TDS: Application

Mar 11, 2011 00:26

☓ Name: Knight
☓ Personal journal: makaiknight
☓ Age: 24
☓ Other characters in The Devils See: Shoudai Tokunaga (esamina)
☓ Email: oblivion.soldier [at] gmail [dot] com
☓ AIM/MSN/Yahoo! Messenger: [AIM] KnightIsDarkest

☓ Name: Wataru Kurenai
☓ Series: Kamen Rider Kiva
☓ Reference: One, Two, Three.
☓ Canon point: Episode 11; Falling into the water after fighting Nago
☓ Age: 20

☓ Personality: When Wataru first appeared, he seemed the least likely person to be a superhero. He developed a fear of the outside world as a result of living alone for so many years. His mother shut him away to protect him from their enemies, as Wataru is half-Fangire and would be hunted by both Fangire and humans. This fear developed to the point where Wataru says he has an “allergy” to the world. When he would go out, he would cover himself completely -- layers of clothing, a poncho, latex gloves, a mask to cover his mouth, goggle like glasses and a knit hat. He also kept a book of basic and common phrases that he could show to people instead of speaking. Though Megumi tried to force him out of his “allergy”, when Wataru is suffering from extreme amounts of stress, he will completely relapse into this behavior. His other reasoning for shutting himself away comes from what he tells Kivat in the first episode; “To be able to breathe this world’s dirty air means I’m a dirty human, too. Thinking that shocks me.”

Wataru’s lack of social interaction influences every other part of his personality. One of the strongest points of his personality is how naive he is. On multiple occasions, once he starts trying to interact with people on a regular basis, Wataru is easily fooled into believing things without questioning it or even having a feeling that something is wrong. He wants to be able to believe in the best in everyone. Wataru refuses to believe many of the people he encounters during the course of the series are truly Fangire (which many of them are) or that they would want to cause any harm. He doesn’t seem to understand why everyone can’t get along and why people have to fight each other. If Wataru trusts someone (which he does easily) or likes them and then they show signs of turning against him, it’s still very hard for him to accept.

There are many times where Wataru doesn’t seem to “get it.” The basic rules of social interaction are completely lost on him. While trying to find fish bones to boil in the hopes of making a new varnish for a violin, he goes as far as stealing leftovers from someone’s plate. When looking for a piece of wood he could use to repair a violin, Wataru nearly cuts off part of a restaurant’s sign before the owner catches him and chases him off. While working as a waiter, even when told not to go into a room, he enters and starts poking around. This leads to him thinking the sauce would be a wonderful color for a varnish, scooping out a ladle full and then taking said ladle full of sauce back to his home to experiment with. If someone tells him that something is okay to do, he’ll rarely know any better and will usually do what he’s told.

When it comes to interacting with people, sometimes it seems physically painful for him to speak (though he’s slowly getting better at it). Wataru asks the owner of a cafe if he can have the table out front (for his violin repair), stumbling over his words the entire time. “... out front... the table... brown top... please!” When he is especially nervous or put on the spot, he will start shaking uncontrollably and it will take him awhile to calm down. Depending on how the situation goes, he may end up confining himself to a corner with his knees up to his chest or spending a few hours in the bath to recover. It’s also very hard for Wataru to say “no” to someone, for fear of causing problems or making them upset. He can’t handle pressure at all and will do anything to avoid it. Because of that particular trait, he has subsciptions to five different newspapers and it’s likely he never makes use of any of them.

Despite how depressed he may seem, when Wataru is alone with Kivat, around people he trusts or interacting with animals, he is usually very happy. He just tends to have very low self-confidence. As long as he is around people who support him, he will function well despite how long it takes to develop. Wataru truly does want to change and be more like the idealized vision he has of his father (after hearing everything great his mother had to say about him). Because of this, he just tends to be hard on himself when he feels like he isn’t making any progress. Wataru also has his own goals, though his primary one, which most of his life centers around, is to surpass his father and create the perfect violin.

Wataru currently tends to let people run most of his life and make his decisions for him, though he’s learning to speak up for himself. A girl named Shizuka assigned herself as his “mother”, forcing herself into his life and facing down anyone that tried to confront him about anything. When he started getting nervous, she would step in and take care of whatever the problem was. That is another drawback he’ll have on the island, where he will have no choice but to face everything on his own. He also says his motivation for fighting is because he hears the call of his father’s violin, Bloody Rose, which begins “singing” whenever a Fangire is nearby. Wataru says the violin is telling him to fight and he feels as though he has no choice but to answer the call.

