I like this icon entirely too much.

May 10, 2009 22:14

Writing meme I ganked from Ashley-chan (iramirado)! =D


What’s the last thing you wrote?
The first chapter to a Code Geass AU fic. I rather like it. It's very crackalicious. :3

Was it any good?
See above.

What’s the first thing you wrote that you still have?
That story I wrote in sixth or seventh grade about the three teens who go into outer space. I thought I was super-cool for writing a story that was 34 pages long... *sweatdrop*

Write poetry?

Angsty poetry?
...may...be? If a redwood tree can be "angsty", then yes.

Favourite genre of writing?
...Lit fic? Dramedy? I dunno. I really like character-driven stuff, and I love wacky comedy and drama, but not an overload of either, so lately my writing has a mix of both of those. Sometimes (like Rem's Side) the story is heavy on the drama/angst, so that's up there too, I guess.

Most fun character you’ve ever created?
Killian/Nightstalker! :D He was doomed from the start. He's just a bundle of emo-ness and I love to roleplay with him. It makes me unreasonably happy. I guess it's nice to get the emo-ness out of my system every now and then?

Most annoying character you’ve ever created?
Probably Killian. :P But seriously, I guess Emily Hanson (Gakuen no Rolo). Even I hated her after a while. If I met her in real life I'd probably punch her.

Best plot you’ve ever created?
Cyberpunk dystopian future with a nine-year-old genius, a teen druggie, a jaded cop, a psycho abandoned housewife and an apathetic homeless wanderer, who eventually find each other and nearly destroy the world until a outside supernatural force steps in with a Reset end. God I wish I still had the notes to that novel. I really wanna finish it.

Coolest plot twist you’ve ever created?
"...I'm a boy, sir. I can't believe you never knew!"

How often do you get writer’s block?
Writer's block? Every so often. Losing the will to sit down and write? Nearly every day. DX

Write fan fiction?
Absolutely! See first answer.

Do you type or write by hand?
Type, but if I'm not near a computer and I gotta get something down then I'll write it out, but normally in note form, just so I don't forget everything.

Do you save everything you write?
I try to. I wish I still had my horribly wonderful first nanowrimo work... I wanna go back and laugh at the horribleness. ;_;

Do you ever go back to an idea after you’ve abandoned it?
Yeah. In fact, I've been trying to get back into Rem's Side. It's hard because I hit a wall writing that fic and I hit it hard.

What’s your favourite thing you’ve written?
...Toughie. Uh... I don't really like a lot of what I've written, but I do like some of it. One of my favorite things is a short little side story I wrote based on Killian/Nightstalker. Another is Gakuen no Rolo, even if it is horrible, just because it's so crack-ish and fun. :3 And of course Rem's Side, though I gotta be in a really dark mood to write stuff for that...

What’s everyone else’s favourite story that you’ve written?
I... don't really show people my work very often... so in short I have no idea. But I know my friends liked my story about the manager and the girl/boy secretary. XD

Do you ever show people your work?
See above. If I'm satisfied with it, I will-- which explains why I hardly ever do.

Did you ever write a novel?
Nanowrimo, three years and counting. Technically they're novellas but hey, let's not split hairs.

Ever written romance or angsty teen drama?
Angsty teen drama was my specialty when I was a teeny bopper going on sixteen. After that I started breaking away from that, if only because I got tired of it, and my mediocre writing skills weren't doing the genre justice. DX Romance, yeah, it pops up in my work from time to time, but my favorite stuff is stuff that's void of romance or has no requited romance whatsoever.

What’s your favourite setting for your characters?
*opens mouth* ... *closes mouth* Good question. I'm stumped. Which characters are we talking about here? The ones for that one story, or the other story, or perhaps that one story about the guy and all those girls... they each have different settings. One's in the future in an undisclosed American city. One's in Minnesota. One's in Japan. I don't really have a favorite setting...

How many writing projects are you working on right now?
Must I count them? All right, I'll try.... Okay, off the top of my head, seven. And that's without even really thinking. I have a habit of starting stories and then not finishing them (could ya tell?).

Do you want to write for a living?
Heck yes.

Have you ever won an award for your writing?
A few, but mostly high school stuff. One of my stories was entered in a contest that spanned all the high schools in my county and won honorable mention for my grade (which is technically third place since there was only first, second, and honorable mention). So yeah, that's good?

Ever written anything in script or play format?
A few times. It was fun. :3

What are your five favourite words?
Anything having to do with facial expressions. Pick five. They must be my favorites, because I repeat them in my stories A LOT. I'm working on expanding my vocabulary. DX

Do you ever write based on yourself?
A few characters are based on me, and you're supposed to be able to tell, like Mary S. Williams (the S stands for "Sue" :D) in my comic series. (That counts as writing, right?) It's not an issue of being a self-insert because it's normally just played up for laughs. Do I ever write based on my experiences? I did, once. It wasn't fun. Now I don't. D:

What character have you created that is most like yourself?
Mary, as stated before, is *supposed* to be me, so probably her. Next in line would be Eri from my yet to be titled band story, but she's also pretty different... And then I guess JR from my harem story, although she is pretty distinct from me too so I don't know if she counts. All things considered, the fact that that's all I have is good, right?

Where do you get ideas for your characters?
I basically just sit down and think of them. I suppose mostly I go, "What would make the story interesting?" and then do that.

Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Heck yes! Whenever I'm scrounging for creative ideas (I have creativity issues a lot *sad face*), I take a dream idea and run with it. In fact, my cyberpunk story was based on a dream, come to think of it. :D

Do you favour happy endings, sad endings or cliff-hangers?
Good ends mostly, but it would almost always be at the end of a story filled with drama and angst. Sometimes I feel a bad end is appropriate though. My first nanowrimo story ended with half the main cast getting offed in the second half of the last chapter, with the last line being the main character picking up a gun and shooting himself in the head, and that's still my favorite ending.

Have you ever written based on an artwork you’ve seen?
That was actually the basis for all of my high school writing contests, so yes. :D

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Absolutely. I'm a grammar nazi ALL THE TIME, so that includes when I'm writing, obviously. :)

Ever write anything in chatspeak (how r u?)

Entirely in L337?

Was that question appalling and unwriterly?
Frankly, yes.

Does music help you write?
Yes. Sometimes all the background noises (like the TV going in the other room) distract me too much to write, so a good song cancels that out and lets my mind wander...

Quote something you’ve written. Whatever pops into your head.
"Niisan, what's shouta bait?"
"Niisan, what's ecchi?"
"Niisan, what does 'uke' mean?"
"KAICHOU!" Lelouch screamed as he stormed into the student council room, pulling Rolo by his arm in after him. "Stop corrupting my little brother!"

I can't help it. I know it's horrible and should go die in a fire and all but I still love Gakuen no Rolo. It's like my guilty pleasure or something. (x_x)q

rolo of the academy, nanowrimo, stop it's meme time, writing stuff

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