[OOC] Character Application

Sep 05, 2008 19:27

Your LJ name: pyratesss.
Age: Nineteen.
Gender: Female.
AIM [preferred]/MSN/E-mail: Boys ala Radio/pyratesss@hotmail.com/pyrateamie@gmail.com

Name: Barbara 'Bebe' Stevens
Fandom: South Park.
Age: Twenty-three.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual. Bebe loves all people! Male, female, woodland critter creatures, whatever. As long as they look good, and have lots of money, Bebe wants them.

Bebe's hair is a wheat blonde color, and very curly. It reaches the middle of her back, and is parted to her right side most days. It can be quite a pain for her to take care of, but she always has a full stock of conditioners and the best shampoos to help her out. Though her hair is usually left down, she also sometimes pulls it back into pigtails or ponytails. She adores fancy little clips and chopsticks and can often be found with some floating around her hair somewhere.

Her skin is rather naturally fair, mostly devoid of freckles and blemishes [aside from the occasional break out that everyone experiences], and she burns pretty easily in the direct sun. Not that it stops her from trying to tan. Usually, she buys tan-in-a-can, or she just goes regularly to a tanning salon to get herself just the right look she likes, since attempting to acquire it naturally only results in the painful burns. She is usually done up with a nice coat of make-up [often done twice each morning before she's satisfied enough to head out into the world], preferring never to be seen without.

Her eyes are a shade of gray-blue, round and bright, and usually accented by heavy eyeliner and mascara, which helps them stand out more. She is pierced twice in each ear, usually wearing silver hoops in the bottom holes, and studs in the other two. She also has her belly-button pierced. Her face is heart-shaped, with high defined cheekbones, and full lips. Standing at about five feet and six inches, Bebe's physique is rather slender and a bit lithe from her years of cheer-leading and sports through out junior and senior high school. She is a very far stretch from overweight, or even chubby, perhaps even leaning a tad closer to under weight for her height.

Her fashion sense can be a bit strange. She likes things as she sees them, and her wardrobe varies, going in about a million different directions. She loves clothes period, and can never decide to stay in just one defined portion of fashion. One moment she can be caught ready to go out for an evening looking rather risque in a polka-dot party dress, and the very next day she can be seen walking around in just a pair of tattered old low-rise jeans and a hooded sweater. Whatever suits her mood, and her moment, is what Bebe wears. Her long lasting love for fashion has given her an insight to enjoy a variety, and as a child, she dreamed of one day designing her own line that people can fall in love with in the same way she has fallen in love with so many.

Every part of Bebe might sometimes seem over-teased, over made-up and over-stretched, but there truly is a down to earth girl under there somewhere.

If there's one statement that holds true about Bebe Stevens, it's that there's a lot more to her than most people think. Because of her blonde hair and developed figure, most people simply assume that she's a bimbo, like her mother, much to Bebe's disgust. Her best friend, Wendy, has helped Bebe to grow into her womanhood. With Wendy, Bebe has learned to embrace her powerful and intelligent side, though not nearing the level of feminism that Wendy has grown into. Though the pressures of society can sometimes get to her, Bebe has a rather level head on her shoulders, and it is more than likely credited mostly to Wendy Testaburger's presence. She isn't near as intelligent as her 'genius' best friend, but Bebe works hard for what she wants, and is willing to put in the work that she needs to get the grades she desires. She isn't content to just go through life on her looks, and has a very strong desire one day to become famous for her work, not for her appearance. In high school, she was around a B average student, who worked hard to keep up her grades, and aspired to do even better in her post secondary studies. Even if sometimes text messaging during class did seem very tempting..

However, this isn't all to say that Bebe is all work and no play. When she isn't in class or working, Bebe is fun-loving and playful. With a natural charm, she's sassy and snarky, a real "girl power" sort of person. She's always ready with the latest gossip and advice, and is always there for her friends, no matter what they need from her. Bebe is always the first one to step up to the plate to help out a friend, even if it's just something as simple as taking them for lattes to make them feel better about whatever has them down. In short, she's overall a very friendly person who is an incredibly loyal friend, no matter what. Once you've befriended Bebe, good luck getting rid of her. All through the trials of middle and high school, she and Wendy Testaburger have stuck together, and Bebe is absolutely devoted to her best friend. There have been several occasions on which Bebe has stepped in to help Wendy with social matters, despite what it might say about her, and she rarely thinks twice about doing so. She's a very motherly girl, the kind that can be your best friend or worst enemy depending on how she sees you and how you treat her closest friends.

Since about the fourth grade, when she began developing breasts [which much to her dismay, blossomed into D cups by her junior year of high school], Bebe has despised her unwarranted reputation as a slut. She isn't even sure where the reputation came from, given the fact that she tries to be modest, but tries her best to take it all in stride. It's just rumor, after all, and Bebe knows the truth about matters. In her early years of high school, Bebe battled a very low self-esteem concerning her appearance, feeling that her chest was only something to distract people from seeing and knowing the real her.