On the island, Wataru will likely revert back into his shy and introverted self for awhile, though his latest experiences with his friends have taught him to be a little more outgoing. Still, it will be hard for him to face everything on his own for once without anyone familiar around to hold his hand or speak up for him. He’s always willing to help however he can and his fighting abilities, whenever Kiva chooses to work, will make him a useful asset. More than anything, being on the island will be a good experience in forced social interaction.

☓ Abilities:
Kamen Rider Kiva
The ability to change into Kamen Rider Kiva is Wataru’s primary and most valuable ability. Kiva has several forms, but during his time on the island he will be unable to activate any of his additional forms (Dogga, Bashaa, Garuru) due to being away from Castle Doran, where the weapons are stored that spur on his transformation. Kiva Form is the only form Wataru will be able to access.

As Wataru is a half-human, half-Fangire hybrid, a great deal of Kiva’s power is restricted or unaccessible at this time. The chains on his arms and his legs are Catena Chains, meant to restrain him and to keep the power from completely overtaking him, as Kiva was originally meant to only be wielded by a Fangire King.

Omnilens: The visor of his helmet, the abilities of which allow him to see in the dark.
Kivat Belt: When bitten by Kivat the 3rd, Wataru’s Fangire abilities awaken and the belt materializes on his waist out of several chains. He hooks Kivat upside down onto his belt to complete his transformation. Kivat is still able to detach himself from the bat while Wataru is transformed, either to use the fuestles or to attack independently. The belt contains slots for six fuestles.
Fuestles: There are six fuestles located on Kiva’s belt, each one being used for a power up when they are blown by Kivat. On occasion, Wataru is able to evoke the power before transforming, bypassing Kiva form into one of his additional forms. The fuestles include Wake Up Fuestle (used for Darkness Moon Break), Garuru Fuestle (for Garuru Form), Basshaa Fuestle (for Basshaa Form), Dogga Fuestle (for Dogga Form), Doran Fuestle (to summon Castle Doran), and the Buroon Fuestle (summons Buroon; used very late in the series). While on the island, Kiva will only be able to use the Wake Up Fuestle.
Wake Up Fuestle: Opens the Catena Chains on Kiva’s right leg, allowing him to use his Rider Kick called the Darkness Moon Break. The kick has an impact of 30,000kg, leaving a crater in the shape of Kiva’s insignia on whatever surface the Fangire is destroyed on. The attack completely shatters a Fangire’s body. When Darkness Moon Break is used, day turns to night and the moon turns into a crescent. This is an ability that mirrors the powers of the Fangire Queen.

Fighting Abilities: While Kiva, Wataru has extraordinary fighting abilities. He can easily lift enemies up or drag them great distances. His reflexes allow him to sense a great deal of things around him, such as being shot at from behind and being able to turn just in time to absorb the blow. Wataru can dodge attacks and do a variety of nifty acrobatic/flexible moves while fighting. When he isn’t transformed, Wataru is still capable of fighting but his abilites pale considerably in comparison.

Motorcycle Riding: Wataru owns a motorcycle, is capable of driving it and has a great deal of control over it. He’s able to drive at high speeds and manuever through obstacles, his abilities enhanced further while he’s Kiva. There are also multiple times where he’s shown driving without his hands on the handles.

Holding Breath: One of Wataru’s lesser abilities is to be able to hold his breath. It isn’t specified for exactly how long he can do this, but he goes underwater during his baths a lot of the time and was also able to stay underwater and out of sight while observing a girl he was guarding.

Hearing People’s “Music”: Everyone has music inside of them. If Wataru has interacted with someone on multiple occasions, he is able to hear and learn this music. When he focuses on it, he can follow the sound to the person’s present location.

☓ Weaknesses:
Social Inexperience: Wataru’s largest weakness has already been detailed in his personality section. His lack of interaction (or at least positive interaction) with people during his life puts him at a large disadvantage. He isn’t aware of social graces or how to properly handle himself when working with others. There are also a lot of things that he doesn’t quite “get”, that would seem obvious to most people. Being put on the spot or forced to interact with people he doesn’t know is also extremely uncomfortable for him. When Wataru is overwhelmed by something, he will instinctively hide somewhere and shut himself off from the outside world.

Naive: Going along with his social awkwardness, Wataru is also extremely naive, wanting to believe that everyone has the best intentions. This isn’t always the case, but Wataru will do or believe pretty much anything someone tells him to, as long as they make a positive impression.

Physical Ability: While Wataru is a very capable fighter as Kiva, his strength and power drops considerably when he isn’t transformed. He is still able to defend himself, but has capabilities that are not much better than that of an average human.

