The Basics
Name: Caitlin
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Number of stamps: [at this community] 0
If you're getting a re-stamp, please explain who you were matched with and why you want a re-stamp. Also, post links to 5 applications you voted in: n/a
Likes: Writing, chocolate, RPGs, music
Dislikes: Arachnids, dishonest people, asparagus...
Favorite Food/Drink: Steak/Fanta (wanna Fanta, don'cha wanna wanna Fanta...)
Hobbies: Baking, writing, singing, dancing
Essay Section [don't really write an essay, but go into detail the most here]
What do you like about yourself? I guess I like how I'm kind to others, even when they aren't to me, or when others aren't to them. I like my view of the world, too, I suppose... I'm also proud of myself to be able to stay calm in very aggravating situations.
What about you would you change? I quit too easily... I'd like to get the motivation to stay in it till it's over. I'm often too detail-oriented too... I'm very very picky.
What is your motive in life? Just to live my life like it's my last day. ^_^
What's your favorite animal/object? Why? I love birds, all kinds. They're so free, flying above the rest of us, seemingly with no care in the world. And they're so graceful...
Describe yourself in no more than three words. Compassionate, accommodating, lazy.
Are you...
Leader or Follower? Follower.
Outgoing or Shy? Shy.
Good or Evil? I think I'm good, but you never know...
Loud or Quiet? Quiet.
Looks or Personality? Personality is more important. Looks mean nothing if you're a bad person.
Favorite character? I love Matt, even though he was short lived. He was an awesome side-character. XD
Least favorite character? Takada. I'm not even sure why, but she just gets on my nerves sometimes. Although, I pitied her at the end...
Are you looking for male or female? Uh, male please.
Turn-Ons? Loyal, treats me right, and is honest. My top 3. ^_^
Turn-Offs? Clingy/Obsessive, needlessly cruel to others, and dishonest.
How would you want to die? Someway peaceful, where I don't suffer for that long... I think I'd prefer dying in my sleep.
Do you like being independent or do you want teamwork? I prefer teamwork of independence. You can get more done in less time... and you get less to do if you split the work. :P
What is your opinon on Light's motives of removing the world of all the ignorant people? Well, I think he had the right idea of world peace and all, but... killing innocent people to get to your goal is wrong. Maybe if Light had gone about it a different way, more subtle with less needless killings... I'd support it only then.
If you found a Death Note, what would you do with it? Burn it.
Please post links to 3 applications you voted in: