Homework for Karen.

Nov 28, 2008 11:07

Well, you asked me, so you're going to get sentences you wouldn't normally find in your textbook. =D

First, from Japanese to English. Items in quote marks 「。。。」are usually in katakana.
(マオ is Mao. アキ is Aki. ユウヤ is Yuuya, and シンジ is Shinji. Mao is the only one who often writes his name in Katakana, but it doesn't hurt to practice.)

1. マオのこえは「せくしい」です。 
2. シンジはぱんをたべました。
3. アキのいえでべんきょうしました。>DDDDDD (but what, I wonder..?)
4. わたしはユウヤに「めーる」しました。
5. マオのへやであそびました。-「あそぶ」(to play)

Geez, I hope you've done past tense already...
Ok, English to Japanese:

1. Aki is going shopping. (Bonus: Aki is going shopping in Nanba.)
2. Shinji studies music (おんがく).
3. Mao drank my beer.
4. He slept at my house. :DDD
5. Yuuya gave me a CD. (give: あげる)

SUPER BONUS THINGY: アキはいちばんせくしいやけどマオはあたしのすきなメンバや。マオがいちばんおもしろいですから!

Bahahha. Good luck.

japan, evil

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