(no subject)

Sep 24, 2006 07:31

Okay first things first, my internet connection has been playing up for the past couple of days, so if i don't respond or anything, it's probably because of that. Otherwise, i'll make sure to get back to you.
Just a warning, incase i don't get another chance. ^^;

Secondly, i wanna promote some of my friend's AMVs. She posted them on Janime forum AGES ago as ShockingPichu, but she's only just uploaded them to YouTube.
You might have already seen them on AMV.org where she goes by the name DragonKaiba (i think). Anyways, her vids are freakin awesome. =D

So here they are:

^ A vid to "Yami's anti-drug"

^ Best all-character Yu-gi-oh AMV ever. =D

^ Features Yami and Kaiba. It's not Prideshipping, (whether you consider that a good or bad thing is up to you. ^^;) and it's really good. =D

^ Jou x Mai.

^ All characters again.

Enjoy ^_^

Aaand finally, here's the form from DG's Journal:

01. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
02. How long have you known me?
03. When and how did we first meet?
04. What was your first impression?
05. Do you still think that way about me now?
06. What do you think my weakness is?
07. Do you think I'll get married?
08. What makes me happy?
09. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Have you ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger, weaker, or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
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