At the very top is a letter in Josef's neat, elegant handwriting.
There wasn't time to explain.
Everything you'll need from here on out is in the box. The papers making you sole owner of my properties are drafted up, and all that is further required is your signature. There was no one else I trusted with anything. You were my friend, and possibly the only one I ever really had. I never would've mentioned it.
You know you wanted my car to begin with. The key opening the box will be given to you by Elizabeth's friend, Sarah. The locket goes to Sonny, an esteemed colleague, as you already know. The rest is up to you. All I ask is that Bela Talbott and Nikolas Cassadine remain in their given positions, and they be looked after.
You'll need Sonny's help in the long run. It's a bitch, I know.
But I trust him, as much as I have ever allowed myself to trust.
As for me, I'm not sure what else I can say. Touchy feely wasn't ever our thing. I always knew I wouldn't live a long life, but for the last two years, I had everything I could've ever wanted, and my final days were spent with the one person who believed I was worth saving.
I'm not sure many can say that.
Take care of yourself, Damon. I'm rooting for you.