DaeJae Fanfic- Drunk (Pt. 1/2)

May 08, 2012 18:15

Title: Drunk

Pairing: DaeJae (in that order) (B.A.P.)

Rating: This part is pg13

Summary: “Do you realize what you do to me, Youngjae-ah?” The B.A.P. members get two weeks of break, and they go out to a nightclub to have some fun. What happens when someone gives Youngjae some alcohol, and Daehyun’s left to take a drunk Youngjae back to their dorm?

Warning: Yaoi (but there’s actually no sex in this part because i had to divide this into two parts cus tumblr mobile is being an ass and won’t let me view my drafts so i’m publishing this now.) it’s actually a painfull amount of cliche fluff with seom sex in the end to make up for said cliche fluff. It’s been a while since I wrote something like this, I’m sorry there’s not as much pr0n as i wouldv’e liked ;_;.

Youngjae forgot the last time he got to relax this much. Ever since he started becoming a trainee, it was almost always work. He loved it with all his heart, he really did, and he often felt like everything was a good dream, but even he wanted a little break once in a while. Which is why when the company announced that they were going to have a break for two weeks straight, Youngjae almost burst out into tears of happiness.

Youngjae also had never been to a nightclub before, and even though his group members were nearby him (Bang made it clear before they left their dorm to go out that they had to stay close to at least one other member throughtout the night), he was still kind of nervous. He was used to loud music and moving alot, but he wasn’t used to having people actuallyrub up against him. In all honesty, it grossed him out a little.

“Are you ok?” Youngjae turned to Daehyun, who was standing closer than he expected.

“Yeah, it’s just kind of wierd here.” Youngjae loved going out, especially with his friends, but he wasn’t really used to this type of situation.

“Relax and dance, you’ve been standing here for the past twenty minutes.” Daehyun laughed as he told the other. Youngjae was somewhat surprised at his behavior, usually the other was quiet and shy.

“You’re not drunk, are you?” Youngjae poked at the other teasingly.

“No, someone has to stay responsible enough to take Yongguk-hyung and Himchan-hyung back to the dorm. God knows how drunk they’ll be by the time we go home.” Youngjae and Daehyun laughed at this. Although they were sure Yongguk could hold his liquor, they weren’t so sure about Himchan.

“Hey, wanna dance, cutie?” Daehyun was startled as a woman pulled him away from Youngjae slightly. Daehyun looked around to see if any of the other members were nearby and when he saw that there wasn’t, he was a bit worried about Youngjae.

“I’m sorry, I’ll have to decline-“

“Go, I’ll be fine haha!” Daehyun turned towards Youngjae, surprise written all over his face.

“Youngjae-ah…But Yongguk-hyung said-“

“I’ll be fine, I know you’ve bean eyeing the girls for a while. I’ll just be here by the bar, don’t worry.” Youngjae told the other. Daehyun wanted to tell the other immediatley that that wasn’t true but was cut off.

“Do you want to dance, too?” The girl looked over to Youngjae and winked at him.

“No I’m fine, thanks though.” Youngae smiled brightly at her, then at Daehyun. Daehyun looked wearily at Youngjae. He was being too smiley, less than two minutes before he looked like he wanted nothing more than to get out of there.

Daehyun could tell he was lying.

“Go, I feel bad holding you back like this.” Daehyun wanted to tell the other that he was fine staying by his side but was pulled away by the woman. Daehyun watched as the other started to get farther and farther away from his line of vision and felt his gut sink. He had a bad feeling about this.


In all honesty, Youngjae wanted to snap at the girl, but he knew she was just having fun. He also felt bad about holding Daehyun back, he could see how the other looked at the dance floor longingly.

He looked longingly at the girls, too…

Youngjae wasn’t sure why he felt something sting inside him at the thought, but knew it was true. Ever since he met Daehyun and got close to the other, he felt rather possesive of the other. But, he knew that it wasn’t fair towards his friend to keep him by his side when he knew the other wanted to have more fun.

Youngjae jumped when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

“Hey there, what’s with the long face?” Youngjae heard the man say. He didn’t know who the man was, and felt his guard go up. Still, he kept a friendly tone in his voice.

“Ah, it’s nothing, just a little stressed I guess…” Youngjae couldn’t understand why he felt so stressed though, it was their break, but there was still something making his feel uneasy.

“A handsome face like yours shouldn’t have a frown on it, here, let me buy you a drink.”

“W-wait, I’m not allowed to drink yet!”

“Which is why I’m the one buying it, cutie.” Youngjae felt something in him send a flash of warning. He didn’t know this man, and yet he was complimenting him and buying him a drink, despite the fact that Youngjae told him he was underage.

