bit longer, but I'm glad I've got more time to prepare.
IN THE MEANTIME, I'm going to be paying down the last of my debts so I can shop guilt-free~ I have two cards down, two to go, and I'm really hoping that I'll have enough time to get the other two taken care of before I go. I want to get a laptop for when I'm in tech school, because my desktop is H U G E, and I don't want to spend all of my time chained to this thing when I get out there. Actually......... . . . .. ... ... I'm gonna go laptop shopping right now. Lol, ttyl. $$$ *HEADESK*