Fangire Blood: This is a large, but not as obvious weakness. Currently, Wataru has no idea that he is half-Fangire. This part of him allows him to wield Kiva (which is a strength). However, if Wataru’s Fangire abilities are ever properly sparked, he will lose complete control of himself and attack anyone nearby, whether they be friend or enemy. Fangire also need to feed off of humans to survive, so if Wataru’s Fangire side was triggered for an extended period of time, he may be at risk to give in to those instincts.

☓ Strengths:
Doing The Right Thing: Wataru has a strong sense of justice and always wants to do the right thing. He wants people to be able to get along, doesn’t want people to fight, and wants the world to be peaceful without having to worry about Fangire attacks. When asked about his motivation to fight, he simply replies that he fights because he hears the call of Bloody Rose, his father’s violin, telling him to. However, when people are in danger, he still eagerly takes up the role of Kiva to protect them.

Strong Stomach: Years of experimenting with different materials for making the perfect varnish has led to Wataru having a very strong stomach and not being bothered by things that most normal would be, especially when it comes to scents. Wataru’s been known to try to make varnish from flower petals, insects, fish bones, books, snake skin and dog poop. While the scent seems to bother everyone in the neighborhood, Wataru seems completely immune.

Demon Interaction: While most people might take a long time to adapt to the idea of demons, Wataru has regular, almost daily, interactions with Fangire and occasionally other types of monsters. He actually uses three different monster type to boost up his power when he fights. It might be a little strange at first to see different types and realize how hostile they are, but he won’t be as shocked as the average person.

Kivat: Coming to the island with Wataru is his trusty sidekick, Kivat the 3rd. Kivat allows Wataru to transform into Kiva, as his most important function. Aside from that, Kivat is also Wataru’s friend and occasional moral compass to guide him around or just say “I told you so.” Having someone familiar around may help Wataru adapt to the island a little easier.

Self-reliant: After living on his own for such a long time, Wataru has learned to function quite well by himself as far as taking care of his own needs. It’s no exaggeration to say his mother literally dropped him off at his father’s old house when he was no more than five or six, saying, “Live here, be strong, forget about me.” He can keep a clean house and cook his own meals (he’s a very good cook). As long as he doesn’t have to be particularly social, he can contently live alone and not have to depend on others.

☓ Intranet post sample:
[The video flips on to show a young man with light brown hair. Or at least what can be seen of him through his fingers as he keeps messing with the device. The microphone isn’t picking up anything but the sounds of being irritated until the person on screen finally drops his hands. He stares at the camera, opens his mouth to speak, and then shuts it. Pressing his lips together, he tilts his head down and stares at the keyboard, glancing back up after a few moments and looking extremely unsure of what to say. The silence continues for nearly thirty seconds. The young man looks uncomfortable the entire time, almost physically pained by the idea that he should be speaking to this thing. Suddenly, he brings his hands back up, shutting the camera off, but not before a bit of audio slips in, seemingly off screen]


☓ Log post sample:
Wataru breathed in time with every movement of the carving tool against the wood. There was nothing more theraputic or relaxing for him than working on something like this. He didn’t need to worry about the outside world and what people thought about him. He didn’t need to think about being Kiva, the Fangire or protecting people. Sometimes he wondered if doing this was what kept him sane. There was no one to impress but himself, but it still wasn’t as simple as just doing something mindless. There was a goal -- one that he was worried he might never reach, but he kept fighting the urge to give up. Wataru wanted to make a violin just as perfect, just as amazingly as Bloody Rose, the violin that his father had left for him.

None of his efforts in finding a color to match or surpass that varnish had succeeded. It felt as though he’d tried everything at this point. Pressing his lips together, Wataru tried to force the thoughts down as he continued to pass the tool over the wood, shavings littering the table and the floor. He wouldn’t worry about it now. Cleaning would come later. If he cleared his mind, if he just focused, maybe this could be--

Though his thoughts had already started to distract him, what snapped Wataru out of his thoughts completely were the notes coming from across the room. He lifted his head, making a face while he stared at Bloody Rose behind the glass of its case.

Fight. Without hearing anything but the notes, Wataru could hear its call. He knew what he had to do and where he had to go.

Looking back down at his current work, Wataru pushed the tool aside and stepped away, wrestling with his apron to take it off and throw it onto the nearest chair. He had to hurry. He had to save someone. Kivat had already removed himself from his perch and Wataru could see him hovering in the air out of the corner of his eye. Before he was out the door, Wataru gave a single glance back at the project he’d begun and then hurried down the stairs.

There was no time for his dreams right now.

!application, !ooc

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