She wore bulky outfits and awkward clothing until her junior year, when she finally began to come to terms with herself and her body. Now, instead of shying away, she has learned to accept her appearance, though is by no means scandalous about it. One could say that she's become very mature about the whole thing, though she can easily become sour whenever faced once again with her past reputation. If anything, the unwarranted attention has taught her how to deal with it, and work her reputation, keeping her self-confidence up and not letting the girls or boys get to her. And even despite her reputation as a slut, Bebe had never gone beyond 'second base' with a boy or a girl until university, and rarely gets intimate with a someone she isn't dating.

Though she has mostly outgrown the impressionable portion of her youth, Bebe can sometimes be easily influenced and can join in on picking on others. Back in South Park, she even had no qualms about joining the other girls in behaving like a "stupid spoiled whore" in her town when it was a fad at the time, though she later regretted it when Wendy managed to show her what a fool she was making herself look like. Out of all of her friends in high school, Bebe supposedly had the highest passion for shoes and fashion.

Bebe is quite out-going and rather friendly. There are very few people that she is willing to discriminate against, even given her supposed stuck-up cheerleader persona, and she is willing to give pretty much anybody a chance [or a make over] if she finds herself liking them. She can make friends in a variety of different circles, though her best friend remains to be Wendy Testaburger, who is still attending university at Harvard Law.

With romance, Bebe is a bit wary, since it's been her experience that most men [and women have been no exception] are looking more to climb into her bed than anything else. It's not something she's fond of, and so she usually keeps her distance in relationships, trying not to get too attached or in love, for fear of things going wrong, or being used. She has a friend she grew up with from back home in Colorado whom she is quite fond of, and she considers him very sweet, but worries about acting on any of her feelings, lest she ruin the friendship that they have developed by being through so much together. Losing the friendship wouldn't be worth it. She also has had feelings for Wendy for a number of years, but fears the same rejection and loss of friendship from her.

Even despite her friendliness, however, Bebe can be feisty too. Even if she doesn't like a person, she's more than happy to be all smiles (and flirting) to one's face, but she can turn catty the moment your back is turned. She is not the type to be messed with, as she holds long grudges and takes arguments very seriously. With people she genuinely dislikes, she is also prone to back-stabbing, lying, using, making rumors, etc, if it is going to help her personal agenda. She tries to keep any temper tantrums behind closed doors, but can be known to throw anything that comes to her hand if driven to it. Bebe is usually most eager to talk about clothes, shoes, crushes, and other shallow things. She is more likely to bring up the topics first, but never the less, she seems to regard these things as with a grain of salt as well. She can be very calm and take things seriously when she needs to, even if she knows that she has a mostly shallow list of concerns in her daily life.

Her biggest weakness is the fact that she easily gives into temptation, and mob mentality. She is easily led into going along with others, especially her peers, even when she knows what she is doing is wrong. Luckily, she is also usually one of the first people to back down and correct the mistake, but it doesn't stop it from happening in the first place. She is rather easily distracted, and concerned with some rather unimportant matters also, when she should be thinking more about her own safety/well-being. Worrying about how she might look, as compared to how safe she is being, for example. She can have a bit of an us-or-them complex at times, and though she does look after her friends, she makes sure to always looks out for herself more, figuring that no one else will do so if she doesn't.

Basically, hiding behind all her teased hair and lip-gloss, there is a truly intelligent girl whom just happens to be a true fashionista at heart. As much of a flirt as she can be, and as much as her air-headed persona seems to suit her well, Bebe is a good friend, with truly has big dreams and plans for herself, and is willing to go the extra mile to achieve them.


How Your Character Got to Malaise House:
Bebe is very used to strange things, growing up in a rural Colorado town called South Park, where things out of the ordinary were incredibly ordinary. She went to South Park elementary school, South Park middle school, and South Park high school with all of the rest of her friends, and was the very best friend of Wendy Testaburger from the time that the two could speak. Even through middle and high school, the two remained best friends, and one of South Park's most famous duos, second perhaps only to Stanley Marsh and Kyle Broflovski. Despite being so close, however, the two naturally had other friends, both male and female. They hung out with the boys gang frequently, and were regarded as the unofficial leaders of the girl clique. It was very rare to see Bebe wandering the halls alone when she was in public school.

A naturally energetic girl, she joined the cheer-leading squad her freshman year at South Park high school, and remained one of the most integral members, and was even captain of the high school's team in her senior year. She also played volleyball and soccer, not to mention all of the clubs that Wendy ran that she was a part of; namely theater, Gay Straight Alliance, and student government, where she was treasurer.

From the start, Bebe's home life was rather average. An average family, average house, average school, average friends. Born to an air-headed home maker mother and a down to earth businessman father, Bebe has felt like she was getting mixed signals all of her life. She has never been particularly close to either of her parents, and often complained that they didn't attempt to get any closer to her or learn about her, especially as she grew older. The older she got, the further away her parents seemed to be. She had a mother telling her to look good and enjoy doing it, and a father telling her to be smart and demand respect.

