My Seikan Hikou fandub is better than yours, damn right.

Nov 19, 2008 12:44

Wow, so, what was up with elgay yesterday? That was stupid. I was freaking out without my lj fix. It wasn't even the weekend. No reason for it. Absolutely none. >8(

ANYWAY, still ahead of the curve on Gakuen no Rolo. However, yesterday I started wondering whatever happened to "A Crash Course in Brotherhood" by starryburst , the story that has the same concept as mine but a different author (who, turns out, is my mutual friend here on livejournal! Wow, dense much? I never even realized...!). ACCiB is well-written, and entertaining, and everything a good fanfiction story should be. But still, it was different. Why was-- why did it have such a different feel than RotA does, even though our concepts are the exact same (the year between seasons one and two from Rolo's POV)? Is it because I am a worse writer? (Honestly, probably. Heck if I know.)

So I actually gave it some thought (because I really have nothing better to do when I'm outside getting carts at work for four hours). I came to the shaky conclusion that it's in the way we portray the main character, Rolo. She portrays him as a cynical, cold-blooded killer with a hardened heart who's forgotten how to love-- which seems pretty accurate. I portray him more as a robot, a lifeless killing machine who gradually starts to become self-aware the more he is immersed in the comfortable, fluffy, feel-good school life Lelouch and Ashford Academy provide for him. This could also be accurate. I don't think neither is necessarily wrong, although I have a feeling her story is closer to what Sunrise originally planned than mine is, despite the fact that hers has (or will have?) canon LuluRolo in it. Mine is more of a "it COULD've happened" than a "this is MOST LIKELY what happened". Also, as Becca-chan put it, my story is pretty crack-ish (though I like to think of it as crack-influenced fluff).

Oh, and we both had arcades with shooting games and ice cream. Weird. I was reading it and was like, "Wow, it's like deja vu, almost..." Except mine was in part two, so Rolo was happy. And hers was in chapter three, so Rolo was miserable. Hard to believe it's the same character. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm probably moving too fast... it was only like twenty-five thousand words in. Yeah, I'm probably moving too fast. I'll go back and add stuff in later, I guess. I already have a few ideas as to what to do. Just need to actually get the stuff written down now.

Last thing, I promise: welcome to my f-list (and to lj in general) duomaxwell67 ! *waves* Hi Becca-chan!!~ We're gonna have so much fun on here, I can feel it. 8D

Last thing for real this time: I just realized that I arbitrarily assumed starryburst  was a girl. Wouldn't it be hilarious if I was wrong...?

rolo of the academy, nanowrimo, geez i suck, writing stuff, friend stuffs

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