While I continue into my crawling spiral of missed deadlines and mishandled devotions, I'll plug a blog in a blog. She reminds me of somebody close to me, and her writings are immensely entertaining. She goes by Diablo Cody, an easy name to remember. She may very well be included in my modest club of celebrity crushes made up of such beautiful rebels as Natalie Portman, Carina Round, Susan Egan, and Christian Bale. <3
She's the screenwriter of the new "Thank You For Smoking"-Reitman film, Juno. A critically acclaimed movie that's scheduled to come out late this winter, reuniting Arrested Development cast members Michael Cera and James Bateman in the exact same roles that made them famous to begin with. Not to mention the rest of the eclectic cast.
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She calls her blog
The Pussy Ranch that links to another
blog where she and Reitman are both being interviewed, and then she blogs about other cool blog stuff. Like unraveling a mystery after finding a drawer full of revealing evidence in her hotel. She's geeky AND witty, with enough sex in her sass to make her accessible to anybody that swims in my cyber pool. Give her a look. She wrote a neat
book, too and made a David Lettermen interview fun to watch! Now that takes talent.
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