
Sep 12, 2016 18:19

All my fics are gen with no exceptions.

White Collar
Title: Crosswell
Summary: Neal sees something that jogs his memory.
Rating: G
Words: 1,637
Notes: Mild OFC, but no romance.  Revised November 6, 2011.


Title: Lessons Learned
Summary: June--the first pocket she ever picked.
Words: 312
Notes: Written for a prompt at wc_women_fest


Title: Remembering
Summary: Sara remembers. Neal's there to hold her.
Words: 1,031
Notes: Written for a prompt on wc_women_fest


Title: Faced With an Impossible Choice
Summary: Neal has to choose: Peter or Mozzie. How?
Words: 1,073
Notes: Tag to "Countdown" (3x10). Written for my Prompt List.  Word is "Friend."


Title: The Color Green
Summary: What exactly does the color green, an ex con, and an FBI agent all have in common?
Words: 3,453
Notes: Written for story_unfolding at the collarcorner fic exchange in October of 2011.  Beta'd by mycroftxholmes.


Title: Not a Killer
Summary: On a case involving a fourteen-year-old girl who was murdered, Neal finds out something about himself.
Words: 1,146
Notes: Beta'd by mycroftxholmes. Written for kriadydragon as a response for a prompt on collarcorner

Title: And Life Goes On
Summary: AU. Harvey and Mike are brothers. Harvey takes care of Mike after their parents' car accident.
Words: 2,775
Notes: Beta'd by Mam711. Written for a leoraine on suits_gen.


Title: Happy Until the End
Summary: Mike has no idea what he's doing here.
Words: 2,083
Notes: Written for my Prompt List.  Word is "Date."


Title: No Other Option
Summary: Mike doesn't want to live a lie anymore, but he finds out he really has no other choice.
Words: 1,973
Notes:  Beta'd by Mam711.  Written for my prompt list.  Word is "Live."  Tag to "The Shelf Life" (1x10).

Title: Know Your Target
Summary: Two brothers struggle to return to normalcy after a terrible accident.
Words: 4,511
Notes: Beta'd by Pat.  Tag to "My Brother's Keeper."


Title: Art of Forgiveness
Summary: Joe did it again, but was it really so bad?
Words: 992


Title: Only One Left
Summary:He was the only one left. Joe reflects.
Words: 1,083
Notes: Written for my prompt list.  Word is "August."  Beta'd by Mam711.

Title: The Camera on the Snow Globe
Summary: Nate knew he should feel guilty, but he really doesn't.
Words: 1,466
Notes: Tag to "The Cross My Heart Job" (4x09).  Beta'd by Reader128.  Written for my prompt list, and the word is "hate."


Title: Hidden, but Noticed
Summary: Hardison is forced to act in self-defense. Eliot doesn't know what to do.
Words: 2,503
Notes: Written for tattooeddevil at the leveragexchange fic exchange, April 2012.

Title: Nightmares, (Pineapple) Smoothies, and was Starting Psych a Good Idea?
Summary: In the aftermath of the Yang in 2D, Shawn has some doubts about Psych.
Words: 3,324
Notes: Written for my prompt word list, and the word is "Blood." Beta'd by Southpaw.


Title: Maturity Comes With Age
Summary: After Shawn comes back from traveling the world, Gus notices that something is different, and he learns something new about his best friend.
Words: 1,446
Notes: Beta'd by Mam711.

Title: Turning the Bad Around
Summary: Don and Charlie talk about Jessica.
Words: 1,274
Notes: Tag to "In Plain Sight" (2x08).  Beta'd by Mam711.

Title: Golden Die
Summary: Mac has something to return.
Words: 902
Notes: Tag to "The Widowmaker."

White Collar

Title: Changing Silence
Summary: Neal used to hate the silence.
Words: 100
Notes: Written for a prompt on whitecollar100.  Prompt was "Silence".

Title: Feasting and Memories
Summary: It wasn't the food Neal would remember, but the people he shared it with.
Words: 100
Notes: Written for a prompt on whitecollar100. Prompt was "Feast".

Original Stories
*Please note that my original stories are only available to my friends list.

Title: Threads of a Friendship
Summary: It happened one night.
Words: 300
Note: All characters belong to me.

Title: Horns of Popularity Part One Part Two
Summary: When Jylan started seeing a pair of horns on everybody during Algebra class, she thought she was high. Then she realized it wasn't the marijuana and they weren't halluncinations.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,900
Note: These characters below to me.

fandom:psych, fandom:leverage, fandom:bonanza, fandom:numb3rs, fandom:whitecollar, fandom:suits, fandom:macgyver, fanfiction:masterlist

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