I also have ichigo pan, which I will not be sharing.

Feb 06, 2008 19:39

The solution to never-ending depression and stomach-gnawing angst?

Let's watch Don Karnage sing. It's quality, as Dan used to say.

image Click to view

I am embittered that they don't have the uncut version of the pilot movie out on DVD. --; But that's another source of angst, which we don't need nor have the patience to accomodate, now do we?

Now let's watch Gackt mosh with dreads in the back of some poor Gaijin's truck.

image Click to view

This video is very slightly out of sync, but it's the crispest version on YouTube. I enjoy the guy beating on the drum on the floor early on. I love how colorful Gackt and everyone is here, although you'd be surprised to know this is a song for someone who died (hence the cross at the end I think). It's kind of nice to see such a rocking-out Gackt video though, among all his more emo ones.

Going to take a shower now. We'll see if anyone hurts me for making the music loud enough to hear in the bathroom.

fangirly stuff, music, whut

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