(no subject)

Dec 16, 2008 14:44


It says my last update was six days ago but it feels like so much longer than that. Oh God. Please give me internet back. Please. I promise I'll be good. I won't even go on 4chan anymore... well, what if I stick to /cm/? That'd be okay, right? D=

Spent my free time (and I've had a LOT of free time) making more stepcharts. No really, I've been on a fucking roll. I finished Speedy like I said I would, I FINALLY finished the heavy chart for Victory!!!, and I made light and standard charts for one of my earlier sims, Special Gyutto Good Luck!, which weren't actually on the list but it feels nice to have done them. Now if only they didn't suck. Next is Battle Theme #3, for not!boyfriend Andrew, who said since I always make charts to songs he doesn't like I should try making a chart to a song he picked. It'll probably be another straightforward chart. I might make light and standard charts for this song too, since it seems just that straightforward.

Speaking of not!boyfriend Andrew. I made him brownies today. Ugh, it feels so weird to even type that. Also, I'm afraid if I insist that it's "not what it seems like" when I give them to him it'll just make me sound like a tsundere. Honestly, what happened was I promised him sometime last year that I would make him cookies (in return for something... can't remember what), and I never did, so this is to make up for that. Thinking about it in a romantic sense makes me feel like I'm going to vomit. Seriously. =\

I've been having weird dreams lately. This morning I dreamt that I was chasing after something, but then I stopped to watch this giant... bug, I can't even describe it well, feed on what looked like a giant pink flower on a tree. I watched it for a minute, going 'wow that's so cool' and what-not, then it flew off, and I watched it fly off, then these other giant bugs of the same kind but all different sizes started, iunno, attacking me. One hit my neck and I suddenly felt like I was choking. It was weird. That last part was so scary I woke myself up and felt my neck just to be sure. I think it was the hairtie I forgot to take out of my hair the night before pressing against the back of my neck, is what it was. Still, it was freaky. The night before I had some freaky dreams too... yeah.  Too much DDR maybe?

Sooooo much free time without internet and school. Maybe I should open up my availability at work? But then I'm going to have to change it in a few weeks anyway for next semester, so I figure what's the point? Also, I wish Jessie-neechan would hang out with me again. I miss hanging out with her. We used to have so much fun together, and now it's all... she's really super pregnant and Tony's back and all this other stuff, and we never get to hang out anymore. It's sad. Oh, that reminds me. Welcome to my friends list, Holly-chan! *waves*

...Don't ask me why that reminded me. My mind works in mysterious ways. >_>

Is that all? Lessee... hmm. I'm pretty hungry. Might try and get something to eat. We'll see how that turns out. I want fries for some reason. o.O

ddr, i miss internet, life sucks, freaky dream stuff, stepmania, welcome, not!boyfriend stuff

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