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Sep 13, 2008 00:45

Ok, its been a long time. I've been trying to journal lately, and I seem to not be able to write much anymore-it seems to be one side effect of my hand surgeries. I guess my option is to write-sometimes publically and sometimes not, and see how it goes.

Life has been full of surprises lately. One year ago I was so distraught that I had to go back to my normal "life" after Manchester. I got home and suddenly had a union spot in BPO. Things immediately seemed to be looking up. A few months after that  I was put in the final round for Norfolk and given a fellowship with Tanglewood. Who would have thought all that would happen a year ago?
     Tanglewood is now over, and I must admit even with the loss of Levine it was one of the best experiences of my life-and a tipping point in my life. I'll write more about that in the future. Tanglewood has improved my focus, as well as given me more confidence in my playing. There is still work to do, but I feel like I"M getting closer, and thats exciting. Now I am looking forward to auditions, and feel like I"m ready and have a solid shot at things. I'm starting to think that alot of success pivots on how much work you are willing to put into it. Maybe the people that win jobs (generalizing of course) are the ones that sit down and do it-7 days a week?! Juries out, I'll have to answer that in time.  Sometimes I want to pinch myself and make sure its all real, because 7 years ago I couldn't even read music. Now I'm seeing  people I played with just this summer winning jobs left and right-and not just anyjobs, things like concertmaster. etc.  Crazy! Funny, they usually aren't TBC Alum...hahahaha.
        At the end of september I'm goign to Milwaukee for the section cello auditions. Milwaukee will be my first "real" audition complete with 2 airplane seats and a few nights in a hotel. My grandma has decided she would like to come with me, so I"ve also booked her a seat and a hotel room of her own. Grandma's sister lives 45 minutes from Milwaukee so they are going to sightsee and I"m going to sit in my room and practice.  After Milwaukee I am going ot do the RI phil audition in October (more for experience...RI phil isn't a living wage) and then in the winter NY Phil. I"m kind of super excited about that one. Aim high, right? ;-)  
    With that, its time for bed. There are lots of excerpts to be practiced in the morning.
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