Oct 21, 2008 12:19
So, Euphie is still adorable as all get-out, and because of her adorable little puppiness I decided it was finally time to CLEAN MY ROOM. Now, if you had seen what my room used to look like, you would be astounded at how messy it was. ASTOUNDED. But I've made a lot of headway, and I think I'll be finished by the end of today. I should be, anyway.
You guys'll never believe some of the stuff I've found while cleaning. Some of it includes:
-two bottles of toothpaste (I know, wtf, they were in a Dollar Tree bag and I think I bought them thinking 'oh this is a great deal!' then forgot about them in my room and they got buried under a bunch of crap)
-my voter's registration card (Very Important! So glad I found it)
-a fork (actually not that surprising)
-enough empty soda cans and bottles to make a lesser person overdose on caffeine just by looking at them
-Marill (so that was where she went!)
-Brian and Stewie (them too!)
-so far, around fifteen spiders (...)
-Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (which I still haven't beaten)
-all my BeForU/Kosaka Riyu/DDR mix CDs (which I then played on my karaoke/CD player while cleaning my room)
-my temporary yearbook from freshman year of high school (it was just three pieces of paper stapled together)
...and a whole bunch of old school crap that I felt reluctant to, but eventually did, throw away.
And by the way: Euphie is stil cute. Will post pix soon, kitto. (^^)b
wow i'm a geek,
random stuff,
cleanin' mah room,