Jun 29, 2010 21:17


No, that's not what you think it is. I has private jokes with lesbians. XD


I HATE PEOPLE SO SOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSSOSO MUCH. Not like most people, not today. Just one people. -- Auction BS. Let's just say I am going to have some auctioning to do pretty soon. >_<


or しかし! As I like to holler in class

.....I am pleased to say that I shall be reporting for duty as Saizen for Naito's Osaka show on the 19th. XDDDDDDD Second time in a row! Do I win anything? Maybe Yomi will stick his face INTO my boobs instead of just gazing at them like a pothead does at a brownie?

Will probably be the same general area as the Tokyo show. Center block to over around Hitsu somewhere. Whee.

Today is my Dad's 60th birthday. ;_; He is ... 31 years older than Sakito. XD I called him up before he went to work. My Dad is soooo not into being 60, LOL. XD

retail terror, birthdays, ticket-gari, nightmare

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