I return from the trenches. oo;

Mar 22, 2010 18:55

Ohhhhhhh. I HURT. So bad. All over.

I shoulda begged Hakuei and friends for more. XD For it was good.

Saturday - Ayabie at Namba Hatch

OMG. I LOVE THESE GUYS. I was surprised. Oo; Their furi is really complicated, but Aoi (vocals) led us in it and I managed to follow it decently well. XDDD It's my first real taste of oshare-kei. It was happy and shiny. XDDDDDDD
All the members are ADORABLE and seem very nice. I was second or third row in front of Takehito (lead guitar), and he was daunting. --; He kept looking at me and being like *GRIN*. Geh. But he needs to work on his Stage Thing.... a little more life in that playing, I say.
The live was LONG. About 2 hours 40 minutes, I think... first set was very long, and then after a break they did a lonnnnng MC (goods presentation and other idiocy). Kenzo (drums; LYU's nakama) and Yumehito (Rhythm guitar.. I am going to STEAL HIS INSTRUMENT. FOR IT IS HOT PINK) goofed around, later with Intetsu (bass), and I laughed sooo hard. XD Very cute. Their music is excellent and they do a very good live, so I hope they continue to do well. ♥ I left feeling all happy and fluffy, but sad because they sold out of towels. ;;_;;

Sunday - Beat Shuffle Live Side at Osaka Big Cat
I was lurking on stage left (Hitsugi's side of the stage.. I feel at home there XD) and third or second row, depending on who was playing. Bands, in order:

Vidoll: I liked them a lot!! They were the lightest of the four acts, but were still very satisfying for me. I need to find some of their music. The vocal (I forget his name D:) came over and was crouched down singing when he saw me and was like !!! and waved. XD

人格ラヂオ (Jinkaku Radio): OMG SO MUCH LOVE. These guys are indies and have been around for years, but are still kinda small. D: The vocal (Yuuki?) was lamenting the fact that we were all there to see Hakuei. XDDDD But Christ, so entertaining. I loved their music; it had a little bit of a disjointed, quirky feel to it. Their kei/design is slightly steampunk-flavored, which I just eat the Hell up. XDDD Their support guitar had glasses. O_O
Anyway, Yuuki actually stage dove into the crowd, which I've never seen before in Japan (ROFL), and then an enjoyable song called Ningyo-san (Doll-san) came on, and he started beating the crowd with these giant rag dolls, then threw them up and out for us to play with. I almost pissed my pants laughing. XDDD
MUST FIND CDS. I wish I had known how awesome they were or I woulda checked Pure Sound for secondhand CDs in the afternoon. D:

The LEGENDARY SIX NINE: IS BEING LEGENDARY. Sorta. XD Ruka came out in his MP nazi hat. oo; Ni~ya had this look of like OMG I'M HERE FOR FUNSIES WITH HAKUEI AND RUKA WHEEE. XD The band started to play, and then Hakuei comes swaggering out with a beer, which he finishes and HURLS out into the crowd. Oo;;
Ah, Hakuei. He's GIGANTIC.. which is what happens when you put a tall man in heeled boots. He's like a cross between Rob Zombie and Jack Sparrow. XDDDDD Lawwwwwwd. What's that one bit in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? "Too weird to live, but too rare to die"? XD
They did Cruel, and then Hakuei rambled on about "that cute little guy who sings for Nightmare." XDDDD He's just jealous. He mighta been drunk though; he went through a second beer during the set. XD
There was Suna no Machi, and that was good... and then they did DIRTY of all things. Oo; I think that's the third track on the regular version of the single... but ... I dunno, I'm of two minds about it. It doesn't really make a difference, but I thought it was kind of too bad they elected to do a NIGHTMARE song instead of using all-new material. ROFL, I didn't even realize what the song was right away, because it sounded different from when it's Yomi, Sakito and Hitsu mixed in. ;_; It didn't help that the sound was cranked up too loud, distorting their music. --; But anyway, at least all the fans knew the furi already. XDDDD I finally got to properly headbang, too.

D'espairsRay: A lot of fans were there for them. I dunno. I was kinda meh about them. This was the hardest headbanging of the night, though. XD I stayed down front, at least, and enjoyed it with the rest of the fans.

So yeah. Double-live weekend is over, and I am half-dead. XD Good thing today is a holiday; I slept late and fell back asleep earlier this afternoon. XDDD And had dirty Hakuei dreams. Oo;;;;;;;

Next live: SID!!!!!!

the tour final will include, hakuei you so crazy, live, ruka and hakuei's onstage wedding

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