(no subject)

Apr 20, 2008 11:11

Howdy Howdy,

Since my last post I have been listening to a lot of music. All I can say is, wow, the speakers that I built sound fantastic. Yes, they were just a kit, but it has been a good experience for me. The kit comes with the speaker box pre-assembled, some wire, a woofer, a tweeter, acoustic foam, a baggie with resisters, capacitors, and inductors, sealant, and screws. Put it all together with a soldering iron and hot glue and I am in high fidelity bliss.

(On a side note, I've noticed that my last couple of posts have turned into one of the archetypical livejournal blogs -- list of stuff I have. Sorry about that, but it really is exciting to have a nice stereo system for the first time in my life)

Basically, the whole package sounds awesome. My record player sounds awesome (complete with fresh stylus). My CDs sound awesome. The music really fills my room. Hopefully I am not irritating my neighbors too much. I will have to ask them.

This weekend is a nice 4 day break for me because I have been at work 7 of the last 8. I went to an exercise studio with my buddy yesterday that practices an exercise regime called Crossfit. Wow, that was brutal. I am very sore today. I am supposed to go play some tennis later so we'll see how that goes. Seriously, I haven't been this sore in a while. My back and shoulders in particular are killing me.

I am now reading a book called Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. It is about stress and the way it effects our bodies. The book comes highly recommend by reviews and, so far, is very engaging. The author is a scientist and writes in a very detailed style, much more technical than I was expecting. He uses a lot of humor to keep you interested in the chapter. The author has already thrown out the names of 15 odd different hormones but he assures the reader not to memorize them or worry because by the end of the book you will be able to say them in your sleep.

Last week I read Podkayne of Mars, by Robert Heinlein. He really is one of my favorite authors and I have amassed most of his novels by buying multi-book lots on ebay. Podkayne is one of his earlier works targeted at young adults, but it is still a great read and imbued with Heinlein's philosophy of personal responsibility and doing what one can to succeed in life. Heinlein also uses hard science to make his stories interesting rather than fantasy and laser guns. It was a good read. I read the last 100 pages in one go.
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