She was an only child until she turned twelve, when her parents decided to have another child, leaving her currently with a eleven year old younger brother back home, just getting ready for starting his career at South Park junior high school. Not that Bebe particularly minds, since she gets along fabulously with her brother, and also since her father seems much more interested in mentoring him, than imposing his will upon her. Even though she has grown up and moved out, her father still likes to occasionally lecture when she is around him. And her mother attempts to inform her about the trials and tribulations of being 'a Stevens women', telling Bebe she should settle down and get married, etcetc. She'll make her own decisions on what being 'a Stevens woman' entails, thanks. And marriage can just.. wait. Maybe.

When it came to academics in high school, Bebe was never terrible, albeit perhaps too laid back on the issue. She is a complete failure when it comes to literature, however, often having Wendy help her out with essays and things like poetry and short stories in their English courses. Her spelling is rather atrocious. She was happy with the B grade she had through high school, and was more than used to having Wendy hounding her about late assignments and upcoming tests. To be frank, she would much rather be reading a magazine than a text book, but she put in the work anyway, and made sure to at least graduate with decent marks. Once she was in enrolled in university in Colorado state, she considered herself to be 'in the big leagues', studying what she enjoyed rather than attending endless classes about things she could care less about, and she intended to do her best to graduate from the school with top grades in her specialty; fashion.

Except, that didn't quite work out.

Bebe did a year of fashion design, before decided that although she did love fashion, it wasn't what she wanted to work on in the long term. She was poor at drawing designs for her plans, and using the computer programs that it entailed. Not to mention, her sewing was never top notch. How she went from fashion design, into becoming a doctor, remains a mystery to most. A lot of her friends speculate that it was an influence from Wendy, who probably suggested it [sarcastically no doubt] in an off hand manner, and Bebe ended up.. running with the idea.

And graduating top of her class, specializing in cardiothoracic surgery.

Once she had finished up her schooling, it was time to intern, which she did for the next two years, working at Hell's Pass hospital in her hometown. It wasn't the excitement she was looking for though, even next to perhaps the most insane town in the state of Colorado. She wanted to travel, and to be able to work somewhere that wasn't within a twenty minute walk of her old high school, and the comfortable two story home of her mother and father. It was through looking for a job like this, that she discovered Malaise house, all of the way in chilly Russia. They were looking for physicians, and it was a far travel, and sounded pretty remote, but she decided that if she needed a change of pace, then a big jump was the way to go, and so she sent in her application without a second thought.

Besides, she could always just bring lots of her favorite things with her, to keep her busy.

And maybe the patients would want their nails done, too!

Symptoms Your Character Experiences (If Any): Nadda. She's a bit of a megalomaniac, and possibly close to narcissistic personality disorder, but that is so irrelevent.

Example Journal Entry:
What am I supposed to do now?

Mr. Friday is on, and then What Not to Wear. And then after that, America's Best Dance Crew..

And some channel is showing Charlies Angels tonight too, and Wendy loves I love that movie.

But it sucks watching tv alone. Even though I love all of these shows. I feel like such a loser.. plus there isn't anybody to get up and grab the soda during commercial breaks..

Someone come over and watch tv with me? Hang out? Pretty please?

I don't feel so great lately.

God, I'm gunna end watching the premiere of The New 90210 alone next week, aren't I?

Example Post:
There was absolutely nothing in the entire world that was more boring than sitting through one of these meetings.

To be frank, Bebe wasn't even one hundred percent sure what this one was about. She thought it was something to do with nearly extincts animals [or was it starving children this week?], but she definitely wasn't positive on that. She would play the role though, and pretend to take important notes in her sparkling pink notebook on whatever Wendy and the other members were saying, and nod firmly when Wendy gave her that look. The look that asked if she was even paying an ounce of actual attention.

And she was!


Just.. not to the actual club topic. She could care less about that. She was more concerned about the fact of how cute Wendy looked when she got all authoritative and angry about her cause. Sometimes she got so worked up that she'd end up slamming her fists on the desk, and standing up from her seat and doing a lot of talking with her hands, and Bebe couldn't even manage to hold back her giggles when it got that bad, though Wendy never saw the amusement in it.

It wasn't like she was laughing at the actual starving kids, right? Just at Wendy, and how.. damn determined she was. Always ready to put up a fight for the underdog. Bebe had to respect that.

Mostly, between pretending to take notes and shooting Wendy the occasional nod or thumbs up, Bebe just stared at her nails, picking at them absently, chipping away the very edge of her bright red polish. She'd need to touch that up later. But there really wasn't anything else to do for now, except for that.

It wasn't until her cell phone rang, that all attention focused onto her, and she instantly felt her cheeks turning red when Wendy turned onto her with nothing short of a death glare. "S-Sorry, baby~ it's probably mom," she replied quickly, giving her best set of puppy dog eyes and sweetest smile, as she leaned over beside her to grab her purse, fishing around inside for the offending cell phone, playing [all too loudly] the tune of her favorite song as it rang.

Today just wasn't looking good.

!ooc, !application

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