Apr 26, 2007 20:08
Well, I passed all of my clinicals...
I got a perfect score on my last A & P practical.
And I got an 86 on my assessment paper. That sucked. A lot.
I guess what hurt the most about it was knowing that it could have been better, if only I had planned better. If only the assholes who stole the sample papers from the Fuld Lab had gone to another school. If only those two things could have happened, I would have been able to do a good job on that paper, seeing as how the sample paper was the ONLY way to know what the professor expected. It was pretty awful. I knew turning it in that the best I could possibly expect was a B. I was very disappointed in myself.
And now, the best I can expect for my nursing class is probably an A-. At least, that's what I'm anticipating. And I was very bummed out about this.
So... I walked back to my dorm, where they were having a cookout. I grabbed a hotdog and a Pepsi, and saw Brii.
I walked up to her and said, "I'm sad."
And she said, "Me too."
It didn't occur to me that Brii might seriously have something to be really upset about it. Brii's like me, and throws the word "sad" around like most of us throw around the word "love." So I didn't even bother asking her what was wrong, and I just went on to say, "I got an 86 on a paper..."
She just smiled a little and said, "That sucks."
Well, Brii did have something to be upset about it. And if I had been her, I would have slapped me. I was upset over getting a B on a paper?
So I asked her, "So, why are you sad?"
And she just said, "I don't want to talk about it." and walked away.
And I shouted at her, "It must be rpetty bad then, if YOU won't talk about it!"
She looked at me and said, "My friend died last night."
So, I had just complained to her about having gotten a less than stellar grade on a paper... I made her listen to me bitch about a B on an assignment while she was mourning her newly deceased friend. Who, as I found, died a violent death by truck.
She just walked away from me again. I don't think she was mad at me. I would have been mad at me. I think she was just sick of thinking about it...
I felt pretty selfish and stupid right then.
I did the only thing I knew to do then... There's only one reasonable thing to do when I feel like shit.
I finally restarted my workout regimen... I haven't been able to run lately because there's been something wrong with my feet. I just got some Earth Shoes... Shoes that allow your body to walk the way it was meant to walk. And they helped a lot. Running actually feels good again. After that, I went and lifted weights until I was tired and then came back to the apartment.
So, I'm going to be up all night preparing for an exam tomorrow and thinking about how foolish I've been acting lately. C'est la vie...