First update in a busy two weeks

Feb 23, 2010 19:01

School is in full swing. I'm doing well. I've made almost every class. I missed one class when I had been awake for 24+ hours and felt it would probably be best to go to bed instead of class. Regardless, I certainly feel more focused on school now than at any time previously in my college career.

This past weekend, I went with Tom for a Chico mini-vacation. We crashed at our friend Dustin's house Friday and Saturday night. That place is pretty blasted. It's the second time I've been there (the last time for about a week), and every single night I was there it was the same template: wake up in the afternoon, kill time for six to eight hours, then start the drinking/other controlled substances. It seems to be the only idea of fun around there. Honestly, I could do with a little less "fun".

I've been feeling a little old lately. Everyone in class is younger than me. With some people, the margin is more glaring than with others, but I almost always feel it. Tom and all of the people I've become friends with through him are also all four to seven years younger than me. Everyone says they don't realize I'm older than everyone until someone informs them, but I still feel it. I think part of how urgently I'm aware of it is apprehension over my general status. It has sometimes felt like I've been in stasis (virtually since before the end of high school), but the truth is of course much less benign. Refusing to have a life doesn't prevent life from going on without you.

I realize that I haven't made an entry article about the end of my active professional poker career. It hasn't been something I've been particularly avoiding. I just haven't gotten around to it. I'll do a postmortem soon.

age, life

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