Big confession-I've seen this several times on Netflix and passed it up because I thought it was the US North and South about the civil war which I've watched several times. So when I was given the challenge to find Richard Armitage videos and North and South was listed as one of the Movies he'd been in I thought "I don't remember him in that"...DUH...Well, I'm glad that it was suggested cause I think I'm gonna like this mini series and it's still on Netflix Instant. Will start watching right after posting this:)
The Vid, it is a haunting video that maybe eluding to events that may or may not have happened to the two main characters. Those of you that have seen the series will know better than I. The vidder uses a lot of effects and transitions which are not bad but are unneeded in some places but it really doesn't take away from the over all feeling of the vid.
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This Woman's Work