Apr 20, 2009 22:42
After COUNTLESS (read: a few at most) hours of pointless syncing, and even re-editing the song from SCRATCH, I have FINALLY finished touching up my Double Lariat simfile. It is now complete!! :D
Anyone wanna try? Anyone? It's got lots of spins!!
No one? Okay then... *shuffles off*
So excited about going to The Nexus on Friday. Hopefully I'm not stuck with a bunch of jerks. It's a lockin y'know, and I'm trying to have fun. Please don't let there be a ton of elitist jerks hanging around the IIDX machine... PLEASE God, I'm begging you here... T_T
Need to finish a paper for Leadership class, a paper for English, and... another paper for English. Also, a paper for English. Damn, dirty essays. >_>
Also, turns out there was a bunch of needless drama over my sewing machine. Well, it's fine now. So that's good. Still, it was rather comedic. Becca-chan knows the story, but I don't think anyone else does... that's okay though. Bah, what am I even saying. I'll shut up now. DX
So yeah. Any tips on sewing pleated skirts?
so excited,
the nexus,
leadership is not a class,
english is easy but i'm lazy