Christmas was pretty good.

Dec 27, 2010 14:03

Well, it was. Basically it was me, my mom and dad, my sister and her (semi-?) boyfriend, opening up presents, having turkey dinner and generally hanging around the house afterward. Being housebound all month, I didn't get anyone anything, but my sister got a mix cd (which she forgot to bring with her, but oh well), and I contributed to my dad's gift of an ipod, in that I was given the project to take a bunch of his cd's, rip them to my computer, and pre-load his ipod with music.

The haul:
  • Nintendo DSI and a few games for it. Super Scribblenauts, Sonic Colors, and Lego Batman, specifically. I've tried them all out a little bit, but Scribblenauts has been dominating my game time, because it is seriously addictive.
  • Clothes type stuff. Flannels, lounge/pajama pants, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt.
  • Skull candy headphones. Because I wrecked a pretty good pair in the accident. Weirdly that was the only possession of mine to get broken though. 
  • A new, more comfortable computer chair. Because naturally I'm spending a lot of time sitting down. 
  • PS2 games: God Hand, Kingdom Hearts, and Sonic Mega Collection. I've played a little of everything but God Hand, but again, Scribblenauts is taking up my gaming time. I don't know what it is, but I suddenly had a Sonic The Hedgehog nostalgia thing starting earlier this year, so being able to play the first 3 games on ps2 is kind of cool.
  • Gift cards: Amazon and Barnes And Noble. I ought to go online and find things to spend them on sometime soon.
  • A multi-tool bottle opener. Somewhat funny story: I actually got a multi-tool pair of pliers and my dad got the bottle opener. We switched because we both decided the other one of us would get more use out of our respective stocking stuffer. 
  • Sam Adams winter variety pack. Pretty much my traditional Christmas gift ever since I was of legal drinking age. 
I'm pretty optimistic about the whole healing up process. I can pretty much get anything done around the house I need to. I still use the walker, but find I'm able to at least take a few steps and remain steady on my feet without it. My mom has been talking about getting a cane instead because it's chiefly the right leg that's giving me problems with walking. At this point it's not even that it hurts to use that leg, it feels more like it just doesn't quite have the strength to move that well.
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