“Here, it tastes sweet, you’ll like it.” The young man handed Youngjae the apple martini before taking a sip of his own drink.

“I’m sorry, I can’t-“

“It’ll relieve your stess, besides, you have to let loose a little…” The man whispered the last part into Youngjae’s ear and Youngjae quickly backed away. He was starting to get nervous.

“I’m not going to bite, and plus, your friend seems to be having a lot of fun, don’t you want to, too?” Yougnjae looked in the direction the man was looking and saw the girl from before grinding up against Daehyun. He felt jealousy bubble up in his stomach, though he wasn’t particularly sure why.

“Here…” The man handed Youngjae the drink. Youngjae took another look at Daehyun, and before his rational mind could speak up, he downed half of the drink.

“That’s the spirit…” Youngjae’s throught burned from the alcohol, but it wasn’t as bad as he imagined. And it also tasted pretty sweet, so it couldn’t have that much alcohol in it**. Before Youngjae could thank the man, he presented him another drink.

“You seemed to like it so much, so I got you another one.” The man smiled at Youngjae.

He seems pretty nice and generous, and one more drink couldn’t hurt… He actually looks a lot like Daehyun-hyung, except with black hair…


By the time Daehyun is able to pry the girls off of him, it had almost been an hour. He felt extremely guilty, and wanted to yell at the girls for keeping him away from Youngjae for so long.

He looked around the large bar and felt relief run through him when he saw the familiar mop of blonde hair. As he walked closer though, he saw another man with a dark look on his face sitting way too close next to him. Daehyun narrowed his eyes and almost broke out into a run to get to the other, pushing a few people out of his way.


“So tell me cutie, you single?”

“D-don’t call me cutie… you’re only supposed to call girls that…” Youngjae remembered how Daehyun would always call him “cute” or say his actions were “cute” whenever he did something stupid. It always bugged him but since it was Daehyun, it was okay.

“Well you haven’t told me your name yet.” The man smiled at Youngjae. It bothered him to no end how much the other looked like Daehyun, the eyes were similar, the nose was similar, hell even his lips were similar except Daehyun’s were slightly thicker. Youngjae remained silent, and the man took the hint that Youngjae wouldn’t tell him his name.

“Hm…how about I call you ‘bunny’? You’re so adorable, you remind me of one…”

Youngjae wanted to laugh at the irony, but his mind was going so slow, the alcohol making him respond 10 times slower than he normally would. Before he even realized it the man held his chin and forced Youngjae to face him. All Youngjae could think about was how much the man looked like Daehyun before he felt the man pressing his lips against his.

Youngjae’s eyes widened, and before he could push the other away, he felt someone else pull the man back. He watched in awe as the usually calm and collected Daehyun punched the man square on the jaw, sending him off the bar stool and onto the floor.

He’d never seen Daehyun that angry before. His eyes were on fire, and as soon as the other man stood up he grabbed him by the collar and shook him roughly.

“If I ever see you even near him again, you’ll pay. Do you undestand that?” They were starting to attract a small crowd, and Daehyun was starting to become aware of this. He pushed the man roughly before grabbing Youngjae’s hand and leading them towards the exit.

Jongup saw what happened and quickly ran up to them.

“Daehyun-hyung, do you want me to get the others so we can go?”

“No, it’s okay, you guys can stay here. Just tell Yongguk-hyung that I’m taking Youngjae-ah back to the dorm.” Jongup nodded and went to go find Bang.

Daehyun heard Youngjae wimper slightly and realized he practically had a death grip on the other’s wrist. He lightened his grip and led them back to their dorm.


Nothing was said as they walked home. By the time they got back to the dorm though, Daehyun was practically carrying the other. Youngjae was too drunk to even walk properly, let alone hold himself up for 30 minutes. Youngjae couldn’t look Daehyun in the eye, and kept his gaze towards the floor. Daehyun led them into their shared room and lowered him onto his bed. Youngjae felt the bed dip next to him and waited in silence for the other to say something. A few minutes passed and Daehyun hadn’t even shifted beside him. He looked to his side and saw that the other looked like he was on the verge of tears.


“What the fuck were you thinking?” Youngjae was taken back by the curse, and felt shame creep through him.

“I don’t know…”

“What if I didn’t get back to you in time? He could’ve taken you to god knows where, raped you, then killed you!”

“I can take care of myself!-“

“You could barely walk a straight line!”

Youngjae felt tears well up in his eyes. He hated being scolded by Daehyun.

“Why the hell were you gone for so long anyways? You said that you were just going to go dancing!”

“They held me back there!”

