Wow, I am having entirely too much fun with stenciling. It's so tedious but the end product is so wonderful.
Right now I have Dillinger Escape Plan's Miss Machine playing in the garage. Through the walls I can barely hear it: I just hear some muted bass noises and some of the drums and it sounds like this really quirky pop-meets-Mario-Bros music. If you didn't know it was crazy screaming mathcore,
plasticbags might like what she thinks she's hearing.
And my sister got the latest issue of W in the mail today and it had a really terrific piece about Mathew Barney. Boy was I surprised. I guess because Drawing Restraint 9 debued in New York last month and it's having it's big San Fran debut soon it was big enough for them to talk about it (and I'm sure the fact that it had a $2 million budget and he's attractive and has a child with Bjork helped). But it was a really good article. Not much from Barney himself (although they say right from the begining he's not much of a talker) but a lot about him, the Drawing Restraint series, his college career at Yale (another Yale graduate, it's a sign), the plot of Drawing Restraint 9, and they even do bring up all the things he's critisized for: the excessive obliqueness of Cremaster, that he's called a film-maker or his work is called theater rather than art, and accusations that he makes films and hocks them with soveneirs so he can sell to collectors. In the end they really are completely googly-eyed for him and he's their greying, rough around the edges, super-cool art hero.
Barney and Bjork cutting off oneanother's legs and turning into whales in petrolium jelly Japanese tea ceremony. [it makes sense when you read about it]
And what I'm sure will become the infamous Bjork nude bath with lemons on a Japanese whaling ship scene.