Reasons why my favorites beat yours<3

Mar 25, 2007 11:52

01. Megan won't burp the baby because she thinks she's gonna break her
02. Tophie makes up words like "ass doodle" and then uses them in casual conversation
03. We talk about making christmas cookies in March
04. We watch Baby Einstein over and over even though Lily is sleeping
05. They help me assemble baby toys I never would have been able to do by myself
06. Jeremy stays up and text messages me when the baby won't sleep
07. Sam does funny things with his nose in the mirror and then calls US all weird
08. Megan tries to bribe Sam with Toblerone chocolate in exchange for the baby
09. Then when she says no she just steals the baby and runs away
10. Chris spends an hour putting together this one toy that he has more fun with then Lily probably ever will
11. They don't look at me weird when I dance around with Lily, if anything, they join me
12. We have discussions on why prostitution is illegal and porn isnt
13. Megan knows exactly what I'm saying even thought sometimes I don't
14. All the boys are horribly obsessed with Guitar Hero and Megan and I just mock them for it
15. They've been the biggest help imaginable these past nine months and I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I love them more then they'll ever know
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