Nightmare Live Report - Publish & Recover! 3/31/2011

Apr 11, 2011 15:34

- Venue/Stage Details

The venue was Shinkiba Studio Coast in Tokyo, an all standing-type live house. It's quite wide inside, has tiered platforms for people standing in the back, and nifty red metal lighting equipment overhead. I hadn't been there before; not a bad venue, although the acoustics are affected by where you are (not that this is any different from most other places)... I ended up about 6 rows of people from Hitsugi's area (kamite/stage left), and when the big push came from behind I was about 2 people from the front. xD Up there the sound tends to be a little off-balance and a lot of it goes over my head, but it's perfectly fine.

Stage was the usual sort of bare necessities, nothing terribly decorative.

There were a LOT of guests that came to see this show. I think Nishikawa (TM Revolution) was there, among others. I also *think* I saw Hitsu's parents up there (it was too far to be certain), which made me feel very happy for him and them. ;_;

It should also be noted that for this show, the band had collection boxes outside to receive donations for victims of the earthquake. There were two boxes and they were both filling up fast; a lot of people had put in 1000 yen bills (about $10 USD). Not sure how much has been raised so far, but they will probably continue to collect during the spring tour.

- Costuming

The guys were in mostly-black outfits, somewhat suit-like, although Ruka and Hitsugi had a bit more of a casual look. Ni~ya's hair, if I wasn't hallucinating, is now half black/brown and half blonde, and he had it kind of in loose curls.
Yomi was in a suit with one of those slippy-clingy shirts he likes... he went through the entire first set not realizing that he had buttoned one button on top, missed two going down and then buttoned the rest, so whenever he opened his arms his chest would be just partially exposed. xD He fixed it before the encore. ...He seems to be falling off the wagon, btw... his cute Yomi-tummy is back. xD
Hitsu looked good; Hair is same, with bangs kind of side-swept. He had kind of a shirt and jacket with short pants and then his red-pink hi-tops. Now, sometime between the fan club trip and this show, he has had his right leg tattooed from mid-calf to lord knows how high up... last time I saw his bare leg it was just skin, but now it has the same sort of tattooing that he had done on his right arm (It's rather like the Gianizm album art; it's all monochrome and gorgeous, with varying tones). It looks really good. xD He was like '_' cuz I kept staring at his leg. xDDD

- Performance

Usually, just before the boys come out, the staff will play "This is Halloween" from "Nightmare Before Christmas," and everyone claps along and gets revved up. This time, they skipped that, left the lights all the way up and just suddenly, the boys walked on stage, surprising the crap out of everyone. ^^;
They lined up in front of us without a word until we all were quiet, and then Yomi talked about the earthquake and how they were concerned about the victims and the fans who were in Tokyo the day of the quake. He said that they had scrapped the previous setlist they had planned and went with something else for this show. They held a moment of silence for the victims, and then they took up their places and started to play.

MC / Moment of Silence for Victims of the Tohoku Earthquake

Parade ((Good to hear this. I haven't heard it live since Majestic ^^))
Can you do it? ((Same track order as the album))
Mr.trash music ((This too.))
Criminal baby
ByeBye ((New song. Lighter than their usual stuff.))
Cynical Re:actor
NAKED LOVE ((Kind of random, but sure, OK. xD))
Dasei Boogie ((Hitsu came over and stuck his face towards us during the "Kimi wa doko" part; He looked at me while I was singing "KIMI WA DOKO" and he started to join in. xD))
Lost in Blue ((Very moving... this had a lot of emotion for everyone))
Morpho ((As did this, partially because it doesn't get performed live that often. It was around this time that Hitsu started doing his "NOT GONNA CRY" wibble-wibble act, and from where I was it looked like *Ni~ya* was getting ready to tear up.))


VERMILION ((New song. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Kind of a complex composition.))
ジャイアニズム天 ((Fans singing the bridge part from "sore wo te ni shita kara..." has become a permanent thing. ^^))
Star[K]night ((One of the more wonderful renditions of it that I've seen... like always, Yomi had us sing through the middle, but we were all much louder than usual, and in my section Hitsu was egging us on to sing even louder. They all had their "be manly, dammit, don't cry" faces on, and even after Yomi resumed the faster part at the end, he had us start singing that, too.))

After Star[K]night, the guys walked around on stage and threw out picks, towels, etc. I was kind of disappointed because Hitsu didn't drench us down front like he usually does; he was wandering around looking subdued but happy. The boys took turns saying good night over Sakito's mic, and then Hitsu came and screamed stuff at us (I didn't catch the first bit because it got distorted >_<) and then "I LOVE YOUUUUU!" before he said Good Night.

At this point the show was clearly over, but almost immediately the fans started chanting ENCORE again, and the chant got louder and louder and everyone pretty much ignored the house announcement saying the performance was over, and the staff guys with their megaphones. We fans just stood there, not moving, chanting for a good 10-15 minutes, until the roadies looked panicked and then even Endou-san (the manager) came out on stage, probably to relay the fact to the roadies that there wouldn't be a second encore despite our pleading. D: At that point everyone kind of figured it was hopeless, and we started to leave. I bet the guys were amazed by that, though. ^^

YOMI mentioned during one of the MCs that along with the new single coming out, they are indeed working on a new album. :O He said there are ten new songs; I'm not sure if this includes the recent singles (Rem_, a:Fantasia) or if these are ten TOTALLY new songs that no one has heard. He didn't specify or give any information, but probably it will be announced at the end of this tour and the next one will be to promote it.

live, nightmare

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