“Yeah, sure they did.”

“Don’t you dare try to turn this on me!” Daehyun already felt bad that he left Youngjae alone for so long. He was Youngjae’s hyung, he should have kept a closer eye on him…

“Oh please, you were practically stripping those sluts with your eyes!”

“I was not! Besides, what the hell does that have to do with you taking a drink from some stranger? He could’ve drugged it if he wanted to!” Daehyun couldn’t understand what was getting into Youngjae. He never reffered to a woman in such a negative way, and he was usually a lot more responsible and rational. In his right mind, he knew the other would never take any drink from a stranger, especially an alcoholic one.

“Why would you care?!”

“Why would I care? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard you say.” Daehyun hated talking to the other this way, it’s just that he was so upset and confused. His Youngjae was in danger, and it was because he wasn’t there to watch over him.

“You asshole!” Youngjae tried to run away from the room, but ended up stumbling and clinging onto a wall before Daehyun tried to bring him back tot the bed.

“G-get away from me!” Youngjae had tears streaming down his cheeks and Daehyun wanted to kiss them away. He wanted to calm the other and help him go to sleep, but he needed to know what was making the other act this way. He held he other close to try to calm him a bit, but felt the other pushing him away.

“Don’t hold me like this! Don’t hug me like this! I’m tired of it all!” Daehyun was confused at Youngjae’s words.

“What are you talking about-“

“I’m tired of you holding me like you would hold a sibling! I’m tired of being nothing more than a friend in your eyes! I’m tired of watching you watch girls when I’m right here beside you! I hate pretending like it’s okay when the truth is that I’m dying on the inside! I hate it!” Youngjae was wailing as he pounded on Daehyun’s chest before clutching his shirt and sobbing into it.

Youngjae felt the other pulling away and in his panic gripped on tighter to Daehyun’s shirt.

“I-I… what I just said… i-it’s the alcohol talking! I swear-” Youngjae wanted to sink into the ground when he felt the other pull his hands away from his shirt.

“I’m sorry, please forget everything I said, just erase those words from your memory! I didn’t…” Youngjae couldn’t control his tears anymore. He didn’t want to look up to see if Daehyun had left the room, but when he heard the door close, he felt his heart sink. He shut his eyes to try to stop the tears but he couldn’t.

“I didn’t want you to hate me…”

“I don’t hate you…” Youngjae looked up and to his surprise saw Daehyun kneeling in front of him. Youngjae realized that they probably left their door open and Daehyun closed it just incase the rest of the member came home. He touched Youngjae’s cheek and Youngjae leaned into the touch, blushing even brighter than he thought was possible.

“Let me imagine for now… that this is more than a brotherly gesture…” Youngjae said to himself, though Daehyun was able to hear it.

Once Youngjae calmed down, and his tears stopped flowing down, he opened his eyes again.

“You can remove your hand now-” Youngjae was caught off-guard at how close the other was and tried to move back, but before he could Daehyun moved his hand to the back of Youngjae’s neck and pressed a gentle but firm kiss on the other’s lips.

Daehyun’s eyes were slipping close when he felt Youngjae push him away.


“I don’t want you to do this out of pity…” Youngjae looked away from Daehyun, his hands still resting on Daehyun’s chest. Daehyun held his hands and brought them to his lips

“So long… you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this…” Daehyun kissed Youngjae’s fingers one by one, feeling the slim digits tremble under his touch.

“T-that’s not funny, Daehyun-hyung…” Yuongjae tried to push the other away but was pushed back onto the bed. Daehyun crawled on top of him, kissing his lips lightly before resting his head on the other’s chest.

“I’m not joking…” Daehyun heard Youngjae’s heart race and nuzzled into the other’s shirt. He felt the other tenseand trailed a few butterfly kisses up the other’s neck before pecking him on his lips, waiting for the other to respond. He felt the other press back lightly and smiled to himself. They parted and he could see tears forming in the other’s eyes.

“Will you still love me in the morning?” Youngjae asked, his voice shaking.

“I always have, and I always will…”


CHESSEY END (for now) IS CHEESEY. so many spelling errors, so clich, I’m sorry that if you read up to here you had to experience such horrible cliche-ness. I promise tomorrow I’ll edit this properly and have part two (which has the smut part)

** when i drank an apple martini once, it was a lot sweeter than other alchoholic drinks I’ve tasted so i thought it was like a lot less alchoholic than those other drinks. Only did i find out later that a martini is about 70% alchohol LOL

youngjae, bap, b.a.p., daehyun, yaoi, fanfic, fanfiction, daejae, kpop yaoi, b.a.p

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