
May 22, 2010 07:27

I am eager to hear what the Osaka contingent is planning. Wink. Nudge.

This time I can do it. ;_; And I have my MA/MAM dress to wear, which actually fits better now, and a ton of stuff to actually make up a kurololi ensemble. ;;;;;_;;;;; OMG you guys, I kinda feels like real loli. ;_; The only question is, will I be able to get my hair to hold curls in June? XD

SPORTS DAY at main school. Lovely weather; should be somewhat amusing. As long as my pale ass is under the staff tent for most of it. Enkai tonight. --;

I have tomorrow and Monday's day off all planned out already. XD Tomorrow = hide from massive rain, eat crap, watch Clannad (onetrooluff's recommendation). Monday is try to go get groceries, and do massive apartment cleanup, ESPECIALLY the kitchen. --; Also want to try to pick up some cheap stuff to decorate my bathroom more, since I am still jealous of the super-cute toilet rooms at the Ryokan where I stayed for Golden Week. XD

Ok. 頑張ろう。

school events, yay, lolita, this song somehow works

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