100 Things Post-9-Vampire Diaries

Jan 26, 2013 19:59

I have a love hate relationship with the Vampire Diaries. I love Damon, but hate the way Elena plays both sides and Stefan's brooding martyr-ish attitude. I like that Stefan doesn't sparkle but other than that I think he is a lot like Edward. I decided to re-watch the series and started at the beginning and Damon was a total jerk in the first ep, I had forgotten that but I think that he is in part the way he is because of Stefan.

GOOD VPD vids are hard to find there are a ton out there but goods ones not so much. Teenage girl, computer, Windows Movie Maker and episodes of the Vampire Dairies and poof we have fanvids. That makes me sound like a vidding snob, i know but I'm not I have just waded through vid after vid of talking heads, wrong music choices, brother slash, long scenes ripped put to music, voice overlay after vice overlay, text over lay...the list goes on.

I thought when I started looking that there were two songs in particular that would make god vids. Good Enough by Evanescence would make a perfect choice for a Damon centric vid and Unfaithful by Rhianna would be a good Damon Elena Stefan triangle but I found a good choice for Unfaithful. I like the vid but there a few stray frames or clips that are too short and timing issues that aren't horrible and things I've done in the past. I also wish that the vidder would have eliminated the credits on some of the clips.

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elena, fanvids, the vampire diaries, stefan, damon, 100 things

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