Aug 31, 2004 16:03
Oh boy! Another update.
Like the title says, I'm just wastin' time wit' E-boy at his new place.
Nice digs, but security sucks (I'ma let E-boy tell ya the story, so if ya wanna know what i'm talkin' bout Willis, read his journal, if he mentions it).
Hmmmmm, the splendor of downtown. A very crappy area of town, but i'm not scurred to walk the streets in the wee hours. Course bein' a bigger guy lends the idea that i could kick some ass if anyone wanted to start shit (though people who know me also know my wuss factor). It's all about the attitude you project in public.
I'm probably gonna go in about an hour or so. got to apply for some jobs and get some info regarding a G.E.D. or as Chris Rock calls it, the "good enough diploma" so's I kin git ma learn on!
And get better than minimum wage jobs, or even any job.
Damn high school dropout stigma! It shall be the death o' me!
In the past year, i've been learning to cook better through trial und error and now I can make some kick ass pasta and stir frys ma'fucka.
Don't mess wit' da man who speaks softly and carries a huge copper skillet!
beeyotch (original spelling of the word you wanna-bees)