Summer Lovin'

Jul 16, 2012 22:37

Hey people. Well, actually it's just me who's reading this probably, but I just thought I'd post it so I have it in writing and my loyal fans (that was sarcasm; laugh, damn it) can hold me to what I have below this.

This summer is wacky. I just got back from Hawaii a few days ago and I'm peeling like a snake, which is gross. Next week I'll be in Maryland with my grandparents. I have four super slow-paced books to read for AP English, let alone the assignment is Greek to me. I have two chapters to take notes on for AP Calc and some project I haven't even looked at for AP Euro. On top of all that, I have voice lessons every Thursday afternoon, which requires a minimum of 1.5 hours of practice per week (which isn't easy to do when you're not around a piano). In addition to that, I'm preparing for NaNoWriMo because I KNOW I won't have time to do all the character development once school starts and my 8 hour school day plus 3+ hours of weekly voice instruction plus babysitting plus HOMEWORK (ugh) all start back up again. OH, and I have Zumba every Wednesday morning. "Mornings?!" you exclaim. Yes. My mother wanted to take it in the morning rather than on a Tuesday afternoon like any normal teacher off work for the summer (but she's not REALLY off work considering she's at morning meetings most Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursday mornings and doing curriculum planning constantly).

Anyhow, enough of my complaining. What I REALLY wanted to post was my writing plan for this summer. I'm currently working on a fic (via my phone notepad) which I have titled Pas de Deux. One hundred house points to anyone who can guess the ballet Frank and Gee will be in ;D I hope to have Pas de Deux posted by the end of summer break. I would also (if I can) like to finish AMAY by then.

So there you have it. You have several things to hold me to:
1: I do all of my summer homework
2: I post Pas De Deux before September 4th 00:00 EST (I think. I will change the date if it's wrong)
3. I post the final chapter of AMAY by that same date above.

Hold me to them if you wish

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

stress, summer, goals, rant

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