I'm still alive...kind of....

May 10, 2012 22:56

The last month has been so weird, and odd, and stressfull...but mostly weird.

The people in my house went from four to nine overnight.  A friend of my family's found out that she had sewage leaking into her basement and her kids were getting sick from it, so she came to stay at our house.  Then two days later, her landlord decided that the sewage was her fault and evicted her--and blamed a bunch of other problems on her as well.

The house never should have been lived in in the first place because it utter crap and just needs to be torn down, but there wasn't any other place for her to go.

I will be done with my Junior year of high school in 10 days and I cannot even begin to describe how much I just want to be done.  School has always been stressful mostly because I don't get math--it's seriously like Greek to me--and trying to learn that alone with a bunch of other stuff is hard.  I will be so glad when I actually graduate.

On the bright side, I think I've finally decided what I want to do with my life.  I have been interested in Sign Language for a long  a long time and I have the opportunity to take ASL I and II next year.  I am so excited, especially since my little sister Kimber is taking it with me!  Anyway, I would really like to pursue ASL as a career.  Of course, five months down the road I may be singing a different tune.

In July, I will be heading off to New Orleans to attending Challenge 2012, which is the Evangelical Free Church of America's (EFCA) National Youth Conference.  I had the privilege of going in  2010 and that was the best week of my life.  Then, I went with my brother Krys and this year I get to go with Kimber, so I'm super excited about that.

Basically my life is up and down at the moment, but an awful lot of the time it just seems to be going down.  There have been so many times when I've gotten so overwhelmed with school--well, math really--that I just sat in my room a cried.  I just want it to be done.

But there's good and bad, and despite the upheaval, there's a lot of good too.

And I will stop rambling now because I really have nothing to say.  :)

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