Jul 30, 2004 17:26
Last night I took an 11 hour nap. It was supposed to be short..like from 7-8 or something but it ended up being from 7-6 am. Around 8 last night Anthony and Kira stopped by for like 10 minutes to talk. After they left I went back to sleep. It was nice seeing Kira for the first time this summer. I got up and showered and picked up Sara and Ashley and went to camp. The first half we relearned a new jazz dance because the one yesterday was stupid. On our break my mom dropped Sara off at home because someone hurt her. :( After that, me, Ash, and Amber went to Fuddruckers and had lunch. We saw Sarah, Ashley, Kristi, and Megan there. 8-) When we got back we learned yet another dance. This time it was kick. And it was a bitch. The whole back side of my right leg is dead. I'm sure you want to know this but we were sweating all over the floor for like 3 hours and it got all sticky and stuff. It was so nasty. But I got to put on icy hot ;-) that stuff smells magnificent. I can still vaguely smell it on my leg.. I think thats all.. shower time!