a little bit hungover

Mar 22, 2009 22:10

tom and a bunch of his friends were here from tuesday through saturday. it was a lot of fun. exhausting, but fun. on each night except tuesday we went clubbing. i'm not a club person. i've been before but just never liked it. i won't dance sober as i'm too afraid of looking dumb. it's lame to go clubbing and not dance, so it puts me in a bind of either being lame, or drinking lots which i also don't like (there's just too high a probability of doing something i'll regret the next day...like looking dumb while dancing). however, this week i had uber fun, owing partly to being uber intoxicated each night, but also to being out with a fun group of people.

ao i'm feeling a little hungover in a social sense. i'm so acclimated to being alone. i've always been a rather solitary person, but i had good friends who i would see regularly, and that would keep me from feeling anti-social. of course most of have moved away from the bay area, and at any rate none of them are here. over the last couple of months my life has become almost monastic (an ironic word, considering exactly where i am). so the last week has been quite different. not necessarily negatively, though the contrast in atmosphere is severe.

so now tom and his group are gone, and i miss their company and the transitory excitement they added to a life now characterized by numbing monotony, but i think much more than that they've made me miss my own friends quite saliently.
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