Comment to this post and I will pick seven things I would like you to talk about. They might make sense or be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
So I start with
Introspection: Funnily enough this is something I have done a lot of in the past few years. It has been a helpful aid for me to accept the circumstances I have been led to and move forward from. I have used introspection to assure myself I have indeed made good choices and conversely to review pitfalls from the past so I can avoid them.
Flying: Oh yes please! I have had a few lessons and would love to have the cash to continue and earn a license. My motorcycle days (and I will ride again) were akin to flying on the ground. I mean ... I want to be a bird!
Hair: I have always seen my hair as one of my best features and keep it red as I age because (while I have no issues with aging) I am just not ready to NOT be a redhead anymore.
In my youth my men all needed to have longish locks, but now? It just has to be clean and well-maintained.
Theater: My life. I discovered live acting as a child and just knew I would be a star some day.
But as I studied in college, I was lured to the dark side ... tech work. Fell into the costume shop and never really left. I have lived in 14 states because of theater, met my (now ex) husband in the theater, worked on Broadway shows, designed off-Broadway shows and in general just LOVE live theater; be it drama, musical or spectacle.
Sentimentality: Genuine sentiment is a lovely thing. I cherish memories, mementos, letters that speak from the heart but abhor false sentimentality and displays of emotion that are more concerned about the effect and not the honesty.
Drinks: Hells yes! But seriously, I stopped drinking when I was trying to influence the (now ex ... seeing a pattern here? :>) husband. Didn't work, but I still got out of the habit of alcoholic drinking.
Water on the other hand ... bring it on! (I do still love my Guinness however.)
Furniture: I wanna make furniture! I want to make wood chests and chairs, tables and seating items. However, I want to make it all in miniature.
I do like furniture, I put a lot of thought and effort into shopping for the pieces I bought to furnish the apartment and if I had the money would not hesitate to spend it on good pieces.
My styles are eclectic but wood has to be dominant.