Nov 20, 2006 01:09
life has a tendency of lifting you up only far enough to drop you on your ass. especially with finals around the corner. i know everyone is busy but all this stress leaves me feeling a certain panic desperation and unable to connect with anyone --anyone who i really want to talk to at least only makes things more severe. it isn't a case of bad friendship, just bad timing. and i'm sure i could avoid all this with some self-absorption and selfishness pertaining to that which has become most important and concerning, school. however, i feel like i've been on the cord too long this semester and i'm far too used to being able to reach out and touch not just a friend but the ones i like talking to about life bullshit the most. heaven above, hell below i hope that thanksgiving and a few days away will be what i need to enter three weeks of hell before i kill myself with liver, lung and sleep schedule destruction.