Comment to this entry and I'll give you a letter. List ten things, people, places, beings, thoughts, feelings, that you love that begin with that letter and then post that list on your journal. *if you just want to comment and don't want a letter, I understand that too*
leoraine gave me "D" which is one of my favorite letters!
Dice I started collecting dice several years ago. I wanted to collect something that not many people actually collect. A lot of people thing that all there is to dice is the little white cubes that we've all seen, but there is a lot of games that have dice unique just to that particular game, so there are hundreds of different kinds out there.
Dollars I must admit that these come in handy sometimes. I try to remember that there is more to life then money, and sometimes I do, but man, it sure is helpful sometimes!
Dry Erase Board I would be hopelessly lost if I didn't have a dry erase board. Seriously. I have one hanging right by my bedroom door so that every time I leave my room, I see whatever I have written on there. That's pretty much how I keep from losing my mind.
Driver's License I just got my driver's license the other day and I am still excited about it. My parents had this annoying (but good) rule: if you still have your driver's permit, you can't listen to music because you are learning to drive. There is good logic behind it, there really is. The problem is that where I live is actually rather boring driving. I live in the Great Plains, no mountains, no trees, the roads are long and usually very straight. A far cry from Pennsylvania and Colorado where I used to live. Anyway, I am so glad that I am finally able to drive with music!
Decyfer Down One of my favorite bands, who just put out new album! I can't wait to get it!
Dawn Treader Okay, I love Narnia, I really do. C.S. Lewis was a genius for creating something so amazing. IMO, Harry Potter can't even began to compete. I loved the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie, even though it didn't follow the book. The book is still better, and the movie would have been better if they had stuck to the book, but I like the movie anyway. The actor who played Eustace was just amazing!
Dark Colors I love dark colors. Blue, green, purple, whatever, as long as it's dark.
Dusk I love dusk. There is no better time to be outside then right at dusk. I love watching the sunset go down and then the hazy twilight that comes after it. In the winter it's a bit cold (okay, really cold considering where I live) but in the summer? It's perfect.
Dodge All my life my brothers have told me to love Dodge, and hate Ford. Period. So, I love Dodge and hate Ford. I have no reason for doing it other then my brothers told me too. Me personally, I don't know anything about cars and frankly, I don't care. But for right now, I love Dodge and hate Ford.
Drums A lot of Christians seem to think that Satan himself created drums, but I can't imagine my music without them. I mainly listen to Christian rock like Pillar, RED, Skillet, The Classic Crime and The Letter Black just to name a few. The drums are perfect!